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August 21, 2013

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great

girl on fire

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great. You are a fortunate person when someone in your life cares about making your life great. They are passionate about being on fire…..

Qualities of a rockstar are hard to miss, and great to learn and imitate. We can all learn about being a rockstar, by serving others. Have you seen little kids play in a playground? There is always one or two kids who are always thinking of dynamic ways to make it more fun, and sometimes fun and outrages.

Case in point, I recently went over my sister’s house to celebrate my birthday. My niece is a rockstar, she is a precocious athlete who hit 4 home runs in the boys league, only second to a boy, who hit one more. She also plays 3 musical instruments, and now she is a designer too. She designed a sporty sleeveless jacket (I call it a vest). The craziest thing is she is only 8. Say what? Yes only 8. And she was initially shy about sharing her designs with me, but once I gave her the approval she was looking for; she poured it on. She made my birthday one of the best ever.

Rockstars live today to inspire what is possible tomorrow. My niece is 8 and I am 45, inspired the following….

What would life be like if you could invest and sponsor your kids’ creative education from the best artists (virtuosos) in Los Angeles? Imagine if your kid is the next prodigy in music, art, or film. If you are a great parent, contact us we are a co-op using recruiting collaboratively to reward creative education to rockstars in life (we are speaking about you and your child) because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Yes, we are a social Co+Op based in LA, I am Carlos Cymerman the founder, and I am ready to serve you.

PS one of my friends is Craig Bergman, he teaches creative expression and writing for kids and we would totally fund this exciting skill for your child. Check out wordupkids.com.

Are you a rockstar in life and you have a creative skill, service, benefit, or expertise that you would like to make available to more people? We are a SocialCo+Op Rewarding Rockstars a Great Life. Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to join our co-op.

June 12, 2013

How Using Recruiting Makes Free Air Travel Possible

iTravelforGood for chocbite

How Using Recruiting Makes Free Air Travel Possible. This is the collaborative voyage of the social enterprise Recruiting for Good, its mission is to entertain, inspire, and make life great. With the participation of people who love to travel, Recruiting for Good is sharing proceeds to fund free air travel.

Imagine if all people could fly for free? Air travel connects people, places, and possibilities; free air travel creates equality and freedom to enjoy life.

So how are we using recruiting for good? We are collaboratively generating proceeds by making placements and sharing proceeds to sponsor free air travel.

How to Earn Free Air Travel

1) Refer yourself for a job, and when we place you, we reward you with a free airline ticket to fly anywhere in the world, and better yet, you can pay it forward to anyone you like, and make a difference too.

2) Refer a friend to a job, and when we place them, we will gift you $1,000 in air travel rewards to fly anywhere in the world.

3) Introduce us to a company hiring technical professionals, and from the first placement we make, we will gift you $5,000 in air travel rewards for you and your family to fly anywhere in the world. If you know someone who is getting married? I bet they would love to fly for free on their honeymoon. With your help, we can extend happy marriages too.

If your mama, papa, nana, or gramps live in Jamaica, Mexico, or India, no problem with electronic ticketing (thank god), we can pay forward your air travel rewards anywhere in the world.

So if money has kept you away from enjoying life and seeing the world, join recruiting for good we are happy to raise funds for good people who love to collaborate and pay it forward.

Now the hard part, where would you like to travel to first? Make your bucket list, and contact us we will help fund it for you. Yes, we are on a mission to make free air travel to every destination in the world.

Thank you Gene Roddenberry for inspiring us to create a social solution so everyone can live to experience free travel and explore the world.

If money was no object, where would you travel to first?

December 3, 2012

Transforming Recruiting for Good

Transforming Recruiting for Good.

How we transform recruiting for good?

1) By generating proceeds to benefit society.

2) By making recruiting about service.

3) By developing a collaborative solution that makes life matter; every person, every pet, every living thing is part of what makes life great.

4) By creating caring communities; and through collaborative recruiting we instill an attitude of gratitude, serving people with love and care is a necessity to bring our best game.

5) Job placement services are sacred, every candidate, every client, every placement changes the fabric of our relationships, done right, and for the right reasons; and it will empower families and communities.

6) Recruiting proceeds fund high purpose projects like: Supporting People Who Want to Help End Hunger + Poverty in India + the U.S..

7) The industry is in need of great recruiters who love to take care of people. Conversely, we need people to take care of great recruiters.

8) Honesty is the best policy; every communication is direct and open. With everyone’s interest in mind. Career decisions for candidates can be life changing and the implications positively affect families and community.

9) Love the possibilities that together we are making a difference. And having a good time doing it.

10) What would life be like if every company in the world donated 5% of their proceeds to make life great?

I invite you to check out transforming recruiting for good. Our dream is to inspire candidates, companies, and other recruiters who love their life’s work. And with your help we will support people to help them make a difference with their friends and family.

The essence of a great company is to create something remarkable. With your help, we are transforming recruiting for good; not just our agency, but an industry, community, and the world.

Be a part of the new beginning, today.

November 19, 2012

Will You Matter in 500 Years

Will You Matter in 500 Years. Quite simply we live our lives to live purposefully, joyfully, and passionately. And on a rare occasion, we have an opportunity to do something remarkable. For me, its a journey of 12 years to discover how to combine what I love to do most, which is find people great jobs, and continue to do so by impacting hundreds of lives. I just did not want to be recruiting for placements, or recruiting for money. I came up with the name Recruiting for Good. But it could not just be about me, it had to serve a higher purpose. Recruiting for Good is about serving people; generating proceeds collaboratively to share and make a difference in the world. It is about helping people save lives. Why not start your own cause to save lives today?

I am aware that this sounds outrages. But I am willing to risk my business sense to work collaboratively with people, and generate recruiting proceeds for the purpose of saving their loved ones; family, friends, and pets. Yesterday, I went to the crowdsourcing site Indiegogo and I was moved to tears, by the stories and 100?s of people looking for financial assistance to achieve life saving feats; including getting medical treatment for loved ones, or needing money to produce creative projects that will inspire humanity, or needing money to bring new programs that would facilitate education, mentoring and collaboration. In fact, I was so moved by Jillian Mercado’story, that I contacted her. Someone stole her wheelchair, and she is looking to raise money so she can have one back. The wheelchair allows her to live her life. Do you have a life saving cause that will inspire the community to help you?

Recruiting for Good can raise the necessary money to help people make a difference in the world. Why not start your own cause to save lives today?

I don’t know whether I will be remembered in 500 years. But I know that the time is right to do something remarkable today. And whether you want to be remembered in 500 years or you want to bring more meaning to your life, I would love to meet you and see how we can collaborate, care, and share. Together we can change the world one person at a time or at least save their life, or their loved ones lives. Why not start your own cause to save lives?

Are you ready to do something remarkable?

For Recruiting Services