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    work skills for kids

May 15, 2020

Taking Action Today Leads to Success

This Blog is Inspired By Ben and Shay, Who Ate More Delish Dishes on Kids Get Paid to Eat

Taking Action Today Leads to Success

In life there are two different paths, action or inaction…those who do more, and take action reap more rewards. The rewards come as life lessons, experiences, and even delish dishes. Both Ben and Shay, took the initiative to order their food in a timely basis, and complete reviews rapidly. Their food reviews were authentic, fun, and sometimes even brutally honest (they didn’t like the food, and said so in not so many words).

You want anything to happen, taking action is being responsible for your success and trajectory in life. After awhile you grow your own internal self-motivating muscle…that propels you above the rest of the competition. You land better jobs, have opportunities to advance in your career, and even start your own companies. Venture companies, are looking for dynamic leaders…so take notice and learn from Ben and Shay middle school students in action.

To learn more visit www.WorkskillsforKids.com

Stay tuned for next week’s blog inspired by kids who teach, and remind me what is important…

May 1, 2020

Something Missing In Your Life…Create It

This Blog is Inspired By Radley, 6th Grade LA Gluten Free Foodie Kid…Who is on a passion driven gig to create a list of Gluten Free Restaurants that he can enjoy (he has Type 1 Diabetes, and Celiac).

Something Missing In Your Life…Create It

Identifying something amiss and creating a solution for it; is purposeful. Most likely, if it occurs to you in your life, it occurs to others too. The fact Radley is enthusiastic and passionate about finding restaurants that he can enjoy; it will inspire other kids to do the same. There is power in putting the mask on first in an airplane. So, too there is power in doing something beneficial to you first too.

Radley reveals his humor and joy while reviewing the food; focusing on what really is important. “I may have certain conditions, but they will not stop me from doing the things I love….including eating tasty food.” Making mindful choices allows him to become responsible for his own well-being…and self love. A powerful motivator for anyone who wants to create something that is missing in their life.

One of the most sought after skills in the workforce is problem solving. If you are creative and effective, you are valuable to a company…and perhaps even the world. It doesn’t matter what industry or profession you seek; perfecting your problem solution skills will make you a great success. First learn to identify the problem, then go into solving it. Companies are created to deliver products and services that solve problems.

To learn more visit www.WorkskillsforKids.com

Stay tuned for next week’s blog inspired by kids who teach, and remind me what is important…

April 24, 2020

In Life What You Put In…You Get Out

This Blog is Inspired By Shay, 6th Grade LA Foodie Kid…Whose Review of Tuna Melt Sandwich is Both Funny and Heartfelt

In Life What You Put In…You Get Out

The sooner kids learn this life lesson the better. Over the course of the last 20 years, I have seen what success looks like for tech professionals who exceed what is required…and have catapulted their careers, enjoyment of work, and wealth (great paid salaries, bonuses, promotions, stock options, and even starting their own companies with ‘Big Time’ investors behind them).

Life doesn’t happen for those who wait…it happens for those who take action. K-12 education is a great place for kids to grow their inner muscle of self-drive, discipline, and curiosity. Because mom and dad won’t be there with you in college or life….hopefully by that time you know what it takes to motivate yourself.

One of My Favorite Principles of Success

“The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 1896” Wikipedia 

Kids who strive to really have a deeper sense of connection (purpose), freedom (passion to create anything worthwhile, that they love), and play (love life and work)…It all starts with them…making a commitment to standout, do more work, and do it because they love to…not because they have to.

Want to be a leader in life...or a follower? If you want to be a 20%er and Do More with the awesome life you are given…start today…Be All In!

To learn more visit www.WorkskillsforKids.com

Stay tuned for next week’s blog inspired by kids who teach, and remind me what is important…

April 17, 2020

What Makes Good Leaders Great…Inspired By 8th Grade Girl

What Makes Good Leaders Great…Inspired By 8th Grade Girl

“Conversation inspired by Stella, 8th Grade, who created fun gig for kids to support her BFF, and Dad/Chef Colapasta.” Carlos, Founder, Kids Get Paid to Eat

Leaders are great when their inspiration to create something new (product, service, or gig for kids) is based on principles of love. Money is short lived to inspire people to give up their weekends, and make sacrifices. Leaders are responsible to adhere to a higher calling; so that they can provide everlasting change…if you can’t answer the why question (why did you start this or that); go back to the drawing board.

What I love about, my community project “Kids Get Paid to Eat,” I am listening to the kids…and they are teaching me what is missing in their life (what skills and values kids want to learn).

Stella’s love for her friend inspired me to fund her purposeful gig (Support Colapasta). Yes, Recruiting for Good is sponsoring every dish on Colapasta menu, and kids are enjoying the food, and writing reviews.

Another great lesson for kids to learn around leadership is delegation; love inspires building great teams. Leaders don’t do all the work, they find family, friends, employees, and even volunteers to help do the work.

“I love to enroll people; and I feel blessed to use my talent for good and help Stella fulfill her purposeful gig.”
Founder, Carlos Recruiting for Good

Every week, we will be adding valuable content to inspire positive work skills for kids, to learn more visit www.workskillsforkids.com

For Recruiting Services