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    see the world for good

February 24, 2016

Do You Love to Write & Travel Do Both

New Creative Writing Contest

Do You Love to Write & Travel Do Both

Happiness is Helping People See the World for Good

We love to reward people travel to see the world for good. If you have a group of friends that would love to participate, and can’t drive out to our creative writing events, we will come to you.(Santa Barbara to San Diego), March 1 to March 20.

If you are a business owner, and would like to host a creative writing event, to inspire and reward your clients, we will drive out to you (Santa Barbara to San Diego), March 1 to March 20.

If you have a girls scout troop, we love to meet you at a local coffee shop and host a creative writing event. Must be at least in 7th grade (Junior High School) to participate.

If you love to use your creative talent to see the world for good; contact Carlos@recruitingforGood.com for upcoming locations of writing events (entries will only be accepted in person).

PS we are the company that rewarded a Santa Monica High School student who wrote the best creative story a trip to the Superbowl in January 2015.

January 1, 2016

How to Celebrate Life thru Travel in 2016

celebrate life through travel

Come Celebrate Life thru Travel

If life is the total sum of your experiences….then, consider gifting family and friends fun trips for anniversaries, birthdays, and honeymoons. Your kindness will never be forgotten; and might even inspire other people to gift travel to someone new every year…and in no time…everyone would be celebrating life through travel.

That’s the kind of world; I want to live in…How about you?

Ten Best Travel Destinations to Gift in 2016

Tours of a Lifetime National Geographic, and Travel & Leisure World’s Best Award Recipients.


100 Miles for Elephants (National Geographic Winner).

Malawi Service and Safari (National Geographic Winner).


Japan Cycling Tour (National Geographic Winner).

Vietnam UNESCO Trip (National Geographic Winner).


Adriatic and Greek Isles Seabourn Cruises (Travel&Leisure Best Small Ship Company Winner)

Paris and Normandy Viking Cruises (Travel&Leisure Best River Cruise Company Winner)

N. America

Disney Alaska Cruise (Travel&Leisure Best Mega Ship Company Winner)

Four Seasons Resort Maui (Travel&Leisure Best Hawaii Resort Winner)

One&Only Palmilla, Los Cabos Resort (Travel&Leisure Best Mexico Resort Winner)

S. America

Lion Fish Dive Trip Belize (National Geographic Winner)

Want to Gift Any of the Destinations Listed Above?

Watch Video to Learn How We Help Fund Gift Travel….

We Help Just 100 People Fund Gift Travel Every Year….Why?

“I created a personal travel gifting service to deliver great customer care and help people who participate gift family and friends the world’s best travel destinations for anniversaries, birthdays, and honeymoons. We are in the business of rewarding extraordinary experiences that make a lasting difference.” Carlos Cymerman, founder recruiting for good.

Who Will You Gift Travel to In 2016 & Where Will They Go?

December 23, 2015

2016 Donut for Good Challenge

Donut For Good Challenge

2016 Donut for Good Challenge

“Feed your life with positive experiences, and you will see the world for good.”

Imagine what life would be like, if people took it upon themselves to fix one thing in the world, and committed to inspire and transform 100 people over the course of one year to fulfill their purpose and make a lasting difference.

What is Missing In Your Life, Community, Work or Personal Relationships?

That’s the hole, you clearly know there is something missing, something that can be done. If you identified it, good for you. Now it’s time to chose your path. What will you do with this powerful vision and wisdom? Since, you identified the hole, it’s up to you to do something about it….”the world awaits you arrival.”

My 2016 Donut Mission

What I see missing in the world…is intentional, meaningful, and personal relationships that matter. We lost our way to be real with each other. And connect in genuine ways.

My vision is to empower people who love to make a lasting difference with their family and friends by gifting life experiences through travel.

By creating amazing ways to see the world, we can inspire people;

  1. To be transparent and genuine; and have a more fulfilling life.
  2. Develop a sense of purpose, and willingness to be of service.
  3. Appreciate spending quality time with family and friends.

My “DONUT” mission is to have fun, enjoy work, and transform Recruiting for Good so that I can help 100 people fund gift travel for their family and friends to see the world for good.

I am grateful to have already started this week; by helping 1 rockstar father gift his daughter and one of her friends a trip to NY Fashion Week in Feb 2016.

99 more people to go to complete my Donut.

What is Your 2016 Donut Mission?

I love to know, email me at Carlos@SeetheWorldforGood.com

December 9, 2015

Get a Great Tech Job & a Safari Trip

Rewarding Safaris

Let’s Not Wait Another Year to See the Wonders of Africa….

Yes, we are using recruiting for good to help fund and reward travel. We love finding people great tech jobs, and look forward to rewarding fun travel too. Get a Great Job & See the World.

5 Reasons to Experience a Safari

  1. Go once, and you will come back transformed.
  2. At night, the sky lights up with stars as bright as the sun.
  3. Experience animals in the wild, and you come to understand life.
  4. Everyone, everywhere, every year is worthy to experience this adventure.
  5. When you come back, you will be able to re-tell adventure stories that inspire travel.

How to Earn a Safari for Good?

  1. Submit your resume for a tech job; click here.
  2. We contact you with positions; and find you a great tech job; currently looking for BI developers, C# developers, and technical trainers positions in Los Angeles.
  3. You complete your probation period, and earn your adventure safari reward;

Travel Provided By GAdventures

When it comes to raw, in-your-face wildness, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are incredible – and from the vantage of our rugged overland adventure vehicle (OAV), even more spectacular. Witness traditional dancing, explore the Okavango Delta with a game walk and bush camping, track rhinos on foot in Zimbabwe’s Matobo National Park, and capture the Big Five (with your camera, of course) in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. Camping will keep you close to the incomparable scenery. This quick tour isn’t simply a taste of Africa; it’s a full-course meal – with seconds.

Click here for details of tour (15 days). If you are planning to go to Africa, go for at least 2 weeks. One more way to make a difference; you can gift your trip to a family member or a friend living in the U.S.

Why reward GAdventures? They deliver eco-friendly and sustainable travel destinations; that support the local communities.

We are not associated with GAdventures, we are simply rewarding their trip.

Our fun mission is simple, help everyone see the world for good.

Where would you like to travel to next?

For Recruiting Services