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    ted talks

September 24, 2013

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too

Travel to TEDx and Make a Difference Too. I recently attended TEDx for the first time. And I was touched, moved, and inspired.

One of my favorite presentations at TEDx Venice, was given by Maria Scileppi; she spoke about making one new friend for 365 days.

During one of the breaks at the TEDx event, John Bates (one of the hosts) and I were speaking with Leslie Ann Lewis, one of the attendees, her enthusiasm propelled us to discuss the idea of making travel to TEDx worldwide possible. “How awesome would it be if everyone could attend TEDx anywhere in the world, explore new cities, and meet new friends.”

Within days, I thought about how I can incorporate the idea of traveling to TEDx worldwide and make a difference too. For the individual who does attend TEDx, the experience is life changing. I am an excellent example of that.

Infinite safari logo

The first 10 people to join our Co+Op (check out how we can make this happen), and use their social contacts to enable recruiting for good to raise monies for local social causes and start-ups (we are looking to raise $100,000) will be rewarded;

1) A trip to attend TEDx in South Africa in March 2014.

2) A week long safari (provided by Infinite Safari Adventures).

3) John Bates will travel along, and provide his ‘TED-Worthy’ communication training.

Is this for real? You bet. Do you want to be remembered for someone who started it all? Contact us today to help locally and travel globally.

I apologize for taking time to self-promote, and inspire you to participate in collaborative funding, and earn global travel rewards.

I want to thank Leslie Ann Lewis, and Maria Scileppi for inspiring me to create a fun travel solution to enjoy TEDx and make a difference too.

What’s next…..Would you like to attend TEDx Jerusalem in May 2014 and raise money for your causes and start-ups?

P.S. We are not affiliated with TED or TEDx. We are just offering the means to attend inspiring events worldwide, make new friends, have fun, and change the world.


September 11, 2013

5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference

 “Imagination is More Powerful Than Knowledge,” Albert Einstein

Inspiration To do

Like Rewarding Eduvations Education on Vacation

5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference

1) In the U.S., we only get two weeks of vacation time, so why not make it meaningful time off.

2) Rewarding someone travel is all about appreciation, and meaning well.

3) Since travel destinations are vast, so are opportunities to add an education component. Which can add a distinction to each vacation.

4) Eduvations are a new way to empower teachers who love to bring their skill to travel.

5) The value of learning while vacationing are immense, first and foremost you come back from vacationing with a fresh perspective or acquired skill that you can teach others.

We are using Recruiting for Good, to reward eduvations so that people get the most out of their time off. Imagine being able to travel to Hawaii with your family on a cruise, and get Ted Talk training. How about learning to code java while vacationing in Vegas. Join our Co+Op we are rewarding and making global eduvations possible. We are vested to invest in making life fun, and rewarding eduvations to develop your imagination, creativity, and education.

We would love to connect with coaches, teachers, mentors, instructors, gurus, and magicians who love to teach while on vacation. Have you ever wanted to go on a safari and teach yoga, teach dance, teach cooking, teach LEGO Building? Now you can.

Join our Co+OP to reward eduvations to your family and friends, and change their life.



September 6, 2013

5 Ways to Make Life Great for People


5 Ways to Make Life Great for People. Conversations with brilliant people inspired me to write this blog, not to self-promote, but in the hopes that it will inspire social entrepreneurs to create collaborative solutions that enroll people and transform their life.

Thank you to Justine Lassoff, Causora, John Bates (trains people to do TED Talks), Anna Mendoza (teaches men and women Ruby on Rails), Alan Feldstein (Infinite Safari Adventures), and Dylan Stewart (the Mac Whisperer).

5 Ways to Make Life Great for People

1) Appreciate them, and reward them for doing GOOD.

2) Give them a great reason to participate in life, be purposeful.

3) Empower them with a solution, or ability to make a difference.

4) Give people a voice, an avenue for creative self expression.

5) Have fun, creative, and outrages conversations with every one you meet.

In an effort to encompass all 5 ways to make life great for people, I challenged myself with a question? How can a benefit, be a reward, and a social cause too, that would enroll people to participate, and care, and maybe make them smile too(You got to have audaciously big questions to challenge your life and be creative)? Answer; take something that is enjoyed by few, and make it accessible to anyone, empower people with an ability to obtain that which enlivens them to participate and make a difference.

What benefit would you like the whole world to have?

Create a solution that is plausible and enroll people through inspiration and story. And you have just created a fun social enterprise that will transform your life, your family, community, and the world.

Join Co+Op Recruiting for Good, we are collaborating with people to reward them free creative education and fun global travel. And sometimes combining both rewards at the same time; outrages fun….yes to make your life great.

May 1, 2013

Every Day Celebrate Your Honeymoon

Everyday Celebrate Your Honeymoon. This blog was inspired by John and Sharon Bates. I met them on a conference call a couple of weeks ago. And last night I attended a “Pay It Forward Party, hosted by the Satellite Office in Santa Monica. One of the hosts Brian said you need to meet John he trains people for TED talks. I thought maybe this is the same John I spoke to on the phone. So I came over and introduce myself. And yes, it was the same John and Sharon. They talked about being married, and celebrating their honeymoon with their parents. I said, if you ever consider celebrating your honeymoon, “I would love to fund your honeymoon, my company iTravel for Good offers this service.” His response was inspiring; “We celebrate our honeymoon every day.”

It got me thinking, wow, how wonderful it is to be in a relationship with a partner where you celebrate your union, devotion, connection, intimacy, and fun every day. I am fortunate to be in a relationship with a wonderful woman who puts up with my idiosyncrasies, I am a high energy (ADD and ADHD), passionate, Mexican entrepreneur. John, thank you for inspiring me to step up my game. I am going to follow through and make my girlfriend feel special every day.

Join and celebrate your honeymoon every day.

For Recruiting Services