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    Women Make a Difference

Help Fund Summer Camp Scholarships
Enjoy Exclusive Love Life Rewards

Our Goal is to Raise $100,000 in Scholarships for these Camps….Every Year

moo moo musica

Moo Moo Musica

Inspires Creativity & Imagination

Planet Bravo

Planet Bravo

Inspires Learning Job Skills

sinjin smith

Sinjin Volleyball

Inspires Leadership and Team Play

Love Life Box

How to Participate?

Introduce an Executive at a company (CEO, CFO, CIO, VP of HR) hiring professional staff (accounting, finance, engineering, IT, marketing, operations, sales), when we find the company a stellar employee (and the hired employee completes probation period). We share a portion of our finder’s fee; by donating $1,000 to fund a camp scholarship, and gifting one of our exclusive rewards.

Choose Your Reward to Love Life 

Special Beauty Services + Private Fitness + Luxury Travel

Beauty Every Month, Rewarding Pilates, Weekend Escape to Cabo

Enjoy Fine Dining + Best Health Food

L.A.’s Finest Restaurants, Food Good for You (Health Food Store)

To Get Started 

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

For Recruiting Services