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    Recruiting for Good

September 12, 2019

Enjoy Hot Yoga for Good

September 10, 2019

Why Rewarding Meditation is Important to Me

Why Rewarding Meditation is Important to Me

I am the Founder of Recruiting for Good….and I have not always been clear about my intentions, calm, and a well meaning guy…

In fact, I grew up in a chaotic home, my family moved from country to country; and all along I struggled with ADD, and other learning disabilities. Mom was compassionate and patient; and my father was the opposite (angry and impatient). When something upset me, I would throw tantrums, and it would lead to times where I was unable to verbally communicate what was wrong….which never seemed to get better…(I understand what families with Spectrum kids go thru).

In retrospect, it would have been awesome as a kid to know how to meditate…I would have loved if someone taught me about meditation….

I first learned about the power of meditation when I was 40 years old…from a wise man named David Andersen (I am eternally grateful to him). Now I am 51, and I use meditation often to shut the busy world off, listen to my inner voice, and create the intentional world I want to live in.

Using Recruiting Placements to Fund Rewarding Meditation

The path to purpose and meaning is sometimes right in front of you. I was recently introduced to a wonderful company called Wisdom Labs, and they inspired me to create Rewarding Meditation.

Rewarding Meditation is a social cause that allows me to combine all the communities I love to serve, kids and moms. Since 2017, I have been offering career mentoring services thru Our Moms Work. Moms who want a job outside the home, or just a part-time gig are looking for meaningful work; teaching kids meditation is meaningful.

So thru recruiting for good; we’ll be working to help fund mom meditation certification programs. And generating proceeds to sponsor their meditation work in schools.

Want to Help Fund Rewarding Meditation

Retain our agency for search? We’re using recruiting placements to help fund Rewarding Meditation (mom certification programs, and meditation in schools, launching in 2020).

Is your company having a hard time finding talented professionals? Let us help you find your next awesome hire (we’ve been recruiting for good for 20 years); monies generated from placements will transform kids and moms lives for good…and create tomorrow’s productive, progressive, and purpose driven workforce….love is inspiring peace of mind.

Have Mindful Questions

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

September 6, 2019

How to Earn Unplug Rewards for Good?

How to Earn Unplug Rewards for Good?

Have you heard of Unplug they have meditation studios in Santa Monica and West Hollywood? If life is hectic, and you need to rest your mind consider doing a class, or do a 1 on 1 private session.

“Unplug Meditation, the world’s first drop-in, secular meditation studio, opened its doors in April of 2014, created by Suze Yalof Schwartz….we simplify the practice to make it easy, powerful, inspirational & fun. All classes are accessible for first-timers & long term meditators. Start feeling the benefits for yourself, from classic mindfulness meditation classes to guided imagery, sound baths, breathwork, aromatherapy, crystal healing and more. Our friendly staff & expert guides make it easy & comfortable for you to build a practice you love.'”

How to Earn Unplug Rewards for Good?

Participate in staffing agency, Recruiting for Good by simply introducing your boss, family member, friend, or neighbor who hires professional staff (Accounting/Finance, Engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, or Sales), when the agency fills the position, and earns a finder’s fee ($1,000 is donated to Rewarding Meditation, a program funding meditation in schools). And enjoy $1,000 toward Unplug class packages, private 1 on 1, or teacher training.

Another way to earn rewards for good, refer a family member or friend who is looking for a fulltime position in technology. After, Recruiting for Good finds them a great job, and they complete probation period; you earn $1,000 toward Unplug classes, private 1 on 1, or teacher training (And we donate $1,000 toward Rewarding Meditation).

Want to Get Started or Have Questions?

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

Since 1998 Recruiting for Good finds companies talented professionals, and helps fund causes.

August 27, 2019

Sales for Good…A Value Driven Profession

Sales for Good…A Value Driven Profession

When most people think of sales professionals…they scram away, grimace, or worst yet reflect back on a bad sales experience.

Sales for Good is a necessary component of success driven companies. Not only does it generate proceeds, but sales done ‘Right;’ creates jobs, sustains companies thru good and bad times, and expands company future profitability.

What Does It Take to Be a Great Sales Professional?

  1. Loves to serve people, and is a natural connector who finds people fascinating.
  2. A great listener, and problem solver.
  3. Passionate, and self driven.
  4. Ethical (yes doing business the right way, for the right reasons).
  5. Fun (yes people tend to buy more from sales people they like).

Find a Company You Love

Want to sell for good…find a company whose products and services align with your values. If they save the world, or save humanity, then you can live and work your purpose every day. And never just work for a paycheck…but getting paid for performance is always nice too…

If You are Looking for a Sales Job for Good

And selling services that change and transform people’s lives means something more to you…we have a client who is looking to hire someone just like you…to learn more email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

For Recruiting Services