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    use your talent for good

February 17, 2021

How We’re Using Recruiting for Good

How We’re Using Recruiting for Good?

Changing Minds…Winning Hearts…

The last couple of years our country has become more divided and hateful…something has got to give.

Recruiting has always been an avenue for me to serve people; cheer them on, improve their life and connect them with fulfilling jobs. I have also had the opportunity to help companies build collaborative value driven teams (that have led to life long friendships, and love connections).

Building Community Thru Personal Relationships

Great recruiters are experts at building trustworthy relationships…stellar recruiters create life long meaningful relationships.

Thru my efforts, people have had more success, joy, and freedom.

Now, I am using my recruiting talent for good. Everything is Recruiting for Good by building community 1 relationship at a time. I am clear about my purpose. Everyday…each phone call, email, and connection serves a greater purpose (I listen, I learn, I teach, I mentor, I serve). And I create fulfilling life experiences (find solutions for companies, help professionals land sweet jobs, inspire gigs for kids, create meaningful contests, and host fulfilling parties)…and instill positive values in everything I do.

There are only a handful of causes I believe in…and I am willing to go all in…but what I bring and create is not for mass consumption, not to make more money, nor to save anyone; it is for families, and individuals who desire to do more with the life they have.

Inspiring Love is Everything

Celebrating Kickass Women (this is not about making women more important than men…just equal)…improving the moral integrity of society (by role modeling positive values, having a balance of doing what is right/good for yourself and everyone else) …and helping develop skills for awesome kids who have a desire and willingness to lead (creating a better life for themselves, their loves ones, and the community they live in).

Having allotted time and effort to pursue my causes passionately…I am authentic, trusting, and willing to give my all to those who share my passion, purpose, and desire to kickass for good.

At the end of each day…I am exhausted…I have given it all and I am rewarded with wonderful dreams when I sleep…In life you get…what you give.

How You Get Started…

By Caring More & Role Modeling Positive Values

Everyday is an opportunity to bring about change, not just talk about it…but do it…and inspire one simple universal truth that Love What is Love…simply starts with you.


September 15, 2020

Please Forgive Me…For the Things I Can Not Change

Please Forgive Me…For the Things I Can Not Change

“Recently, I did a search for consultants to work on Voting Machine roll-out project. I got a great response, and I am grateful for all the professionals who are coming on board to complete the project. Unfortunately, some candidates who responded with their resumes, and were rejected for lack of experience took it personally and responded angrily and rude.”

To Those Who Felt Personally Offended By Being Rejected…I Sincerely Apologize

  1. Our agency, Recruiting for Good does not write the job requirements, this comes from the companies that retain our agency to find them qualified candidates.
  2. When Recruiting for Good represents a client, we are looking out for their best interest, the company pays our agency a finder’s fee’ to find the best qualified candidates to get the job done.

Kindness and Professionalism Goes a Long Way…

When, we reject candidates for jobs, we email a professional letter. It is not a personal attack, it’s just business.

Lastly, if you have a pleasant demeanor, and are respectful, our recruiters keep you in mind for other opportunities first.


June 8, 2020

How to Inspire Kids to Love Work

How to Inspire Kids to Love Work

Inspired By Shay, 6th Grade

“Shay is a insightful and energetic girl who aspires to be an engineer.”

I met Shay with her mom, I got to thinking about how I can inspire Shay to love becoming an engineer. It all started with a conversation, that led to a question…and the question led to an answer…make it fun.

One of the key skills of an engineer is asking the right questions to solve problems. So, I am hiring Shay for the Summer Gig for Kids to write questions every week that solve world problems. Creating a fun game to learn a great skill; and why not earn some money too…if you use your talent for good…get compensated too.

To learn more visit www.workskillsforkids.com 

April 4, 2020

What Happens When Fathers Teach Sons How to Lead

What Happens When Fathers Teach Sons How to Lead

Thank you Gil for inspiring Eric to be the kind of leader that humanity needs; keeping everyone calm, healthy, and safe.

How are you teaching your kids to lead? Being responsible is leading by example.

Use Your Talent for Good Start Today

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