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August 23, 2013

How to Inspire Rockstars? Reward Them

What would life be like if we spent 20% of our day on things we love doing….say making a difference……..having fun………inspiring rockstars……..rewarding rockstars

In 1906, a famous Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist and philosopher, made an important discovery and revelation about the distribution of effort versus result, that forever changed the course of microeconomics; the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule).


….Imagine if 20% of the population of every city in America…..and the world was a rockstar in life…….Everyone Would Enjoy Life + Make a Difference.”Those who lead and serve selflessly, inspire others to do the same….are rockstars.” In fact, we are all rockstars, its how we choose to live today, and everyday that dictates how big or small our impact will be.

Founder of ONE.org

“As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.” Bono

In July 2000, I started to think about how I could use recruiting to make life great for others…….It is 2013…….and I have come up with a fun solution….Recruiting Rewards Rockstars Travel……..I am grateful for all the people who have made great efforts to mentor, transform, and inspire me to serve rockstars in life. These include; MDI (a nonprofit organization that empowers men to be leaders in life), TuesdayNights.org founders Justine Lassoff and Melinda Moore, iShopforGood.com Lori Shapiro, Infinite Safari Adventures Alan Feldstein, Memorable Moments Travel Gwiin Correa, Cruises By Dave (Dave Fowlie), mom, dad, sisters, and lastly my inspirational red dragon Robin, who in the last year has taught me more about being a rockstar in life.

Richard, thank you for writing and sharing your autobiography, and living your truth. Losing My Virginity. Last week, I met a man who works for you at Virgin America and he was enamored and grateful to work at Virgin. Someday soon, I hope to make your acquaintance and thank you in person, for making my work happy and life great.

“A Great Way to Inspire Others is By Rewarding People, Who Do Good (Rockstars)” Justine Lassoff, Causora.com

How to Inspire Rockstars? Reward Them. We are fortunate to live in a nation where freedom of speech is an undeniable right. The future of the nation will depend on our ability to develop, inspire, and support caring and serving leaders…….Rockstars in life; these are women, men, and children who exhibit extraordinary abilities to serve others. They live to make life great for their family, friends, and community at large.

If we learned anything about the economic meltdown, the smartest people, from the best schools, forgot to use their hearts to guide their integrity and serve the community with good intentions. Doing good in school is not a determinant that you will make the right choices for the greater good. So we are inspiring people to reward rockstar employees, parents, students, teachers, and volunteers, who will guide future generations for good.

Rockstar for web

So how do we reward rockstars? By empowering them to live great lives; gifting them with opportunities to experience and express themselves fully. Rockstars will permeate, mentor, and lead others by example. How about reward travel…….

Inspiration To do

There is no greater sense of urgency and purpose in my life than to inspire and reward rockstars. Inspiration is half the battle, the other is taking a risk and doing things people said could not be done. I transformed my recruiting agency into a co+op to inspire, reward, and serve rockstars; so that they make a difference with their family, friends, and community.

If you would like to reward your rockstars; parents, employees, teachers, students, neighbors, cops, politicians, kids, and granny too; Join Our Social Co+Op Rewarding Rockstars. We reward human friends and happy pets with global travel, shopping retreats, empowering people to create their own adventure or their travel reward program to give back to their community rockstars.

Do you know or want to recognize a rockstar in your life? Reward them, thank them, and acknowledge them. And by doing so you are a rockstar!


For Recruiting Services