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    rewarding travel

July 16, 2014

How Anyone Can Be a Travel Philanthropist for Good

Imagine, if we lived in a world where everyone could afford to travel…..we have a greater responsibility to make life great for all. Travel can no longer be considered a luxury and benefit only accessible by people who have money. We also can not just reward people travel because they want to travel. There has to be a balance, a collaborative solution that empowers everyone to participate, everyone to be philanthropic, and help everyone make a difference in their life. Participate and be rewarded.

Empowering People to Make a Difference

We are using recruiting collaboratively to help make travel possible for all. Everyone is socially connected to 300 people. Everyone knows someone who is either looking for work or is hiring, simply introduce those people to recruiting for good, they will generate proceeds on your behalf to help fund, reward, and sponsor travel.

Be a Travel Philanthropist for Good

If you love the benefits of travel, and know how it can dynamically change the course of someone’s life; we are looking for you. Are you socially connected, do you love to collaborate and want be a travel philanthropist for good. Participate in recruiting for good, and we will create a travel fund for you to sponsor travel for family, friends, and schools (students and teachers). To learn more about the benefits of your participation,click here.

Do you want to see the world, and help America travel the world? Join us today to do both…..the world awaits your arrival.

June 7, 2014

Humbly Serving 100 Women Every Year

wetravelforgood logo

I have been working on collaborative solutions to raise money through recruiting since 2000. Its a humbling experience, to try something that no one will even consider. A lot has happened in 14 years. I moved away from giving people money; to helping people make a difference. We help people raise money for causes and reward them travel.

Most importantly, I finally came to realization, that I am most passionate about developing personal relationships that matter, and rewarding travel that makes a difference. Intentional and real relationships….occur when people are relating to 100 people or less in their life.

Watch video to see how we can help you make a difference

Participate in our Co+Op, and we will use our recruiting talent to collaboratively raise money for your favorite cause, and reward you an extraordinary vacation somewhere in the world. Our mission every year, is to transform the lives of 100 women, their family, friends, and community. “My dream job, is to have people tell me where in the world they want to travel to, and working together we make it happen.” Carlos Cymerman headhunter with a heart.

Toskana 2006

Rewarding Extraordinary Destinations for 2014

1) 25 Trips to Tuscany (for 2 people)

2) One trip to Ryder’s Cup for 2 people.

3) 5 Trips for (couples or 2 women) to Cordon Bleu in Paris.

4) 20 Safari trips in 2014 (VIP visit Cheetah Conservation)

5) 20 trips to see U2 or any band you want anywhere in the world.

7) 5 trips to Ibiza in 2014 (for 2 People)

8) 5 trips to any voluntour destination in the world. (for 2 People)

9) 20 Girlfriend Weekends in Napa (for 4 women).

10) Do you want to gift travel to a family member, friends, or someone in the community, we can help.

Want to reward yourself for your birthday, pick a location in the world.

Expo Milan

Coming In 2015 and Beyond

One small group trip to Milan’s World Fair and Culinary Experience. (for 10 women)

20 Trips to the Women’s World Cup in Canada. (for families of 4)

5 trips to SoBe South Beach Food and Wine Festival. (for 2 people)

Taking reservations for 2016 Olympics in Brazil rewarding 25 families.

Women can pay forward their travel reward to anyone in the United States.

Where would you like to travel?

April 18, 2014

5 Reasons to Reward Vacations for Good

Why I am Writing This Blog?

I am excited and inspired about my life’s purpose. I am using my recruiting expertise to generate proceeds and help fund vacations for good. Recruiting has afforded me the opportunity to see and experience the world. And now I am dedicating my life’s work to do the same for people who collaborate and help me generate proceeds for GOOD. Join me to enjoy life, work, and vacation for GOOD.

“Don’t let money or time be the reasons for why you did not enjoy life, and saw the world.

5 Reasons to Reward Vacations for Good 

1) Everyone needs FUN time, vacations are a great place to unplug, and re-energize.

2) Spend quality time with loved ones; including your pets too.

3) Connect to your voice and presence in the world.

4) Travel teaches compassion, learn about how the rest of the world lives, and be grateful for what you have.

5) Adventure, the variety of vacation and destinations are far and wide; that every year you could travel near and far and experience the world differently.

Why Reward Vacations Instead of Travel

Travel rewards are transactional; do this, get that. Rewarding vacations is about encompassing the total experience. A great vacation, designed by a travel expert can make all the difference in the world. For example, we are rewarding vacations to the 2015 Milan Fair, and Nada’s Italy a small tour group expert incorporated culinary and wine destinations that completely changed the experience.

Rewarding Vacations for GOOD

I have been travelling for 44 years, my parents started taking me everywhere when I was 1. By the time I was 40, I completed my bucket list. And for the past year and a half , I have been immersed, researching, and learning about the travel industry. In doing so, I have developed a travel solution to care for clients who want to enjoy their vacation for good.

Participate in our solution to help fund local causes and we will reward the following benefits with each vacation;

1) Airfare transportation anywhere in the world. We reward the best and most convenient flights, with companies that have outstanding customer care ratings.

2) Hotel and spa accommodations stay in the best locations, with the best amenities, and with companies that care about making a difference, and care about customers.

3) We partner up with travel experts and tour operators that collaborate, inspire people to make a difference, and deliver boutique and exceptional small group vacations.

4) Each international traveler will be rewarded a one year membership to Travel Assurance Promise (medical air transportation to your home hospital of choice).

5) We reward fun…. for Ibiza We Party for Good (get ginnybakes cookies for 1 year), for our We Drink for Good, culinary & wine destinations (get wine for an entire year), for 2015 Follow U2 for Good (get rewarded the best concert tickets available).

Ibiza Party for Good Blog

Our mission is make it possible for everyone to enjoy vacations for good

Get a job with Recruiting for Good, and get a vacation on us. Invite your family and friends and tell them about us, the more people participate, the greater difference we can make. Lastly, we help you make a difference around the world; you can gift your vacation reward to anyone.

Where do you want to vacation for GOOD today?

February 22, 2014

5 Reasons to Join Co-Op, Do Good, and Travel

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Cesar Chavez

People often ask me what I love about my life….”I love helping people.” With that said, I have decided to transform my agency into a co-op; so that I can use recruiting to generate proceeds for good and help people enjoy life and make a difference.

A Co-Op is (“coop”) or co-operative (“co-op”), an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual, social, economic, and cultural benefit.

“We are using recruiting for good collaboratively to benefit people who participate and enable us to generate and share proceeds for GOOD.”

5 Reasons to Join Co-Op, Do Good, and Travel

1) Co-Op generates proceeds on your behalf so that you can fund your favorite causes; and to travel the world.

2) You can create your own cause or community project and we will help you fund it.

3) With your help, we inspire people to have fun, participate, and make a difference.

4) We reward global travel for you (family and friends) to see the world.

5) Travel rewards can be paid forward to anyone you like in the world (now you can gift travel for Mothers Day, Birthdays, and Teacher Appreciate Day).







Local Causes We Love to Help You Support and Fund

End Domestic Violence (WTLC.Org)

Help Fund Your School and Reward Teachers Travel

Help Orphans in Baja California, Mexico (Corazon de Vida)

Make Life Great for Autistic Kids (REACHability Foundation)

Our Co-Op Travel Rewards

Imagine if every year, you could travel to different destinations. Why reward travel? Because it is the one constant benefit that will continue to create life experiences and lasting memories.

Here are some of our fun travel rewards

Ever wanted to go on a Safari? We fund the trip of a lifetime.

Voluntour in Maldives (picture above).

Enjoy Global Yoga Retreats (for women only).

We Party for Good in Mexico, With KCRW DJ Raul Campos.

How Do You Get Started

If you love to make a difference, collaborate, and have fun, then join our Co-Op. Must live in the United States. Our Co-Op is only serving 100 people in 2014.

contact carlos@retainsourcing.com

If you could earn any reward or benefit to make your life great, what would it be?

For Recruiting Services