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    Rewarding LA

January 13, 2020

3 Positive Values Kids Learn from Creative Writing Contest

3 Positive Values Kids Learn from Creative Writing Contest

  1. When I participate, I have a better chance of receiving (accolades, admiration, rewards).
  2. My voice matters, I have something important to say and share.
  3. I am having fun, discovering a new talent, and using it for good.

Over the last 5 years, Recruiting for Good, has been sponsoring creative writing contests for kids (and adults too). Parents are genuinely surprised by how much their kids love creative writing. We judge our winners by the content they submit, not by their grammar (do that in school). We love to inspire positive life values to change kids’ lives for good…start today….in life you get…what you give.

Have Awesome Questions

Email Sara@RewardingLA.com

January 2, 2020

January Kids Creative Writing Contest

Every Month We Have a Fun New Contest

In January….simply answer the following

What is one value that your teacher embodies, that you would love to emulate? And why?

How to Submit Writing Entry?

Must be a student in 4th to 12th grade in Los Angeles school (or home schooled)

Entries must be hand written (take a picture, and have parent email to Sara@RewardingLA.com)

(Entries should not be more than 500 words)

In email, tell us your kid’s age, what school they attend (or home schooled), and parent’s first name

On January 31st, we will contact the most inspiring winner!

December 5, 2019

5 Reasons We Sponsor Creative Writing Contests

5 Reasons We Sponsor Creative Writing Contests
  1. Everyone can participate.
  2. Learn something new.
  3. Our creative writing contest entries are handwritten, this creates an imprint in your mind.
  4. It’s fun and rewarding.
  5. It can change your life.

We love to reward LA kids, men, and women who use their creative talent for good.

Have Awesome Creative Questions?

Email Sara(at)RewardingLA(dot)com

Have Fun for Good…

October 11, 2019

How We Use Recruiting for Good

How We Use Recruiting for Good

“Imagine everyone loved life and work…

because when we do…the party never ends…” 

Over the course of the next 10 years, we are bringing about transformative change for companies, candidates, and community (families) too; by using recruiting for good to positively impact lives…in fun, meaningful, and personal ways.

We help companies find talented and value driven professionals that make their organizations more cohesive, productive, and successful.

We deliver a personal service for candidates by helping them land fulfilling jobs that positively impact their life, get paid a great salary (commensurate with the expertise and work product they deliver), and use their talent for good.

We generate recruiting proceeds to fund our causes (Kids Meditation, Our Moms Work), fun contests (Text Your Kvetch), and positively impact the community; by rewarding referrals with donations to schools, family savings (Join the Mitzvah Club enjoy family travel, summer camp, and Sunday School savings), and fun food rewards.

Have Awesome Community Questions

Email Jen@RecruitingforGood.com

For Recruiting Services