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    World for Good

March 4, 2016

Helping 1 Person See the World for Good at a Time

Your Life

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

“People ask me why I am doing creative writing events to reward travel? Because, it is fun and inspires people to see the world for good….” Carlos Cymerman, founder, Recruiting for Good.

Case in point last night March 2, 2015, I conducted a writing event with 10 men in a nonprofit that mentors men to be leaders in life in the Valley…and on my way home I stopped at Gelson’s to pick up dinner….and this happened to me….

“My name is Jacob Shaw. I served you tonight at the Gelson’s service deli in Encino at about 8:30 pm. Do you remember me?As I was serving you, we briefly discussed the the subjects of creativity and personal perspective. Although I did not have the time to express my thoughts properly, I felt compelled this evening after my shift to write you a short message communicating how moved I was by your passion and belief that even something as inconsequential as a four letter word can change the world.

You asked me two questions. First, you inquired if I was a creative person. Second, you asked me if I had enough faith to believe that a single word can change the world. Although my capacity for creativity is questionable, I am a strong believer in the power of both words and language. Before beginning my career at Gelson’s, I was an English teacher in Korea. For close to four years, I taught students the importance of developing not only their language skills, but also their perspectives and creativity. I know each of them will impact the world greatly after seeing a large majority of it for themselves.

If possible good sir, I would like to formally accept your creative writing prompt. Not to earn a vacation, but simply because I believe in your cause. I would like to contribute the time and effort necessary to composing a prompt that could possibly help someone in some way.”

Imagine, if everyone had an opportunity to genuinely connect to a new person every day, and make them feel special…I feel blessed that I can do this everyday by helping people see the world for good.


For Recruiting Services