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March 17, 2014

How Companies Can Help Students Travel for Good


This blog is inspired by Santa Clarita Valley International, a school that has transformed students through global travel……. Thank you.


Why Kids Need to Travel for Good

Travel teaches compassion, culture, and world history. To truly know yourself; you need to know about the rest of the world. Travel connects people to people, places, and time. And the best time to instill values and mentor our future generations is when they are in school.

For the future of our country, our citizens have to become worldly, and no amount of internet searches, Facebook posts, or tweets, can ever replace the real and intentional experiences that travel creates.

With that said, we are on a mission to use recruiting for good to raise funds for school travel.

How Companies Can Help

1) Companies can donate monies to help sponsor schools’ travel.

2) Companies can invite and enroll other companies to participate and sponsor schools’ travel.

2) Companies can retain recruiting for good for searches and we will donate 50% of first placements earned; and continue to donate 5% of future placements.

Benefits for Companies

1) Get a social good reputation in the community.

2) Touch the lives of your employees, their families, and the community at large.

3)  The Student Travel for Good social solution, will inspire people to come work for companies that care about making life better for future generations.

Help Local Santa Clarita Charter School Travel to India

We were introduced to Santa Clarita Valley International, by Mary Anne Been founder of Jet Set Extra, an online travel destination website. We immediately fell in love with the opportunity to raise money for their trip to India. The Incredible India Tour of 2014 provides all Santa Clarita Valley students with a totally unique opportunity to explore India in an educational and cultural exchange tour organized by SCVi Charter School and endorsed by the Santa Clarita Valley International Program.

What Makes their Trip Unique? For the past several years, they have been visited by a school in India, this year the kids in America are going to India. This is by far the most exciting trip of the kids’ lives and will forever leave an imprint about what is possible for them.

Please Help….The school has to raise $30,000, half the cost of the trip by the end of April 2014. If your company is hiring technical professionals, please consider retaining Recruiting for Good, we will donate 50% of our placement fee to help fund the trip; and together we will change the future of these kids’ lives.

Where is your school traveling for good this year?

For Recruiting Services