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    Recruiting for Good

September 6, 2013

5 Ways to Make Life Great for People


5 Ways to Make Life Great for People. Conversations with brilliant people inspired me to write this blog, not to self-promote, but in the hopes that it will inspire social entrepreneurs to create collaborative solutions that enroll people and transform their life.

Thank you to Justine Lassoff, Causora, John Bates (trains people to do TED Talks), Anna Mendoza (teaches men and women Ruby on Rails), Alan Feldstein (Infinite Safari Adventures), and Dylan Stewart (the Mac Whisperer).

5 Ways to Make Life Great for People

1) Appreciate them, and reward them for doing GOOD.

2) Give them a great reason to participate in life, be purposeful.

3) Empower them with a solution, or ability to make a difference.

4) Give people a voice, an avenue for creative self expression.

5) Have fun, creative, and outrages conversations with every one you meet.

In an effort to encompass all 5 ways to make life great for people, I challenged myself with a question? How can a benefit, be a reward, and a social cause too, that would enroll people to participate, and care, and maybe make them smile too(You got to have audaciously big questions to challenge your life and be creative)? Answer; take something that is enjoyed by few, and make it accessible to anyone, empower people with an ability to obtain that which enlivens them to participate and make a difference.

What benefit would you like the whole world to have?

Create a solution that is plausible and enroll people through inspiration and story. And you have just created a fun social enterprise that will transform your life, your family, community, and the world.

Join Co+Op Recruiting for Good, we are collaborating with people to reward them free creative education and fun global travel. And sometimes combining both rewards at the same time; outrages fun….yes to make your life great.

August 21, 2013

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great

girl on fire

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great. You are a fortunate person when someone in your life cares about making your life great. They are passionate about being on fire…..

Qualities of a rockstar are hard to miss, and great to learn and imitate. We can all learn about being a rockstar, by serving others. Have you seen little kids play in a playground? There is always one or two kids who are always thinking of dynamic ways to make it more fun, and sometimes fun and outrages.

Case in point, I recently went over my sister’s house to celebrate my birthday. My niece is a rockstar, she is a precocious athlete who hit 4 home runs in the boys league, only second to a boy, who hit one more. She also plays 3 musical instruments, and now she is a designer too. She designed a sporty sleeveless jacket (I call it a vest). The craziest thing is she is only 8. Say what? Yes only 8. And she was initially shy about sharing her designs with me, but once I gave her the approval she was looking for; she poured it on. She made my birthday one of the best ever.

Rockstars live today to inspire what is possible tomorrow. My niece is 8 and I am 45, inspired the following….

What would life be like if you could invest and sponsor your kids’ creative education from the best artists (virtuosos) in Los Angeles? Imagine if your kid is the next prodigy in music, art, or film. If you are a great parent, contact us we are a co-op using recruiting collaboratively to reward creative education to rockstars in life (we are speaking about you and your child) because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Yes, we are a social Co+Op based in LA, I am Carlos Cymerman the founder, and I am ready to serve you.

PS one of my friends is Craig Bergman, he teaches creative expression and writing for kids and we would totally fund this exciting skill for your child. Check out wordupkids.com.

Are you a rockstar in life and you have a creative skill, service, benefit, or expertise that you would like to make available to more people? We are a SocialCo+Op Rewarding Rockstars a Great Life. Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to join our co-op.

July 27, 2013

Sometimes It’s Good to Be BAD

Vegas for Good

Sometime it’s good to be bad…..Go to Vegas, enjoy life and have fun making a difference.

In an effort to inspire people to do good in the world, Recruiting for Good has creatively come up with new ways to help people have fun making a difference. Recruiting for Good, now that is a perfect example of “sometimes it’s good to be bad…” Who even likes recruiters….some of us are not that BAD…..My name is Carlos Cymerman, and I am a headhunter with a heart; I love to find people great jobs, and share proceeds from recruiting placements to reward good people with free travel.

Vegas for Good, we raise money for you to enjoy Vegas first class, and 50% of the money raised on your behalf also goes to your favorite cause, or school (Adopt a School Program). Want more information checkout our video here.

Imagine if you could use your social contacts to raise funds for your family and friends to enjoy free parties, travel, and even give back to your favorite causes. That is what using recruiting for good is all about.

Travel anywhere and anytime….enjoy life and make a difference too. What else is there except for write a book, run around naked in the jungle, or go on a safari (join us in 2014 we are funding 100 safaris). Whatever destination you desire is possible. How about go on a shopping retreat in Paris with your girlfriends and raise money for your causes too……yes its possible join ishopforgood.com, for the ultimate shopping retreats; because sometimes it’s good to be bad.

Do you know good people? Do you want to reward them? Join Vegas for Good, because sometimes it’s good to be bad.

We offer a personal fundraising solution for good people who love to travel and make a difference. If you are interested, please contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to set up an appointment and meet in person. Our mission is to help people locally to travel globally (For Vegas trips, we are only serving people in Southern California).

July 9, 2013

Why We’re Sending 100 Southern California Residents to Safari


Why We’re Sending 100 Southern California Residents to Safari. Quite simply we live in Southern California, and we care about the community we live in. By touching the lives of 100 residents; we hope to inspire travel to Africa.

The likely story, we often get is, “I have no money to go to Africa on a Safari.” Understandably the economy has done a fine job of making sure that some people are much better off than others.  

But what if going to Africa changed your life? What if the experience of being in the wild got you in touch with something that you thought never existed? What if you could get in touch with your creativity through painting, photography, and even writing? That is all possible.

The truth is you will never live the life you desire, until you live outside your comfort zone. Africa is an experience that will transform your life. And we would love to help you connect to your inner child, your creative potential, and your passion to live a fully expressed life. Moving past any regrets, affording people a trip of “bucket list” proportions makes a significant difference.

Whether you join our collaborative fundraising service or not, we invite you to live out your dreams, seek out adventures, and go to a safari in Africa.

And if money is what is keeping you back, but you are willing to collaborate and work with us, we will use recruiting for good on your behalf, and make your safari experience a reality. Or perhaps better yet, you would like to surprise a loved one who has always talked about going. We will fund anyone who has a passion for travel, collaborates, and lives in Southern California.

Where in Africa would you like to go?




For Recruiting Services