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    Recruiting for Good

April 1, 2014

Go or Gift a Safari for GOOD

If you have ever got up close to a pride of lions, you will know just what the lady means.  www.african-wildlife-safari.com

 Why Go or Gift a Safari for GOOD?

It will change your life and the people you gift travel to. The ultimate adventure and most sought after destination in the world is going on a safari. Now you can see and experience a safari for GOOD.

How Can You Safari for GOOD

We are using recruiting for good collaboratively to help fund safaris. People introduce us to clients who can retain us for recruiting services or candidates who are looking for jobs. We generate proceeds to reward referrals with an opportunity to fund causes and travel. Our cause this year is to help a local school (Santa Clarita Charter School, SCVi) in Los Angeles travel to India in October. When you join our funding solution for your safari not only will you experience Africa like never before, but you will positively impact the lives students at home and abroad. What makes the trip to India special is the local school has had an exchange program with a school in India; and this is the first time the American kids travel to India.

Give Back to Mom a Safari for GOOD

Do something remarkable this Mother’s Day? Gift mom a safari for GOOD. If you join our funding solution you can gift a safari for GOOD to who ever you want in the world. Do it and your mom will always talk about you in the highest regards to friends, family, and the community at large.

Give Back to Your Kids In College a Safari for GOOD

We recently connected with a company that provides educational and authentic travel experiences in Africa.  Edu Tours Africa, that will make a significant difference in your kids’ lives.

Give Back to Your #1 Employee a Safari for GOOD

You want to retain your top talent. Gift them vacation experiences that will change their life.

Years ago, I remember one of my top employees was asking to be rewarded a Porsche we were talking about winning a huge lottery and rewarding each other amazing things. You want to reward your top employees a life changing experience, reward them a safari for GOOD. We can help you fund your employee’s safari for GOOD.

Need Some Inspiration for Safari Travel

Check out Infinite Safari Adventures, Anastasias Africa, Edu Tours Africa, Go Eat Give.

There are many travel companies to choose from. And a variety of experiences to be had. The best thing about Africa, is that you can continue to go back; see and experience new things every time. Some of the top activities include; the grand migration, tracking gorillas, photography adventures, ballooning over Serengeti, and climbing Kilimanjaro.

How Safari Tour Companies & Travel Agents Can Help Schools Travel

Introduce us to clients that need funding for their tour or their flights, and we will raise monies on their behalf using recruiting for good; rewarding travel and matching monies raised to help local schools travel.

When is a GOOD Time to Go Safari….Today

Quoting one of my friends Alan Feldstein, founder of Infinite Safari Adventures, “Someday is Now!”

Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to fund your safari for GOOD, and help local schools travel today.

What has been your favorite safari experience?

March 31, 2014

Imagine Everyone Vacations for GOOD

Inspiration To do

What would your life be like, if every year you took a vacation to new destinations around the world? Our parents, and our grandparents waited year after year saving money for the right day, right season, and right year to take a vacation.

People in the United States get the least amount of time off, and yet when they do get time off, they wait till retirement to do the things they can do today. Life is shorter than you think. One day you are alive, and the next day you don’t get up, your life is done.

Here’s a great article on Forbes about Americans and vacation time-off, by Tanya Mohn, “U.S. The Only Advanced Economy That Does Not Require Employers To Provide Paid Vacation Time, Report Says.”

The only perfect time to take a vacation is today. We come up with reasons why we don’t take vacations, we rationalize our existence, and we sell out our big dreams of seeing the world and living the life we deserve, and for what.

Top 3 Reasons People Don’t Vacation for GOOD

1) I don’t have the money. With crowd sourcing sites abound FundYourTravel.com, Gofundme.com should help.

2) I don’t have time. If you are working 50-70 hours a week, it is only a matter of time before you wake up, and you realized you aged 20 years in the last 3 years. Whose life are you living?

3) “I can’t leave because the kids, I can’t leave them behind. And I can’t take them; because I need a break.” Why don’t you take a vacation where you and your kids can spend quality time doing things together, and developing relationships that matter.

5 Benefits to Taking a Vacation Every Year

1) Health benefits, time off reduces stress.

2) Creative innovation, being away from the daily grind, your can day dream, and come up with great solutions.

3) Improve productivity. Once you come back from your vacation, you will be refreshed to start anew with a full tank.

4) Develop great relationships with your kids and loved ones. Spend quality time with the people that matter to you most.

5) Your life is what you make of it. Live life fully, have fun, be adventurous, and accomplish your travel bucket list. Teach and inspire your family that life is about more than just work. Vacations help you appreciate all the effort and hard work.

Everyone Vacations for Good

Join our mission to inspire and help everyone vacation for GOOD. We all deserve to enjoy life and see the world, why not start today and plan your vacation for good or gift your family, friends, or employees a vacation too.

We are using recruiting for good to help people fund and gift travel. “In fact, every person, that gets a job with one of our clients, also gets a vacation in Mexico,” so says Carlos Cymerman, founder of Recruiting for Good.

Where do you want to vacation next?

March 17, 2014

How Companies Can Help Students Travel for Good


This blog is inspired by Santa Clarita Valley International, a school that has transformed students through global travel……. Thank you.


Why Kids Need to Travel for Good

Travel teaches compassion, culture, and world history. To truly know yourself; you need to know about the rest of the world. Travel connects people to people, places, and time. And the best time to instill values and mentor our future generations is when they are in school.

For the future of our country, our citizens have to become worldly, and no amount of internet searches, Facebook posts, or tweets, can ever replace the real and intentional experiences that travel creates.

With that said, we are on a mission to use recruiting for good to raise funds for school travel.

How Companies Can Help

1) Companies can donate monies to help sponsor schools’ travel.

2) Companies can invite and enroll other companies to participate and sponsor schools’ travel.

2) Companies can retain recruiting for good for searches and we will donate 50% of first placements earned; and continue to donate 5% of future placements.

Benefits for Companies

1) Get a social good reputation in the community.

2) Touch the lives of your employees, their families, and the community at large.

3)  The Student Travel for Good social solution, will inspire people to come work for companies that care about making life better for future generations.

Help Local Santa Clarita Charter School Travel to India

We were introduced to Santa Clarita Valley International, by Mary Anne Been founder of Jet Set Extra, an online travel destination website. We immediately fell in love with the opportunity to raise money for their trip to India. The Incredible India Tour of 2014 provides all Santa Clarita Valley students with a totally unique opportunity to explore India in an educational and cultural exchange tour organized by SCVi Charter School and endorsed by the Santa Clarita Valley International Program.

What Makes their Trip Unique? For the past several years, they have been visited by a school in India, this year the kids in America are going to India. This is by far the most exciting trip of the kids’ lives and will forever leave an imprint about what is possible for them.

Please Help….The school has to raise $30,000, half the cost of the trip by the end of April 2014. If your company is hiring technical professionals, please consider retaining Recruiting for Good, we will donate 50% of our placement fee to help fund the trip; and together we will change the future of these kids’ lives.

Where is your school traveling for good this year?

February 25, 2014

5 Reasons to Fund School Travel for Good

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” Mary Ritter Beard

As parents and leaders it is our job to prepare the next generation for the challenges and obstacles life may bring. We at recruiting for good are making it our mission to help people change and see the world. And believe the best place to start inspiring change is in schools.

5 Reasons to Fund School Travel for Good

1) Travel teaches; that we are all the same, we breath, we drink, and we laugh like everyone else. Travel teaches compassion.

2) Travel teaches real life lessons about all the things we learn in books.

3) Travel inspires creative thinking. Young people are more in-tune with what is happening around the world.

4) Travel inspires participation. Seeing a problem, children will start their own causes to try to help and make a difference.

5) Travel is fun. With all the pressures of school, and education. Sometimes it just good to enjoy life and have fun.

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you.” Warren Buffet

Travel to Find People Better Than You

One of the best ways to learn about life, and find out who you are, and where you belong is when you travel away from your comfort. People will surround you, thinking you are better than them, and you will be attracted to them for the same reasons. Only to find out that you are all the same; beautiful human beings.

I want to live in a world where people unplug from their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and connect and engage in person (travel). “Look me in the eye and tell me you like my smile, you miss talking to me, and I will make you laugh.”

Greatest gift we can teach kids is to be themselves.

Let’s make it possible for our kids to find themselves, to genuinely connect to their humanity, and to make the world a better place to work and live.

Inspire your kids school to travel for good.

Where does your kids’ school want to travel?

For Recruiting Services