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    see the world for good

August 1, 2017

2 Words and 2 Women Change the World


2 Words and 2 Women Change the World

We are grateful for all the women who participated in our writing events in Santa Monica, you inspired, moved, and touched our lives….each and everyone of you made a difference by inviting friends, moms, even dads, and kids to participate too.

Last year we rewarded ‘Gratitude,’ this year we were looking for something different and unique…and we were not disappointed.

“Sabona,” if you google it you will find very little on it. Yvonne Araiza, one of the winners chose it, “Sabona, means ‘I See You,’ in my mentoring program this was always our greeting at the beginning, ‘Ya Bo Sabona’ is the response, I see you seeing me. This changed my life the first time it was explained to me. It grew a light in me to know, I was seen. As a 13 year old girl, to be ‘seen’ made an impact to always be greeted that way made me want to ‘see’ others, past their surfaces, past their stories, their walls, I believe others need to be seen as well.”

Nothing in the world really happens without this word, “Participation,” Emily Rajcic writes, “The purpose of life is relative, many stories, words, and opinions drive humanity, Who are we? Why are we here? The greatest answer to our biggest questions is not a truth or knowledge, it is a willingness to participate in the search. To be unaware, and uninvolved is the death of all great things. It is my hope that humanity finds passion in participating in life and the search for what it truly means to live a great one.”

By sharing universally and expressing ourselves from our heart…we can see the world for good…we look forward to seeing and meeting you at our next inner beauty writing event…Come Celebrate Paris on Montana Avenue…and RSVP for Good.

July 29, 2017

Come Celebrate Your Life Party for Good


Come Celebrate Your Life Party for Good

Imagine what life would be like if everyday you celebrated your BDay

What would life be like, if you loved your job, had a community of friends who you shared the same values with, and enjoyed everyday like it is a celebration. I started with that inspired idea about 3 months ago, and dedicated the last 2 months to focus all my energy in laying down the foundation to attract, create and live just that life.

If you see me coming, I am the guy with a smile on my face. I am doing exactly, what I love. I am recruiting for good; helping people find great jobs, helping companies solve problems, and generating proceeds to sponsor fun outrageous and creative parties to connect with like minded professionals (who share my values) and develop meaningful friendships that last a lifetime.

Ma Belle

Grateful to Be

Today is my B-Day, July 29…and I gifted myself the best gift ever… the freedom to enjoy life fully. Want fill your life with hope, joy, love, laugh often to see the world for good …come party for good…simply RSVP to attend an invite only party for good; social, purposeful, and fun celebrations in Santa Monica. Most events are intimate gatherings to create memorable positive experiences, and help people; find new friends (or life/love partner), learn something new (or your kids), grow from within, and be fully expressed and free

….I welcome your arrival, and look forward to celebrating your beautiful life.

Now you can live your life and celebrate your B-Day everyday…start today.



May 12, 2017

Nominate Your Kickass Mom to Party for Good

sushi party for good

Nominate Your Kickass Mom to Party for Good

Does your mom kickass at work, home, or in the community? We love to celebrate them at our exclusive Beauty Foodie Sushi party for good. We are looking to reward 10 awesome moms.

Simply nominate your mom (wife, sister, or girlfriend who is a mom), send an email to Carlos@SeetheWorldforGood.com, tell us how, she kicks-ass. Celebration will be held in Top End Sushi Restaurant in Orange County in June.

October 13, 2016

USC Women Travel for Good


USC Women Travel for Good

Blog inspired by Kristina Bant Jenkins, USC graduate, single mom of awesome autistic child, founder of nonprofit, Aut2bfit; whose mission is to bring together parents and families of children touched by autism with a community of athletes and physically active, fitness-conscious people who are committed to raising awareness for autism through the love of sport, a lifestyle of family-fun activities, and adventure travel. To learn more about the amazing work Kristina does in the community, click here to read a recent article written about her photography and autism on The Mighty.

Special thanks to Linda Burk for sharing information about USC Women Travel.

Imagine Everyone Travels for Good

What would life be like if we collaborated to fund and reward travel so everyone could see the world…

Imagine a service empowering USC women to help fund a L.A. based Trojan founded nonprofit making it possible for kids with special needs and their families experience adventure travel….and rewarding travel savings….we’re using recruiting for good to help women do just that.


Rewarding USC Women Beauty Foodie Trip to Italy

Ever wanted to experience Italy…the sights, the taste, and wonderment with fellow Trojan women…Check out this amazing women only 9-day Culinary Adventure In Northern Italy, organized by USC Trojan Travel, to learn more details click here. Travel June 10-18, 2017

“Join us on a culinary adventure designed and exclusive for USC Women. Settle in and spend time learning and enjoying Northern Italian culinary traditions con gusto.  A key ingredient of this signature journey is the luxury of unpacking once at our historic, country wine estate and dedicating your days to the rich cultural opportunities unique to this region. An optional extension to Venice is offered.”

How to Earn Rewarding Travel Savings

Simply put a deposit to reserve your spot directly with USC Trojan Travel, then, email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com. Women make referrals to enable us to help raise money for Aut2bfit, and we reward travel savings.

1 Referral that leads to 1 person getting hired = $2500 donation to Aut2bfit & a $2500 travel savings reward I(paid directly to travel tour company).

One more reason to participate, you can gift your travel reward to anyone living in the U.S., and make a difference in their life….’


Come to Our Fun Chocolate & Wine Party to Enjoy Life and See the World for Good.


For Recruiting Services