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February 24, 2016

Do You Love to Write & Travel Do Both

New Creative Writing Contest

Do You Love to Write & Travel Do Both

Happiness is Helping People See the World for Good

We love to reward people travel to see the world for good. If you have a group of friends that would love to participate, and can’t drive out to our creative writing events, we will come to you.(Santa Barbara to San Diego), March 1 to March 20.

If you are a business owner, and would like to host a creative writing event, to inspire and reward your clients, we will drive out to you (Santa Barbara to San Diego), March 1 to March 20.

If you have a girls scout troop, we love to meet you at a local coffee shop and host a creative writing event. Must be at least in 7th grade (Junior High School) to participate.

If you love to use your creative talent to see the world for good; contact Carlos@recruitingforGood.com for upcoming locations of writing events (entries will only be accepted in person).

PS we are the company that rewarded a Santa Monica High School student who wrote the best creative story a trip to the Superbowl in January 2015.

January 1, 2015

And The Winner Is….

That’s right we just awarded one kid 2 tickets to the Superbowl. In November, Recruiting for Good sponsored creative writing competition for best sports story written by a middle school and high school student.

And the winner is Trenton, a student from Olympic High School, in Santa Monica, CA. We just got off the phone and spoke to his father who had no idea, his son had participated…he was speechless. In the background you could hear Trenton ecstatically yelling.

Big Thanks

1) To all the kids who participated in our competition.

2) To all the parents who drove the kids to our events.

3) To Ms. Liaw, teacher at Olympic High School for inspiring Trenton.

A special thanks to our judges; Craig Bergman (Wordup Kids), David Andersen (David Andersen Pianos), and Racheal Thompson (Racheal Thompson Photography).

Biggest Lesson of Competition and Life

The only way to win is to participate.

2015 & Beyond

We are grateful and humbled to make 2015 remarkable for Trenton and his dad.

Congratulations….and happy new year…from Recruiting for Good.

November 24, 2014

Kickass for Good at Microsoft Store

Kickass for Good at Microsoft Store in Century City…everyday  you see kids and adults of all ages come into the store and play XBox Games, and buy Surface computers…and sometimes something else magically occurs.

I was hosting, my last day at Microsoft Store for “Write a sport story to win 2 Superbowl Tickets.” I came with the intention, that whoever participated in whatever game I created, I would reward them. The day started with a Girls Scouts Troop, that was learning how to use their Surface Pros (their event was before mine). The game I created was, “tell me something you love about your mom.” Each one spoke beautifully about their mom, and they all got Body Shop gift cards to give to their moms. The mom who helped me organize it, also got a gift card for Lucy, and the Microsoft employee who led the Girls Scouts training, got a gift card for Jamba Juice.

I bought the new Microsoft Band. I wanted to honor Microsoft (for allowing me to host writing contests) by rewarding one person an amazing gift.

A tech gizmo that allows you to stay connected, and tracks your fitness too. And the winner is none other than Tommy Babb. Tommy, was one of my first contestants, in the creative writing contest. He asked me, “can I participate again?” And since I did not specify that you couldn’t, “I said yes.” Tommy came back to the store and wrote two more times. Each time he was happy to participate, and use his creative talent for good. Thank you Tommy for making this contest kickass. Many thanks to Ms. Newsome his teacher for telling him about our contest, and to his parents for doing an amazing job too. When I presented Tommy with the Band, he had no idea what he was about to receive, he must have thanked me at least 10 times. Tommy, congratulations for being a rockstar.

Tommy and DadTommy and Keaton
Special thanks to Denise (for teaching Tommy how to use his Band), Keaton Branch for working with me and making Tommy feel special (pictured above), and Nina Shahisaham, Community Development Specialist, who made the space available for me to host my writing events, and connect with the community in genuine and impactful ways.

How will you make this holiday season Kickass for your community?

October 7, 2014

3 Ways to Earn Superbowl Tickets for Good

Are you a football fan, with a dream to some day go to the Superbowl? You don’t have to wait and wish any longer. Simply participate in Recruiting for Good, help kids, and earn tickets to Superbowl Sunday.

We are making a difference fun, and rewarding…

We are headhunters with a heart, using recruiting for good to fund and reward sport travel. Our goal for the next six months is to fund and Gift 100 Kids World Cup Trips.

We connected with Gonzo Soccer, a nonprofit supporting girls in under-served communities in Colombia, Mexico, and the U.S.; trips will benefit their nonprofit.

Everyone is Recruiting for Good

We can not accomplish our goal to use recruiting for good, without the help of the community. We created a fun and rewarding solution for fans to participate, make a difference, and earn Superbowl tickets too.

3 Ways to Earn Superbowl Tickets for Good

1) Introduce a hiring manager to Recruiting for Good; we make a placement earn a fee, gift a kid a world cup trip, and reward 1  fan a Superbowl ticket too.

2) Send us your resume, if we place you in a engineering or IT position, and you complete your probation period. You earn a ticket to Superbowl.

3) Refer a friend or family for a technical position, when they complete their probation period, you earn a ticket to the Superbowl.


Everyone Has Fun and Makes a Difference

Every placement, we make, helps kids. And reward fans for good; sport experiences that they will never forget.

Lastly, once you receive your ticket, you can gift your reward to anyone you want. And if you are lucky enough, perhaps the team you are routing for all year long, will be playing at the Superbowl too.

For Recruiting Services