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March 11, 2013

America Travels for Free

iTravelforGood for chocbite

America Travels for Free. There was a time when companies use to pay for everything in the hopes of retaining talent. Then the economic crash happened and everyone lost their benefits. In an effort to make life great again in America, and take care of working families; our co-op is using recruiting for good to help people locally connect to great jobs, and we are sharing proceeds to make free travel possible.

The United States ranks in the bottom of all industrialized countries, when it comes to giving employees time off. Two weeks off just doesn’t seem like enough time. But what would life be like if two week vacations were first class and free? We launched iTravel for Good to financially empower people to Travel Globally and Help Locally. A couple of ways we are helping locally; every candidate we place in a fulltime position gets a free vacation, we are working with travel agencies in the U.S. (TravelStore) to provide spectacular service, and are offering our collaborative fundraising solution to make free travel possible for individuals and nonprofits too. And recently started working with WITI, to afford their members free travel, and match monies raised to benefit their foundation.

A great vacation benefits the individual, his family, and the company. Everyone needs time off to relax, and recuperate. Families, who take vacations together, get to enjoy life. Families who don’t have to spend money on vacations, will be able to save monies for a house, or their kids’ college funds.

Join our co-op to make free travel possible for all Americans. If you are working in the U.S. and want to see your parents, why not have them visit you in America. We look forward to finding you a great job, and rewarding you with a free vacation or you can pay forward your travel rewards.

If you are a company in the United States, please consider us for your next search, and together we will make a difference locally with family, friends, and community.

Join America Travels For Free (US Green Card, EADs, and H1bs are welcome too).

For Recruiting Services