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April 27, 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013? The number one reason why people don’t travel is money. We at Recruiting for Good are making it our mission to make free travel and change possible. We transformed our successful business to become a social co-op so we can serve the community.

Why afford everyone free travel? Because travel liberates us from our daily routine, it creates life changing experiences, and brings us closer to our loved ones. For some of us travel is inspirational; empowering us to be creative,  to enjoy, and to appreciate and experience life fully.

Everyone Travels for Free is all about self-empowerment, participation, equality, and freedom to live for today. In a deeper and more profound way, it inspires people to pay forward free travel to their family and friends. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone enjoyed life and made a difference. That is the world we want to live in. We want to live in a world where people participate to afford everyone else simple pleasure

How can we make free travel possible? With your help. The average person knows 150 people. We are using recruiting for good to raise funds for people so that they can afford to travel and pay forward travel. Simply introduce us to your social contacts; executive decision makers or technical professionals, and we will generate monies on your behalf through recruiting placements. Every person knows someone who is connected to more people; the only thing you have to do is ask for help.

In fact to kick off our social co-op, the first 100 people who join our social co-op and introduce an executive decision maker earn double travel rewards. Imagine having a $7,000 fund to travel and invite a family member, friend, colleague, or pay forward the rewards to an employee or better yet gift mom the best trip ever. Mother’s Day is May 12.

By participating in our Co-Op, you have made a difference in the community;

1) You have created the possibility to make free travel available to people who find jobs with us. “Get a job and a Free Vacation.” Everyone we place in a fulltime position receives a paid vacation.

2) We have an excellent reputation for caring for candidates and clients. And work to find people the best job. By finding people great jobs, their personal and professional lives are enhanced.

3) You get rewarded with travel rewards which you can use for yourself, or pay forward to anyone you like.

Where would you go if you had $7,000? How about travel on a fun retreat?

Join our social co-op today to get started, and make free travel and change possible.


November 19, 2012

96 Altruistic People Change the World Are You One of Them

96 Altruistic People Change the World, Are You One of Them? Sounds like a biblical ultimatum, change it or else we are all damned. But it is far from that. I am looking for 96 altruistic people who want to accomplish something remarkable for themselves, for one of their loved ones, or for the community at large. Why? The question is why not? I am using recruiting to fundraise for people (recruiting for good, a collaborative fundraising solution) who want to make a difference. Is that you?

Yes, is that you? Is there a cause, a project, a person you want to support, or an experience that will dynamically change the course of your life and make you a better human being? I use the power of your community, your family and friends (social contacts) to help you make a difference. Do you feel this sounds like a sales pitch, or an opportunity of a lifetime, or too good to be true?

No, not to good to be true? There are certain prerequisites to qualify for our personal fundraising for people service;

1) You must have a cause, project, experience, benefit, or a talent that will inspire your community. Will it change your life,or someone else’s?

2) Do you have a dream that plays often in your heart and mind, but you have not acted on it for lack of money?

3) Are you willing to collaborate?

4) Are you located in Southern California? I personally meet everyone, I fundraise for in person. This is a personal and unique service. I care about every person, I fundraise for.

5) Are you a nice person, easy going, and willing to work well with others?

6) If the fundraising service worked out for you, would you be willing to gift this service to a family member, a friend, or the community at large?

7) Are you willing to do some work, take some risks, willing to learn, and grow to achieve your deepest desires?

8) Does your family, friends, or community like and support you?

9) Are you willing to have intentional relationships outside of social media, texting, and emailing?

10) Are you ready to have fun, make a difference, and change the world?


If you are one of the lucky ones who has attended Landmark, well you already have at least 7 out of the 10 prerequisites.

The 3 most important ones are; do you believe in your dream, will it inspire your community (friends and family), and are you willing to collaborate.

Do you have a friend or family member who is held back for lack of funds, but knowing full well that if they accomplish just one project it would change their life? Do they fit some of the important requirements? Please send them our way, we would love to help carlos@retainsourcing.com.

Our service is collaborative, we are not a handout service, a nonprofit, or a grant service, you get what you give. We are selective about who we fundraise for.

If you have an idea, a cause, a talent, a project, a class, or an experience that you want to accomplish, we are looking to serve your altruistic needs to change your life and change your world.

We have 4 Rockstars (altruistic people, with awesome projects) join our service (more on that later); we are looking for 96 more altruistic people (rockstars in life).

If you are in Southern California and your family member is in another part of the world, say India or France, we will still consider fundraising for you, and them.

Let the games begin, I look forward to making all your dreams come true; or at least the one that plays in your mind and heart over and over. I believe that this is the dream that will change your life and change the world. Remember everyone comes into this world to accomplish something great, why not you? Join me today, the world awaits your arrival.

Humbly Serving You, Carlos Cymerman

For Recruiting Services