May 8, 2020

Why Keeping Your Word is Important

This Blog is Inspired By Kid who is no longer on Kids Get Paid to Eat…Weekend Gig

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

Why Keeping Your Word Is Important

Your actions speak louder than words.

When you make a commitment to follow thru and you do not. In the real world, there are existential consequences. For one, you might be part of a team, that expects you to do your part; if you falter and do not follow thru the team fails to complete a project (this may cause the company to lose a client, for employees to lose their jobs, or both may occur).

Keeping your word…is how you stand in the world. Can someone count on you or not? If you can’t keep your word don’t commit to anything that you are not willing to follow thru.

Or if you have difficulty in completing your task; it’s your responsibility to follow up with your team members or boss (ask for more time, give an explanation of why you can’t complete task, or ask for help). Simply hiding and not taking action is not acceptable.

Being a successful leader, or contributor; takes effort, follow thru, and responsibility. Sometimes, you just want to quit, because it’s easier to do so. But building karma points, character, and accountability takes effort.

“Recently, I had a conversation with a mentor about Kids Get Paid to Eat weekend gigs…I am exhausted by Sunday night…not only am I paying for the food (sponsoring dining from the best restaurants in LA), I am driving/delivering the food, and posting blogs. Each weekend, I am adding an additional 20 hours of work. I do it, because I committed to the kids on the team that together ‘We will review 100 dishes by July 1st, 2020″….Yes it is exhausting…but no job is too big or small if you are committed to keeping your word…that is just who I am.” Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

Before kids get hired for weekend gigs, I speak to the parents about the responsibilities of following thru; kids get to choose any restaurant dish (I pay for it, and deliver it). Kid takes a picture, enjoys food and writes a 3 sentence review, it only takes 10 minutes to complete. So the kid, who inspired this blog, ate the food, but did not follow thru. I reached out to the parent three times (once to confirm they received the food, and 2 to ask about the review, and since parent and kid did not respond, no more fun gig for kid). If you don’t do a good job, or follow thru; no more gigs. Just like in real life, if you do not do good work… no one will give you a job…

Want to get ahead in life, always be employable, or a great success (CEO, Founder)…Keeping your word is a great place to start.

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Stay tuned for next week’s blog inspired by kids who teach, and remind me what is important…

For Recruiting Services