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    travel for good

June 18, 2016

Use Your Social Network to Travel


Use Your Social Network to Benefit Your Life….Travel Often

Did you hear about the recent sale of Linkedin to Microsoft for 26.2 Billion dollars? That’s right your contacts and social network is being bought and sold to the highest bidder. Forget about privacy and confidentiality, every time you connect to someone new, the social network benefits by being able to sell valuable information about your social interactions to market research and consumer companies. When will you benefit from the network you built?

Have you gotten paid for making connections, working 5-10 hours for free (for social network companies, on a weekly basis) and adding value to the net worth of your social network company? Did you receive a dividend check for your hard work, loyalty, and dedication? Probably not. But you don’t have to work for “the man.” Your network can be of great value to you, your family, and friends, it can benefit your life. We are using recruiting for good to do just that.


How? Join Recruiting for Good, we are using our company collaboratively (people participate by making referrals to enable us to generate proceeds on their behalf and fund their travel). That’s right, you can use your social network to benefit your life, make life great and see the world for good. Every time, you connect us to someone you know (refer family and friends) and the introduction materializes into someone getting a job, we generate proceeds to reward a travel destination.



Want to travel every year? Connect us to a hiring manager, and every time we make a fulltime placement, we set aside proceeds to fund your travel. Imagine, if every year, you had a family and friends’ fund to travel and see the world.

Want to make a difference? You can participate in Recruiting for Good to gift your family and friends travel destinations to see the world for good.

Our personal high purpose rewarding travel service is only available for awesome people who live and work in the U.S.. First preference is given to anyone who has volunteered in community service, a nonprofit, or school.

Want to use your social network to benefit your life, and travel often? Contact Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com today, we love to reward you travel, and make life great.

July 19, 2014

Why Help America Travel to See the World for Good

When We See Things Differently…..We Can Change Them.

Travel teaches understanding, compassion, humility, service, adventure; we connect to our humanity when we step out into the world. We are ONE.

Helping America Travel

Change occurs when we inspire people to care and make a difference. Recently, I heard that in Los Angeles more than 50% of inner city kids never see the ocean (a 20 mile drive). We must do more to make it possible for all people to travel, however close or far the distance is…..travel makes a difference.

Start By Caring and Sharing

We all have a responsibility to make life better. As individuals, we can make a stand for our family, friends, and community. Make your impact personal and meaningful. Don’t try to save the world, just take one person each day, and give them your utmost attention. Letting them know that they are not alone, and that someone cares about them gives them hope. If you travel often, take every opportunity to speak to people about your experience. Your story (travel experiences) will touch, move, and inspire someone to travel abroad, or the person hearing the story will share the story with someone else, and inspire them to travel.

A Purposeful Community

Working together we can make the world a better place to live and work. When America travels to see the world, everything changes for good. We are a country of spirit, take action, activism, great care, and compassion. America the land of great opportunities finds its strength and bond with the rest of the world through travel; we lead by serving humanity, and inspire with positive intention. Help America Travel is a powerful mission, a humanistic movement that will transform individuals who partake in making life great for all. Join the rest of the world; and travel for good today.

Travel often, every year to new destinations, who will you take with you and…..where are you going next?

March 30, 2014

Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

How I Helped My Friends Travel?

In 1996, I went backpacking in Europe with my best friend Morgan, it was a glorious and exciting trip. We initially met his brother in Paris. His older brother, Brett was a legend, after graduating from college, he went to work for one of the consulting firms and after a year, he quit his job, and went to Europe where he met a girl and was living in Sweden. For the next two months, we traveled together through Spain, Italy, and Greece. That’s where I met Tanya, and we traveled together to Turkey, and Hungary.

In 2006, I went back to Europe to watch the World Cup in Germany. And invited Morgan to stay with me in Italy, we went first class, I took care of everything. I was doing well in business, and I wanted to share my travel experience with one of my best friends. And we got to accomplish things, we didn’t do in 1996 like; go to the top of leaning tower of Pisa, go to the top of Eiffel tower, and see the Tower of London. He went back to LA, and I stayed in Europe for another month, where I went to the Running of the Bulls, and I settled in Barcelona and worked remotely for another month.

In the last 10 years, if it wasn’t for Morgan, I traveled with Tanya, the Australian girl I met in Greece in 1996, we went to Bali together. One of my most fulfilling trips, was to the London Olympics, with Robin, she had never been out of the states and every moment with her was thrilling. The fact is my friends made my travel experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

5 Reasons Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

Travel with Your Friends or Gift Travel and You Will Change Your Friends’ Life

1) It will change your relationship, bring you closer by having shared experiences.

2) Travel creates memories, that bring joy, and hope into our life.

3) Travel teaches us about the world, and we learn about ourselves.

4) Travel brings fun, adventure, and excitement.

5) Travel is fulfilling, and allow us to escape our daily grind.

Where are You Traveling Next With Friends?

February 25, 2014

5 Reasons to Fund School Travel for Good

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” Mary Ritter Beard

As parents and leaders it is our job to prepare the next generation for the challenges and obstacles life may bring. We at recruiting for good are making it our mission to help people change and see the world. And believe the best place to start inspiring change is in schools.

5 Reasons to Fund School Travel for Good

1) Travel teaches; that we are all the same, we breath, we drink, and we laugh like everyone else. Travel teaches compassion.

2) Travel teaches real life lessons about all the things we learn in books.

3) Travel inspires creative thinking. Young people are more in-tune with what is happening around the world.

4) Travel inspires participation. Seeing a problem, children will start their own causes to try to help and make a difference.

5) Travel is fun. With all the pressures of school, and education. Sometimes it just good to enjoy life and have fun.

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you.” Warren Buffet

Travel to Find People Better Than You

One of the best ways to learn about life, and find out who you are, and where you belong is when you travel away from your comfort. People will surround you, thinking you are better than them, and you will be attracted to them for the same reasons. Only to find out that you are all the same; beautiful human beings.

I want to live in a world where people unplug from their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and connect and engage in person (travel). “Look me in the eye and tell me you like my smile, you miss talking to me, and I will make you laugh.”

Greatest gift we can teach kids is to be themselves.

Let’s make it possible for our kids to find themselves, to genuinely connect to their humanity, and to make the world a better place to work and live.

Inspire your kids school to travel for good.

Where does your kids’ school want to travel?

For Recruiting Services