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    Recruiting for Good

October 17, 2013

How to Fund Your Study Abroad and Make a Difference Too

Travel Teaches Compassion

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” Maya Angelou

“We want to live in a country where anyone can afford to study abroad, learn, teach, and transform the world” the staff at recruiting for good.

Inspired By USC Freshmen

Recently, USC freshmen Alex Zhang and Ethan Mizrahi inspired us to offer our funding solution for study abroad programs.

Whether you want to learn how to make Gelato in Italy, or learn to speak Chinese in China, or learn about diplomacy in Milan; there is an endless possibilities to expand you mind when you travel and study abroad.

Our mission is to use recruiting for good collaboratively to help people make a difference. We are excited to help local Southern California parents fund high school and college summer abroad programs. And are willing to raise up to $10,000 per participating child and match monies raised to fund local causes and nonprofits.

3 Reasons to Study Abroad (information from Vistawide)

1) Study abroad enhances employment opportunities: Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market.

2)  Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person’s culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.

3) The U.S. Senate issued a resolution to raise awareness and to help increase the number of U.S. students studying abroad. “Ensuring that the citizens of the United States are globally literate is the responsibility of the educational system of the United States.”

On a side note, at Recruiting for Good ,we are passion advocates of world travel; that is why we reward travel to people who participate in our social funding programs.

How do you qualify to fund your study abroad program?

1) Connect with Carlos@retainsourcing.com, he is the founder, senior recruiter, and your humble collaborative partner.

2) Introduce your social contacts, and recruiting for good will generate proceeds on your behalf to fund your kid’s or benefactor’s summer study abroad program.

3) Recruiting for Good will match dollar for dollar raised to donate proceeds to a nonprofit, school, or university of your choice.

Need some ideas to study abroad?

Checkout this link, we compiled a list of 2012 winners (awards given by Abroad 101)

Top 10 Destinations for U.S. Students Studying Abroad

Data source: IIENetwork’s OpenDoors 2009: Report on International Educational Exchange.


# of students in 2007/08

% of total students abroad in 2007/08

1. United Kingdom



2. Italy



3. Spain



4. France



5. China



6. Australia



7. Mexico



8. Germany



9. Ireland



10. Costa Rica



Total # of U.S. students
abroad in top 10 countries:

161,916 out of 262,416

61.7% of total U.S. students abroad

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at USC click here.

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at UCLA click here.

For more information on High School Study Abroad Programs, click here.

For more information on Gelato University Programs, click here. 

Imagine what life would be like… to have a summer vacation away from your teen or college age son or daughter, if only for two months. You will thank us later.

This is real, we are serious about funding travel that makes a difference. Your participation helps us raise money for your family’s travel abroad education, and also helps us raise money for local nonprofits.

October 15, 2013

Go to Space for Good

space travel go

Blog and website (GotoSpaceforGood.com) inspired by a conversation with Ian Murphy.

What would life be like if everyone could afford to travel to space? Right now, we have some of the most wealthiest people on earth lining up to pay 100’s of thousands of dollars to be the first to travel to space. What about the rest of us?

We at Recruiting for Good, are working collaboratively to make it possible for people to use their social contacts to make a difference; by funding the B612 Foundation and rewarding space travel.

When a person joins our Go to Space for Good program, and introduces their social contacts to enable recruiting for good to generate proceeds on their behalf for space travel; recruiting for good will also match monies raised to benefit and help fund the B612 Foundation. Their mission is to “Defend Earth from Asteroids.” Recently 60 Minutes played a segment about the possibility of an asteroid hitting earth (click here to watch segment).

With your help, we can support an organization that is committed to protect humanity from possible destruction, by creating an early warning system.

For people who participate in collaborative fundraising; we will be rewarding space travel on  XCOR Aerospace Spaceships; travel to space will begin in late 2014.

We are serving southern California residents, who love to collaborate, make a difference, and have a strong desire to travel to space. If that is you, then contact carlos@GotoSpaceforGood.com to get started.

For nonprofits or start-ups in Southern California who are looking for fun ways to raise monies, contact carlos@retainsourcing.com, we would love to help.

With Valentines or Christmas coming soon wouldn’t you want to surprise your loved ones with a trip of a lifetime?

September 11, 2013

5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference

 “Imagination is More Powerful Than Knowledge,” Albert Einstein

Inspiration To do

Like Rewarding Eduvations Education on Vacation

5 Ways Rewarding Eduvations Makes a Difference

1) In the U.S., we only get two weeks of vacation time, so why not make it meaningful time off.

2) Rewarding someone travel is all about appreciation, and meaning well.

3) Since travel destinations are vast, so are opportunities to add an education component. Which can add a distinction to each vacation.

4) Eduvations are a new way to empower teachers who love to bring their skill to travel.

5) The value of learning while vacationing are immense, first and foremost you come back from vacationing with a fresh perspective or acquired skill that you can teach others.

We are using Recruiting for Good, to reward eduvations so that people get the most out of their time off. Imagine being able to travel to Hawaii with your family on a cruise, and get Ted Talk training. How about learning to code java while vacationing in Vegas. Join our Co+Op we are rewarding and making global eduvations possible. We are vested to invest in making life fun, and rewarding eduvations to develop your imagination, creativity, and education.

We would love to connect with coaches, teachers, mentors, instructors, gurus, and magicians who love to teach while on vacation. Have you ever wanted to go on a safari and teach yoga, teach dance, teach cooking, teach LEGO Building? Now you can.

Join our Co+OP to reward eduvations to your family and friends, and change their life.



September 10, 2013

Create a School Travel Reward Program to Inspire Rockstars

“As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I

want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.” Bono

Create a school travel reward program to inspire students to do good (to be rockstars in life, have fun, and make a difference). One of the best rewards in life is travel, because it creates fun opportunities to learn and experience the world.


We at Recruiting for Good are on a mission to inspire rockstars in life by rewarding global travel. And schools are the best place to start inspiring rockstars. We are using recruiting collaboratively to help people who want to reward their community and schools travel. People use their social contacts to enable our Co+Op to use recruiting for good and fund their rewards program.

Imagine if every year you rewarded 10 students global travel. This would surely motivate other kids to participate and make a difference in the community.

Children painting with teacher.

We believe that students who do good are a result of great parents and teachers too. So we encourage people who participate in our collaborative program to reward all the rockstars; parents, students, and teachers.

We are starting our rewarding rockstars in school program in Los Angeles. If you are interested, in adopting a school and creating a school travel rewards program for parents, students, and teachers, please contact carlos@retainsourcing.com today.


Every quarter we will reward community rockstars travel. And not just any travel, Disney Cruises, education travel, and even safaris too.

Who do you want to reward today?

For Recruiting Services