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    save us jobs

February 9, 2021

What It Takes to Succeed in the Workforce?

What It Takes to Succeed in the Workforce?

Regardless of where you come from (any neighborhood in the US or another country); your success lies with you. That’s right you are 100% responsible for your work success. Having a great paying job in the US; is not a right, it is a privilege to be employed.

Thank God for Those Who…. ‘were smart enough’ to build companies that solved problems by providing great products or services; and created job opportunities for the rest of us. Companies afford us sweet opportunities to earn a living by using our skills to; deliver services, manage employees, sell products, or solve problems (all necessary jobs to making companies profitable and successful). Some of us, are lucky enough to meet their best friend, meet the love of their life, or discover their passion and purpose to grow within.

The Right Attitude Goes a Long Way

Employers love to hire positive problem solvers, who have a ‘can do attitude,’ and get the job done. Learn and listen to your boss who might know something about being successful; since he or she has the responsibility to manage and guide you to be successfully and gainfully employed (to pay your bills and enjoy life).

Learn to Grow at Work

Don’t compare yourself to others, just be introspective, and ask yourself ‘where do I need to improve (coding skills, collaboration, communication skills, or time management are just some examples)? If your company gives you a job performance review, ask your boss or HR manager ‘how you can improve your performance?’ “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” No one expects you to know everything. It takes 10 years to be an expert at anything.

Be a Team Player…Help Others Win

I have seen many professionals progress in their career rapidly, because they learned new skills; then, taught and mentored their co-workers at work. Using your talent for good is fun and fulfilling. By being of service to others; you become indispensable. And if your employer is smart; they will recognize your contributions with promotions, more perks, and possibility higher salaries.

“Si tienes ganas y talento vente a Los Estados Unidos (translation if you have a strong desire ‘work ethic’ and talent then come to the US).” Fun+Advocate Founder, Carlos, Recruiting for Good, and Save US Jobs

We use our talent for good to help companies find, hire, and retain talented value driven professionals (Recruiting for Good, Always Looking Out for You).

What do you think?

February 3, 2021

How I Honor My Mentor Ed Ellman?

How I Honor My Mentor Ed Ellman?

I met Ed about 2008, I was simply in a difficult place in my life…angry, disappointed, and upset; basically, I let my emotions run my life up and down.

Fortunately, Ed and I belonged to a nonprofit MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire) teaching men how to lead their lives, their relationships, and community. He was essentially held a mirror to how I was or wasn’t showing up in my life…I was very combative, just a plain nuisance; but Ed held firmly and taught me more about being a man, and a leader than my own father.

Ed passed away last night, at the age of 85, he walked daily, exercised, created art, and mentored men. I am especially grateful, that throughout this past year, I was able to help him. Drive him to doctor’s appointments, and deliver food whenever he needed it.

Because of Ed, everyday I live purposefully, joyfully, and gratefully; I am always thinking of how I can better serve my candidates, clients, and community at large. I feel fulfilled. And everyday I have fun for good. I am leading my life from a place of love and appreciation. The eons of conversations on the phone and in person have positively impacted my life.

One of my fondest memories of who Ed Ellman was…In 2008, I started a company called Save US Jobs, hired Ed to do sales calls to find companies wanting to retain us for staffing services, he was 72 years old…hardest working man. I told him, “You can come up with any title you want, and I will print it out on a business card”…He chose…”Master of the Universe!

That’s how Ed lived life…like The Master of the Universe…and he has forever changed mine…I will miss you…I honor your legacy…by living passionately and purposefully every day.

October 9, 2020

Grateful to Help Employ US Techs

Grateful to Help Employ US Techs

Our team of recruiters needed to find 20 additional professional techs in the last 24 hours to meet our client’s needs and be ready to kickass on LA Voting roll-out project. Special thanks to the techs who referred their friends (couldn’t have done it without you).

Upon completion of project, every tech will enter an awesome drawing for $1,000 Best Food in Hood Dining Gift Card….because we appreciate your hard.

Need to find US based talented tech professionals, please consider retaining Recruiting for Good. A portion of our proceeds help fund social community projects that make a positive impact including: www.KidsGetPaidtoEat.com, and www.OurMomsWork.org.

  Need to Hire Today or Tomorrow?

Email Sara@RecruitingforGood.com, we also work weekends and nights to meet our clients’ needs. No job is too big or small, we love to help companies find talented professionals; and generate proceeds to make a difference. At Recruiting for Good, we use our talent for good to serve clients, candidates, and the community.

April 3, 2020

Grateful to Be American and Help Save US Jobs


Grateful to Be American and Help Save US Jobs

If you don’t know me, I was born in Mexico and came to the US with my family when I was 12. I had to overcome  learning disabilities and learn a new language at the same time. Compassionate teachers, like Mrs. Rimers at Lawrence 2000 taught me to speak English by singing ‘Old Time Rock and Roll,’ by Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band.

While in High School and College, I worked as a Spanish Teacher, and TA. After college, I worked at Kmart, quit went back to teaching Special ED, and ended up pursuing a Masters Degree in Counseling. While working on my degree, I worked at an Accounting Firm, and met Alan Gregor, who inspired to become a recruiter. Minisystems, was the only agency in LA who hired me with an education resume (thank you Bruce Flaxman)….interviewed at over 30 agencies.

After working for a couple of agencies, and as an in-house recruiter, I started my own agency initially called TempTech, then, Recruiting for Good. The staffing industry has given great opportunities to serve candidates and companies. Generating proceeds to create social projects that make a difference too.

Why I am grateful to be American? Having the opportunity to live purposefully, find joy in what I do, and change lives. I am using my talent for recruiting to fund cause Love to Feed LA…and making it fun and rewarding for people to participate.

In dire times, we need people to step up their game, how are you using your talent for good?

For Recruiting Services