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    News & Updates

    wayne dyer

May 3, 2013

How We Make Free Travel Possible for Daughter Mom Retreats

Excuses Begone,” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Start living the life you desire today, don’t make money an excuse to not travel (don’t let excuses be the reasons you don’t have what you desire). Be unreasonable, and you will be unstoppable. We are using recruiting for good to empower you to travel for free and make change possible.

When was the last time that you went on a vacation with your mom and did something interesting and fun together? Why not go on a free retreat? Now you can, we launched our co-op to empower and reward collaboration, so that we can all live the life we desire; and enjoy free travel. Simply introduce an executive decision maker to Recruiting for Good to earn and redeem travel rewards with the following retreats; gastro-spiritual retreat in Spain (September 2013), foodie travel in Morocco (October 2013), explore-volunteer travel in Peru (December 2013), and several International Yoga retreats (Hawaii in September 2013, Bali in November 2013, Italy May 2014).

I start living the life I desire, “Excuses Begone.”

“I don’t make money an excuse to not travel. I am unreasonable, and unstoppable. I use recruiting for good to empower my life, make free travel and change possible.”

We look forward to serving, rewarding, and making your life enjoyable.

Join our Co-Op to get started today.

For Recruiting Services