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March 27, 2018

How to Help Moms and Save On Group Travel

Group travel5

Do you want to travel together with family, friends (all girls trip), or your like-minded group (church, meet-up, nonprofit, school, or Synagogue), and save money?

Join Us to Help Moms & Save On Group Travel

Recruiting for Good, a staffing company in Santa Monica connecting professionals to companies, and earning finder’s fees that are shared to help fund Our Moms Work (a fun community service helping moms), and reward referrals with  travel.

How to Get Started?

Step 1. Organize your group (4 or more people), and choose a destination you want to travel to in 12-24 months (or if your group already booked a trip with a cruise, travel agency, or travel company); then come meet us in person.

Step 2. We meet all prospective groups in person, come to our next lunch party at North Italia in Santa Monica, RSVP with Susan@OurMomsWork.org, let her know you are interested in group travel funding. Group Travel Fund is a personal members only service in L.A. for like-minded people who love to help moms, and save on travel.

“…Imagine if every year, your travel group chose a new destination to explore …We love to help you see the world for good…”

How is Our Travel Saving Service Different

  1. Your groups’ participation makes a difference in moms’ lives.
  2. We carefully select groups and use recruiting to generate proceeds.
  3. We help travel groups; fund and save money on travel for 1 to 2 years.

7 Inspiring Group Travel Companies

  1. Backroads (cycling)
  2. Ecoventura (Yacht in Galapagos)
  3. Natural Habitat Adventures
  4. Palau Dive Adventures (Scuba)
  5. Rothschild Safaris
  6. Waterways Travel (Surfing)
  7. We Party for Good (World’s Best Chocolate, Food & Wine Festivals)

***For families that love cruising consider a “Disney Cruise.”

Have Questions

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

February 2, 2018

Another Great Reason to Hire Moms


Outsourcing jobs just doesn’t work, consider how many companies have changed their strategy, and decided to bring jobs back to the States. More importantly, when you hire a mom, you invest in the community and families’ future (and well-being). Start today.

According to Carlos Cymerman, founder of Recruiting for Good, “We love to celebrate and help 100 moms find jobs they love in 2018. And give companies a purposeful reason to help moms.”

How Companies Participate

1) Simply send open positions to Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com.
2) Recruiting for Good staff finds qualified moms for open positions.
3) Recruiting for Good helps coordinate and schedule interviews.

How Moms Participate & Find Jobs with Our Moms Work

1) Serving moms who live in Beach Cities, Culver City, Southbay, SFV, or Westside.
2) Moms need to attend fun Beauty Foodie parties to be represented for job placement services.
3) Moms RSVP to reserve spot for next party with Susan@OurMomsWork.org.

January 18, 2018

How Education Can Develop Leadership Skills


Special thanks to Scott Groza for writing this inspired blog

After four years of college, one generally expects to be awarded a piece of paper that will open the doors of their profession to them. That piece of paper symbolizes a degree which crowns all of their efforts and enables them to further their dream chasing. Interestingly, however, finishing college does not just culminate in a title. Those who are successful come out with a certain level of skills that education instills into one’s subconsciousness. Examples of it are time management, organization, accountability, persistence, and many more. Most importantly, education singlehandedly imparts leadership qualities.

Forces Socialization

To be a leader worthy of praise, one must find it endearing and joyful to meet people. After all, an individual split from socialization can never demonstrate leadership skills as there will be nobody to follow their guidance. Throughout education, regardless of the level and orientation, the never-ending shift of professors and a limitless inflow of fellow peers facilitates an environment where encounters are unavoidable. Thus, turning strangers into associates eventually becomes a mindless routine. That skill, although not explicitly taught in any school, is one of the most important features of a prospective leader.

Team-Based Environment

Besides getting exceptionally well-versed at meeting new people, education blatantly forces one to become a team player. Whether it is through projects that would be impossible to fulfill without the help of others or some more crafty method, educated individuals can always recall being shoved into teams. And rightly so. In the professional world, there is no such thing as a one-man battle. Having employees, partners, and bosses is a system of chain-of-command that exists because it is fertile. Ultimately, becoming a figurehead that every member of the team follows is a true testament to the leadership ability.

Taking Initiative

Education starts with small steps. One day, it is an early-morning class. Soon after, it is a meeting to discuss what career will be pursued. Those types of decisions and the effort it takes to make them build a person up. They let them taste true control as they start calling the shots over their own livelihood. That power translates to ownership and an ability to take control of other people. After a while, making high-profile resolutions may become so well rehearsed that one will crave taking initiative and being in charge.

Having Responsibility

A human being has not experienced true growth until they overcome situations with more problems than solutions. These can be represented by all those times when someone had to prioritize between work and studying or leisure and business. When in school, those types of trade-offs have to be considered almost daily. Whenever a wrong decision is made, which is bound to happen, one will have to bear the repercussion of responsibility that was not met. For example, failing to study will result in a failed exam. That teaches someone to look at all possible outcomes and be prepared for any implications that arise as a byproduct of a decision. Such a skill is in high demand for leaders as they have to comprehend the enormous responsibility they undertake by commanding others.

Attention to Detail

Lastly, in order to be efficient, one must be very attentive. Someone who is in charge of hundreds of employees must be able to recognize what department is struggling, which manager is not fulfilling their duties, what part of the operation is falling short of its goal, and so on. Once again, getting a respectable education will ensure that this skill gets plenty of practice. There is a reason why students often get penalized for seemingly irrelevant issues like showing up late. Such an approach guarantees that one will be mindful of every small detail that pertains to success. Thus, once education is completed, the person will go on to a career of performing their duties while paying close attention to everything.

Scott Groza is a co-founder of Groza Learning Center where he aims to help students with their performance. He is a dedicated educator that advocates for a method of teaching that will take into account students’ individual learning styles. That approach enabled him to help countless people thus far.


October 25, 2017

Why I Launched Our Moms Work Cause

our moms work for recruiting for good

Why I Launched Our Moms Work Cause

This is a personal cause for me. Every day, I aspire to make my mom proud; I use my recruiting talent to improve people’s lives by connecting them to great jobs. I am grateful to work with companies and candidates that I appreciate me.

Working moms inspire heart centered values and are instrumental in preparing contributors, creators, and leaders joining the workforce in their unique way.


It All Started When I Was Young

Mom inspired my life and work values.

“When I was in junior high school, my mom decided to go back to work, against my father’s objections. My mom was driven by her passion to be creative; and as a paid actor, the job gave her the courage and freedom to leave him.”

By finding moms jobs they love…we empower and honor them. If for the rest of my life, I can use my recruiting talent to change moms lives for good, that would be so rewarding…imagine a life so joyous that every day I called moms…and said to them….”You Got the Job.”

Join our fun cause Our Moms Work today. Want to meet me in person? Come to our next Santa Monica, Mom Party for Good.

For Recruiting Services