September 11, 2013
5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference
“Imagination is More Powerful Than Knowledge,” Albert Einstein

5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference
1) In the U.S., we only get two weeks of vacation time, so why not make it meaningful time off.
2) Rewarding someone travel is all about appreciation, and meaning well.
3) Since travel destinations are vast, so are opportunities to add an education component. Which can add a distinction to each vacation.
4) Eduvations are a new way to empower teachers who love to bring their skill to travel.
5) The value of learning while vacationing are immense, first and foremost you come back from vacationing with a fresh perspective or acquired skill that you can teach others.
We are using Recruiting for Good, to reward eduvations so that people get the most out of their time off. Imagine being able to travel to Hawaii with your family on a cruise, and get Ted Talk training. How about learning to code java while vacationing in Vegas. Join our Co+Op we are rewarding and making global eduvations possible. We are vested to invest in making life fun, and rewarding eduvations to develop your imagination, creativity, and education.
We would love to connect with coaches, teachers, mentors, instructors, gurus, and magicians who love to teach while on vacation. Have you ever wanted to go on a safari and teach yoga, teach dance, teach cooking, teach LEGO Building? Now you can.
Join our Co+OP to reward eduvations to your family and friends, and change their life.
May 26, 2013
How Free Chocolate Funds Travel for Kids and Teachers
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
How Free Chocolate Funds Kids and Teachers Travel.
Yesterday, I was craving chocolate and I went to Whole Foods in Santa Monica . When I encountered a shocking price for chocolate. When did a chocolate bar become a luxury? Who can afford a $7 dollar or $9 dollar bar of chocolate (even the smallest bar basically two bites was $3.50)? A $7 dollar chocolate bar better be laced with gold and diamonds. Dejected by the sticker price, I walked next door to the 99 Cent Store, and I was about to buy my dollar chocolate. But when I walked to the register to pay, and I was faced with 7 people in front of me. I put the chocolate back, and walked out.
“Enough of my kvetching, I am done with that energy, I thought.” But then it got me thinking, what if my co-op could provide free chocolate as a benefit. What would life be like if every month people could receive free chocolates? And our co-op could simultaneously also raise money to gift free travel to kids and teachers.
Crazy ideas have been hatched in the shower, why not at Whole Foods or the 99 Cent Store?
Join A Collaborative Solution to Free Chocolate Funds Kids and Teachers Travel
Introduce your social contacts to Our Co-Op (Recruiting for Good). Your introductions enable us to generate recruiting proceeds on your behalf to sponsor your chocolate benefit. And we then match monies raised to fund travel for kids and teachers.
Nothing Happens By Accident
Thank you Whole Foods and 99 Cent Stores, for inspiring this solution and making a difference in the world.
Chocolate Lovers Unite
If you are inspired and passionate about fulfilling your chocolate cravings, and making a difference, contact us today to get started.