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    Recruiting for Good

May 18, 2013

How iCruise for Good and Make a Difference

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“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

Making Free Cruise Travel Possible

How iCruise for Good and Make a Difference? If you have not heard about cruising, you are missing out on a great way to travel, enjoy life, and have fun. And now you can make a difference too. Say what? No you didn’t. We are using recruiting for good to make free travel and change possible. Imagine what the world would be like if every family had a fund to enjoy free cruises every year, and to make a difference too. In fact, if we made free travel possible; families would be able to save money for their kid’s education (i529 for good fund), save for retirement, or save money to buy a home, and that in itself makes a great difference.

Why iCruise for Good? Because it is fun to travel and make a difference. Imagine being able to enjoy an all-inclusive free vacation with family, friends, your church, meetup group, or alone with your loved one (far away from the kids, oh yeah!). Traveling with your community makes a difference; your relationships transform, and you create lasting memories. These days you can find all kinds of cruises; Cruises for FamiliesCruises for RomanceCruises for SeniorsCruises for FoodiesCruises for Nature LoversCruises for Off Beat Explorers, and Cruises for Cultural Experiences (special thanks to Elissa Richard, writer for Yahoo Travel, and for more reviews checkout cruisecritic.com).

iCruise for Good social solution financially empowers people to enjoy free travel, and to gift free travel (kids in need and teachers). And 50% of monies raised through iCruise for Good are donated to causes too. With iCruise for Good; nonprofits, schools, and churches can enjoy and inspire free travel, and raise funds too.

Another way iCruise for Good solution makes a difference; it supports people, we are proponents of travel experts. We love travel experts like TravelStore and L&BTravel. And love to partner up with hard working entrepreneurs (home based travel experts; Cruise Planners, M TravelTravel Planners International), who work tirelessly on building their practice and serve people with care.

We want to apologize to all the readers of this blog, who find our subject matter self serving. Sorry for inspiring you to make free travel and change possible.

For those who took no offense, contact us today to make a difference today. With your help, we make iCruise for Good a social solution that makes free travel and change possible.

May 15, 2013

5 Reasons to Gift Free Travel for Teachers

5 Reasons to Gift Free Travel for Teachers. This blog is especially personal to me, because before I became a recruiter, I was a teacher. I worked as a teacher’s aid through college, and was a Spanish teacher at a private school too. I have insight on what it takes to be a teacher. And I am grateful to have had the opportunity to make a difference early in my professional career. That experience has continued to impact the way that I do business today. Educating, mentoring, and caring for people are qualities (that I learned as a teacher). I am mindful about the importance of relationships, and how my words, and actions positively affect the people I serve.

5 Reasons to Gift Free Travel for Teachers

1) An apple is a nice gesture, money is inconsequential (maybe even inappropriate), but travel creates everlasting experiences and memories.

2) Teachers are students of life; travel broadens experiences that inspire teachers to create future lessons.

3) One of the most powerful tools teachers use is sharing; travel creates new stories.

4) Teachers are stuck in a rat race, routine, and consistency makes them successful. Travel brings excitement, adventure, and edge to their game.

5) Teachers need to relax their bodies, hearts, and minds. Travel affords them pleasures of respite and fun.

So if you are thinking of wowing your teacher, or letting them know that you are grateful consider gifting them free travel. There so many travel opportunities available every year. If you need some inspiration, checkout some of the retreats we are funding this year.

Teachers are everywhere, not just in the classroom, there are yoga teachers, fitness instructors, life coaches, and even your financial planner, accountant, and lawyer (they teach me all the time).

Teachers are all among us, be mindful and grateful; gift free travel, and you will forever make a difference in their life.

P.S. If you are short on funds to create or gift an awesome travel adventure or retreat, contact our co-op, we are using recruiting for good to collaboratively raise funds and financially empower people to enjoy free travel and to pay free travel forward to family, friends, and teachers.

May 11, 2013

Floral Art Party for Good

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Blog Inspired By a Conversation With Jennifer McGarigle

Floral Art Party for Good. Mothers Day is fast approaching, do you want to give mom flowers, and make mothers day unforgettable.

Imagine sponsoring a party where your special mom (girlfriend, mother of your children, mom) spends the day with her girlfriends, sisters, or daughters, and together they learn how to do floral designs. It is an art form inspired by Jennifer McGarigle. For a man unsure about what to get for their wife, girlfriend, lover, secretary, daughter, or mother, gifting them a floral design class is a triple. If you want to hit home run sponsor your significant others Floral Art Party.

Don’t have the money to hit home runs, not a problem, introduce your social contacts to our Recruiting Co-Op and we will generate monies on your behalf to gift floral classes or sponsor the best floral party ever. And donate half the monies raised to a social cause your loved one cares about most. Yes to iParty for Good.

To get information about the floral classes available click here.

Join our social co-op to enjoy life and make a difference. If you are interested in funding your next party at Floral Art on Abbot Kinney, please contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to get started.

May 3, 2013

How We Make Free Travel Possible for Daughter Mom Retreats

Excuses Begone,” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Start living the life you desire today, don’t make money an excuse to not travel (don’t let excuses be the reasons you don’t have what you desire). Be unreasonable, and you will be unstoppable. We are using recruiting for good to empower you to travel for free and make change possible.

When was the last time that you went on a vacation with your mom and did something interesting and fun together? Why not go on a free retreat? Now you can, we launched our co-op to empower and reward collaboration, so that we can all live the life we desire; and enjoy free travel. Simply introduce an executive decision maker to Recruiting for Good to earn and redeem travel rewards with the following retreats; gastro-spiritual retreat in Spain (September 2013), foodie travel in Morocco (October 2013), explore-volunteer travel in Peru (December 2013), and several International Yoga retreats (Hawaii in September 2013, Bali in November 2013, Italy May 2014).

I start living the life I desire, “Excuses Begone.”

“I don’t make money an excuse to not travel. I am unreasonable, and unstoppable. I use recruiting for good to empower my life, make free travel and change possible.”

We look forward to serving, rewarding, and making your life enjoyable.

Join our Co-Op to get started today.

For Recruiting Services