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    we party for good

August 14, 2017

Learn French Grow from Within Party for Good


Learn French Grow from Within Party for Good

Recruiting for Good is sponsoring small intimate classes to reward heart centered Westside women, men, and kids too; who make our community the best.

Why learn Conversational French with us? We have a creative and fun way to inspire learning that will make everyone love, live, and laugh often.

Classes will be held in September, Santa Monica on Sundays, between 11 am to 12 pm.

Email Carlos@WePartyforGood.com to RSVP today (class size limited to 10 students), to reserve a seat.

August 10, 2017

Attend Last Beauty Foodie Fashion Party

Flyer Paris

Attend Last Beauty Foodie Fashion Party

The Last Beauty Foodie Fashion Party is today, Thursday August 10th at 6-8 pm at Le Macaron on Montana Avenue. Bring your girlfriends, best friends, relatives, and significant others.

3 Great Reasons to Come

Recruiting for Good is sponsoring the Fashion Party for Good…..just come celebrate life and have fun.

  1. Enter drawing for special invite to Sponsored VIP Party Belgian Chocolates and Melting Chair Massages.
  2. The most fashionably dressed woman will win our Fun Signature Beauty Foodie Shopping Experience.
  3. Surprises at our celebration will bring lasting joy and fun into your life…..meet a new like minded friend.

If you are participating in RSVP for Good, we will be donating $25 on your behalf to your favorite charity and social cause (Kristen Hetzel’s World Championship sponsorship). Just RSVP and attend party to earn donation.

Come meet and support Santa Monica resident, and ranked #7 in the world, Team USA Duathlete, Kristen Hetzel.

Lastly, Want to Learn Conversational French?

Recruiting for Good is sponsoring small group French classes on Sundays starting in September, come to our Beauty Foodie Fashion Party to secure a spot in our fun community event, and make a difference in your life.

Want more information? Email Carlos@WePartyforGood.com

August 9, 2017

Men Surprise Your Girlfriend or Wife…With a Special Date


Men Surprise Your Girlfriend or Wife…With a Special Date

When was the last time….you surprised her with a fun date….if you do it all the time…good for you. This is a chance to honor and show how much you care (perhaps, win brownie points for a future day). She will have the time of her life, there is no cost associated to attend the party…Recruiting for Good is sponsoring the party as part of their fun summer heartfelt message….”We’re celebrating women who kickass at home, work, and in the community…with creative writing contests…and parties too.” It’s their fun way to give back.

If you have any questions about the party, and want to give your girlfriend or wife a reason to dress up…we are rewarding the most fashionably dressed our Signature Beauty Foodie Shopping Day.

Email Carlos@WePartyforGood.com

July 25, 2017

Join Westside Beauty Foodie Club


Join Westside Beauty Foodie Club

The purpose is to celebrate and reward grandmas, great moms, and grown up daughters (who are past their college, and in the trenches of life, figuring it out) and whose contributions, effort, and sacrifice at work, home, and the community kickass…we thank you for making life more fun, fulfilling, and meaningful….

How to Join Club?

  1. RSVP to attend one of our outrageously fun invite only parties this August; Belgian Chocolates & Melting Chair Massages (bring a plus one, for 10 women only), Breakfast with a Purpose (for ‘Coming of Age’ kids, limited to 5 moms and 5 kids), Celebrate the Best of Paris on Montana Avenue (Most Fashionable Outfit Wins, Beauty Foodie Shopping Escape Day, make a date or bring a girlfriend or two)….choose your reward Montana Avenue or Santa Monica Place.
  2. Kickass, make a difference, and inspire others to do the same.
  3. Live on the Westside….if you love being creative, it’s a big plus.

Most parties are for group of 10 (kids, parents,women)….except Celebrate Best of Paris for 30 beautiful Westside residents (15 couples or 30 women).

Why Create a Beauty Foodie Club?

“It’s my way to honor my mom who taught me kickass values, and I continue to appreciate my sisters, and nieces who I adore and love.” Carlos, Founder of Recruiting for Good. Giving back by creating meaningful fun experiences through fun purposeful celebrations, I can make a positive and long lasting difference in moms, families, and kids’ lives….and together we grow from within.

Want to know more….RSVP Today to enjoy our intimate and invite only parties; email Carlos@WePartyforGood.com

For Recruiting Services