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    What Women Want

August 4, 2018

Thank God I Found What Women Want in Ireland

Founder What Women Want

Thank God I Found What Women Want in Ireland

Adventure is abound, and an opportunity to make a difference is universal.

Recently, I went to Ireland on vacation to celebrate my 50th birthday, I decided to travel to Killarney, Ireland and stay a couple of days to experience the “Ring of Kerry.”

I took a bus tour…which was a huge mistake 60 people tightly packed for 11 hours in rainy and grey sky filled weather. Afterward, I felt like a piece of my soul died on the bus. The morning after, I felt I needed to “do some good for the soul”…to volunteer and filled enlivened and fulfilled. But where could I go? A church, or a nonprofit?…Not my style. What if I could create a party for good, like I do in L.A., but do it in Killarney, Ireland (population 15,000).

I would need to find an awesome and inspirational venue…after breakfast I walked up the street and found a beauty shop called, “What Women Want.” I walked in and introduced myself to Noreen (the shop owner, pictured above), and told her how much I loved her business name. I told her, “I love to host a fun party to celebrate women,” initially, I suspect she thought I was crazy. But I convinced her, it would be great fun to recognize and reward women in Killarney who “kickass” (make a difference).

So on July 26th, 2018 between 1-2 pm I co-hosted a fun party “Celebrating Women Who Kickass.” Women came into the Beauty shop, and Noreen asked “how do you kickass?” and she rewarded them, Beauty Gift Cards and Chocolates.

“Women just loved the event, when I walked around town for the next couple of days; women were inspired and talked about it, they heard about the event on Facebook.”

Grateful to Look Within

Knowing myself, and what I need to be fulfilled and feel rejoiced led me to create a party for good. I look at life as a canvas…and I am grateful that Noreen entrusted me to create a fun event at her Beauty shop that was fun and changed women’s life for good. Noreen even thanked me for mentoring her…which was an unexpected result of our collaboration.

This was the first time in my life that I was on vacation, and gave back to the local community. It forever will impact my life.

One of the other highlights…I got to meet 3 of Noreen’s sisters and her mom too, who initially had reservations about my intentions; but where happy with the results we created.

This is a quote from one of the party’s attendees,

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the salon today from the receptionist Noreen To the lady that did my eyebrows and Rachel that did my nails they were all very friendly as well as the Gentleman that was present and they all listened to what I give back to the community. So I’m a very happy lady going home and all pampered for a friends 30th the weekend.”

Fast Forward to Today

August 4, 2018, inspired by the Ireland, women party for good…I am creating a fun Beauty and Chocolate reward…called “What Women Want.” Women simply make referrals enabling Recruiting for Good to make placements and fund causes;

  1. Recruiting for Good will make a $500 donation to a local nonprofit or to support a female candidate running for office (woman who makes the referral chooses who we donate to).
  2. Woman enjoys $1,000 gift card toward her favorite Beauty Shop (Facials, Hair/Make-Up, Mani-Pedi Services), and delicious Belgian Chocolates from KC Chocolatier in Santa Monica.
  3. Woman can forgo their Beauty+Chocolates Reward and Recruiting for Good will donate $1500 to her cause.

Blog and reward inspired by “What Women Want,” Beauty Shop owner Noreen Mangan

For Recruiting Services