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    see the world for good

October 12, 2020

How to Bring Back Positive Values

How to Bring Back Positive Values?

Feeling burned out, and exasperated by the constant barrage spewed by the President, the rioters, and climate deniers. Take a moment to reflect that not long ago; we all cheered and rooted for ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Wonder Woman….’ Democrats and Republicans alike.

Our super heroes role modeled positive values; equality, hope, love, and optimism too. As members of society, we have the freedom to choose what kind of life….we choose to live.

“A Cherokee elder was teaching his young grandson about life.
“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil- he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt and ego.
The other is good- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you—and inside every other person, too.”
The boy thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”
The elder simply replied,
“The one you feed.”
― Tsalagi Tale

You Can Be a Super Hero for Good

Choice, Reflection, and Responsibility leads to change…role model the positive values you like to be remembered for…because 100 years from now…when one of your relatives Googles you…what will your actions and words say about you.

Be the Super Hero….Kickass for Good…Start Today

April 2, 2019

Why Reward Women Party Travel

Did You Know with URL

” I am honoring my mom by using my recruiting talent to make a difference in women’s lives” Carlos, Founder, Recruiting for Good

Why Reward Women Party Travel

Our life is the total sum of our experiences, we find meaning and purpose from living a fun fulfilling and joyful life. Every destination is a celebration of your awesome life. Share travel with a loved one, or go to a place to find your community of like-minded women and find that you are not alone in the world.

Where Will You Travel Next to Party for Good

We’re rewarding women who collaborate and participate in Recruiting for Good to help kids locally (fund summer camp scholarships); travel globally to experience the World’s Best cultural, music, and sports celebrations…we party for good to experience life differently.

Want to experience International Women’s Day in Paris with your girlfriends, mom, or daughter?

Join to Help Kids and Enjoy Fun Trips to Party in Paris (we’re rewarding 20 trips to 2020 Women Party).

March 2, 2019

Helping Fund Moms Fun for Good

Imagine a Purposeful Service Helping Fund Moms Fun

Do you make a difference…and love your mom?

We are using recruiting for good to help people just like you, give back to mom.

How to Get Started?

You live in Southern California, and make a difference (volunteer in the community).

Make an introduction to a company hiring professional staff; we use recruiting placements to fund moms fun.

Every time, our staffing agency places a professional in a fulltime position (with the company introduced), and generates proceeds, we reward 5% of each finder’s fee earned to fund;

Fine Dining, Fun Pampering (Salon/SPA services), and Meaningful Travel.

Serving 100 Moms for Good…

To provide a personal and purposeful service, we limit the number of moms we serve.

Have questions? Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

Participate today….and you can surprise your mom (grandma too)…on Mother’s Day.

February 19, 2019

Experiencing Travel Differently at LA Adventure Show


Experiencing Travel Differently at LA Adventure Show

“I hate to attend busy conventions where everyone is trying to sell…sell…sell.”

This past weekend, I attended the travel adventure show to reconnect with professionals in the industry. And learn what was new, and inspire like-minded friends who attended the show with me (on travel brands that are designing purpose driven travel). They loved G-Adventures (Planeterra, Family Style, and National Geographic).

I only lasted about two hours, before I was ready to leave. I met a couple of inspired founders whose travel brands aligned with, “See the World for Good (purpose driven travel funding service).” When, I went home, though, I felt sick to my stomach, downright depressed, disillusioned, and disinterested in continuing to fund meaningful travel.

The truth is…I just don’t care for about 90% of the travel (at the show)…I am not interested in selling vacations…but I love to inspire and fund meaningful travel.

My adverse reaction to the show….triggered me to look at my own travel site…I had to change the content, and purpose. I am grateful that attending the adventure show knocked me down hard. Because the following day, after a night of rewriting the content (and coming up with an awesome inspiring travel service for women…Celebrate Your Freedom Trip)….I went back to the Adventure Show to reconnect with the brands I really loved….and I met a few undiscovered travel companies, I did not see on Saturday.

My Seven Favorite Travel Companies

From the LA Travel Adventure Show 2019

  1. Adventure Canada (experience the Arctic with nature and science specialists, on smaller boats)
  2. Dancing Zebra Safari Co (Best aesthetically designed booth, founder is a mom, former divorce lawyer)
  3. down under guru (Former lawyer turned travel founder, downright nice, patient, and informative)
  4. French Canal Boat Company (Most romantic and VIP experience to Burgundy and The Loire)
  5. G Adventures (Gabriela and Kayla spent time explaining their amazing group experiences to my friends).
  6. UnCruise (Great story about how UnCruise name came about…inspired by a woman).
  7. Wild Frontiers (for those who love to experience authenticity, in faraway lands, like Uzbekistan).

Sometimes bad experiences, are good for you; it’s how you process and respond that gets you thru it all.

For Recruiting Services