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June 7, 2014

Humbly Serving 100 Women Every Year

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I have been working on collaborative solutions to raise money through recruiting since 2000. Its a humbling experience, to try something that no one will even consider. A lot has happened in 14 years. I moved away from giving people money; to helping people make a difference. We help people raise money for causes and reward them travel.

Most importantly, I finally came to realization, that I am most passionate about developing personal relationships that matter, and rewarding travel that makes a difference. Intentional and real relationships….occur when people are relating to 100 people or less in their life.

Watch video to see how we can help you make a difference

Participate in our Co+Op, and we will use our recruiting talent to collaboratively raise money for your favorite cause, and reward you an extraordinary vacation somewhere in the world. Our mission every year, is to transform the lives of 100 women, their family, friends, and community. “My dream job, is to have people tell me where in the world they want to travel to, and working together we make it happen.” Carlos Cymerman headhunter with a heart.

Toskana 2006

Rewarding Extraordinary Destinations for 2014

1) 25 Trips to Tuscany (for 2 people)

2) One trip to Ryder’s Cup for 2 people.

3) 5 Trips for (couples or 2 women) to Cordon Bleu in Paris.

4) 20 Safari trips in 2014 (VIP visit Cheetah Conservation)

5) 20 trips to see U2 or any band you want anywhere in the world.

7) 5 trips to Ibiza in 2014 (for 2 People)

8) 5 trips to any voluntour destination in the world. (for 2 People)

9) 20 Girlfriend Weekends in Napa (for 4 women).

10) Do you want to gift travel to a family member, friends, or someone in the community, we can help.

Want to reward yourself for your birthday, pick a location in the world.

Expo Milan

Coming In 2015 and Beyond

One small group trip to Milan’s World Fair and Culinary Experience. (for 10 women)

20 Trips to the Women’s World Cup in Canada. (for families of 4)

5 trips to SoBe South Beach Food and Wine Festival. (for 2 people)

Taking reservations for 2016 Olympics in Brazil rewarding 25 families.

Women can pay forward their travel reward to anyone in the United States.

Where would you like to travel?

May 29, 2014

The Future Belongs to Those Who Collaborate

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Sometimes, I feel guilty that I am not doing enough to make a difference. People constantly remind me of how I affect them, just by showing up in their life. The fact is, life is really about giving and receiving. Giving excellence, without the expectation of receiving anything in return. You do it because you love it. I have been on a quest to use recruiting for good since 2000, the truth is I been trying to sell it as a solution so that others can participate. But I have given up on the idea of the sale, and I just want to belong to a collaborative community. Not a social solution, but a living community.

I launched my own Co+Op, and I am looking to serve 100 people each year who want to achieve extraordinary experiences; people participate to help me raise money for social causes, and I reward them travel and so much more. Using recruiting collaboratively, I will help people who live in Southern California. And along the way, I will continue to find people great jobs, and help companies be successful.

What Does Your Extraordinary Life Look Like?

1) Are you looking to reward you family, friends, or community global travel.

2) Are you looking to travel the world and find your unique voice in the world.

3) Are you looking to transform your life, through health and artistic expression

The fact is any of these scenarios maybe what your life will be like; if you so choose it. I just want to be the guy who used recruiting for good collaboratively to help people achieve whatever greatness they desire.

What are you willing to do live an extraordinary life? Start today.


April 21, 2014

Imagine Everyone Vacations for GOOD

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About me, I am the founder of Recruiting for Good, my name is Carlos Cymerman in the last 18 years or so, I have found hundreds of people great jobs. In the past year and a half, I have been trying to combine my recruiting expertise with travel. At first it was a a purposeless start-up idea, but not anymore.

My purpose and mission in life is to use recruiting for good collaboratively to fund and reward vacations for good. There is something amiss in America, we are letting our lives pass by us. We work more hours, and have less quality time than any first world country. Are we working to live, or living to work?

I want to live in a country where everyone enjoys their life, a GREAT LIFE. Travel is expensive. What would life be like if people had a fund to reward their family and friends travel and vacations for GOOD….

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Everyone Vacations

I am committed to using recruiting for good collaboratively to help empower people who participate and help me generate proceeds for good. And your reward will be extraordinary vacation experiences that you can enjoy or gift to anyone you want in the world, because that makes a difference too.

Every person that gets a job with my agency, will get a paid vacation. Why?

1) Thank you for allowing us to live our purpose, with you we are able to accomplish so much more.

2) Why not, you deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and have a great life too.

3) candidates placed could make a difference by gifting their vacation reward to anyone they like in the world.

space travel go

Where Can I Vacation?

Anywhere your heart desires, just as long as you participate and enable us to generate proceeds for good. We will fund your extraordinary vacations for GOOD.

You can choose any destination offered by any U.S. based tour company or U.S. based travel agent (expert), any (legitimate) online travel site, or you can choose any fun vacation destination on our sites; We Party for Good, We Drink for Good, We Travel for Good, Vegas for Good, Go to Space for Good, Love Yoga for Good (coming soon).

All our rewarded vacations include; flights, accommodations, and cost of tour (concert, event, or retreat). We are looking to serve you the best way we can.

Working With Nonprofits and Schools?

Collaborate with us, help us inspire your community to participate in our purposeful mission Everyone Vacations; and we will use recruiting for good to raise proceeds and benefit your cause, or school.

I Look Forward to Serving You

How can you participate? Simply introduce us to people you know that are looking for work in technology, allow us to represent you for (technical) jobs, or refer us to companies and we will reward you every year proceeds for good.

Inspiration To do

Thank You for Participating In Everyone Vacations

With your help, you will transform the lives of your family, friends, and community. Everyone Vacations will change the world, because of you.

How can I serve you?

March 30, 2014

Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

How I Helped My Friends Travel?

In 1996, I went backpacking in Europe with my best friend Morgan, it was a glorious and exciting trip. We initially met his brother in Paris. His older brother, Brett was a legend, after graduating from college, he went to work for one of the consulting firms and after a year, he quit his job, and went to Europe where he met a girl and was living in Sweden. For the next two months, we traveled together through Spain, Italy, and Greece. That’s where I met Tanya, and we traveled together to Turkey, and Hungary.

In 2006, I went back to Europe to watch the World Cup in Germany. And invited Morgan to stay with me in Italy, we went first class, I took care of everything. I was doing well in business, and I wanted to share my travel experience with one of my best friends. And we got to accomplish things, we didn’t do in 1996 like; go to the top of leaning tower of Pisa, go to the top of Eiffel tower, and see the Tower of London. He went back to LA, and I stayed in Europe for another month, where I went to the Running of the Bulls, and I settled in Barcelona and worked remotely for another month.

In the last 10 years, if it wasn’t for Morgan, I traveled with Tanya, the Australian girl I met in Greece in 1996, we went to Bali together. One of my most fulfilling trips, was to the London Olympics, with Robin, she had never been out of the states and every moment with her was thrilling. The fact is my friends made my travel experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

5 Reasons Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

Travel with Your Friends or Gift Travel and You Will Change Your Friends’ Life

1) It will change your relationship, bring you closer by having shared experiences.

2) Travel creates memories, that bring joy, and hope into our life.

3) Travel teaches us about the world, and we learn about ourselves.

4) Travel brings fun, adventure, and excitement.

5) Travel is fulfilling, and allow us to escape our daily grind.

Where are You Traveling Next With Friends?

For Recruiting Services