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    Recruiting for Good

January 11, 2020

Inspiring Kids Creative Writing Contest for Rule Breakers

Inspiring Kids Creative Writing Contest for Rule Breakers

“I am both dyslexic, and learned English as a third language. And yes, my grammar is not perfect…And yet I am doing ok in life, work, and having fun inspiring kids for good…” Recruiting for Good, Founder, Carlos

Creative Contests for Grateful Parents and Kids

Recruiting for Good sponsors creative writing contests; inspiring kids to use their imagination, and talent for good. Our creative writing questions are meaningful and teach kids positive life values. And we reward kids fun for good; (beauty foodie party, and rewarding L.A’s Best escape rooms experience).

Yes, grammar does not count in our contest…what we care most about is how kids express their creative ‘ideas’, how they convey their thoughts and feelings beyond what is expected…how they say what they mean without boundaries …how they write from their heart and soul (to inspire friends, parents, and siblings too). So, if you are parent of a dyslexic child (or uninspired at school), or learned English as a second language…we welcome your kids’ entries…

“Great lesson for kids to learn…Don’t let others tell you…’you are not good enough’ …simply believe in yourself, participate to do your best…strive for excellence…and not perfection…and you’ll accomplish more in life, than, not trying at all.”

Here is a list of famous people who overcame their dyslexia (struggled at school), and became great successes; because their creativity and vision propelled them beyond their obstacles. Albert Einstein, Mireille Mathieu, Rebecca Kamen, Richard Branson, Thomas Edison…you can join the list today….just participate.

January 2, 2020

January Kids Creative Writing Contest

Every Month We Have a Fun New Contest

In January….simply answer the following

What is one value that your teacher embodies, that you would love to emulate? And why?

How to Submit Writing Entry?

Must be a student in 4th to 12th grade in Los Angeles school (or home schooled)

Entries must be hand written (take a picture, and have parent email to Sara@RewardingLA.com)

(Entries should not be more than 500 words)

In email, tell us your kid’s age, what school they attend (or home schooled), and parent’s first name

On January 31st, we will contact the most inspiring winner!

October 11, 2019

How We Use Recruiting for Good

How We Use Recruiting for Good

“Imagine everyone loved life and work…

because when we do…the party never ends…” 

Over the course of the next 10 years, we are bringing about transformative change for companies, candidates, and community (families) too; by using recruiting for good to positively impact lives…in fun, meaningful, and personal ways.

We help companies find talented and value driven professionals that make their organizations more cohesive, productive, and successful.

We deliver a personal service for candidates by helping them land fulfilling jobs that positively impact their life, get paid a great salary (commensurate with the expertise and work product they deliver), and use their talent for good.

We generate recruiting proceeds to fund our causes (Kids Meditation, Our Moms Work), fun contests (Text Your Kvetch), and positively impact the community; by rewarding referrals with donations to schools, family savings (Join the Mitzvah Club enjoy family travel, summer camp, and Sunday School savings), and fun food rewards.

Have Awesome Community Questions

Email Jen@RecruitingforGood.com

October 4, 2019

How to Earn 1800 Savings Reward For Sunday School

How to Earn 1800 Savings Reward For Sunday School?

Now you can use your social network to benefit your life. Everyone is socially connected to someone who is looking looking to hire. You simply are going to make an introduction to recruiting for good to a family member, friend, or neighbor…who works for a company hiring professionals. When we successfully connect someone to a job, and earn a finder’s fee; we will reward $1800 toward Sunday School.

Partner up with Recruiting for Good, since 1998 we have been helping companies find talented professionals. We now reward referrals with meaningful savings for education, summer camp, and travel.

Have Questions?

Email Jen@RecruitingforGood.com

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