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    Rachael Thompson Photography

January 1, 2015

And The Winner Is….

That’s right we just awarded one kid 2 tickets to the Superbowl. In November, Recruiting for Good sponsored creative writing competition for best sports story written by a middle school and high school student.

And the winner is Trenton, a student from Olympic High School, in Santa Monica, CA. We just got off the phone and spoke to his father who had no idea, his son had participated…he was speechless. In the background you could hear Trenton ecstatically yelling.

Big Thanks

1) To all the kids who participated in our competition.

2) To all the parents who drove the kids to our events.

3) To Ms. Liaw, teacher at Olympic High School for inspiring Trenton.

A special thanks to our judges; Craig Bergman (Wordup Kids), David Andersen (David Andersen Pianos), and Racheal Thompson (Racheal Thompson Photography).

Biggest Lesson of Competition and Life

The only way to win is to participate.

2015 & Beyond

We are grateful and humbled to make 2015 remarkable for Trenton and his dad.

Congratulations….and happy new year…from Recruiting for Good.

November 27, 2014

14 Moms I am Grateful For…..


14 Moms I am Grateful For…..Moms have had such an impact in my life over the past 12 months, that I have to finally acknowledged and thanked them for inspiring and teaching me about life.

14 Moms I am Grateful For

1) My sister Judy, she is an inspiration to her kids, to her husband, and dedication to her work. She always invites me to all the important holidays, and makes feel welcomed. Family comes first.

2) Allison Marks one of my closest friends ever. She literally kicks my ass. She reminds me that I am a good recruiter, and a good person. She is a constant critic of my work, and her feedback is thoughtful and caring. I always get the truth, even when its painfully honest (although I don’t always agree with her).

3) My own mom, for sharing her personal journal entry, “about what her life was like the day I was born.” She inspired me to create the writing contests in the community.

4) Justine Lassoff whose love of community created Tuesday Nights. Thank you for allowing me to sponsor one of your events; you taught me the importance of developing personal and meaning relationships.

5) Hilda Pacheco-Taylor the founder of Corazon de Vida, a passionate, compassionate, and forward driving thought leader. She inspired me to find my cause. Be passionate about your cause, and lead it like your life depends on it. She lives and thrives to save and empower orphans in Mexico.

6) My ex-girlfriend Robin who is one of the best moms ever. Her love for her daughter is undeniable. I felt like being in my own family for the first time in my life. She made life fun, in a very edgy way. And tested my commitment to be there for her when she needed me most. I loved being by her side and serving her. She opened up and touched my heart….thank you.

7) Rachael (founder of Rachael Photography) is a recent mom who has come into my life. She inspired me to have monthly fitness events through Kickass for Good. Her eye for photography is insightful, and has given me a new way to connect to my community.

8) Elayne Layken (founder of Webisode Studio) she gave me a voice and allowed me to share my vision through animation video. All the images, and scripts in my head came to life through her creative genius. She gave me simplicity in a complicated world.

9) My sister Patty, she gave me hope…that perhaps I am on to something with Kickass for Good, she loved the concept of competition, and rewarding moms for good. And has done an amazing job as a single mom to raise a child.

10) Special thanks to moms Jen Levinson (Founder Jen’s List), Laura Page (Founder Muddy Warriors), Mrs. Babb (Tommy Babb’s mom whose son participated 3 times in my recent writing contest for Superbowl tickets), Senaca La Fayette (extraordinary volunteer), Marni Rosenthal Chaikin (Co-Founder Pure Barre Brentwood, Santa Monica, Woodland Hills), and Lindsey Arotin (Regional Manager Exhale Spa)…whose enthusiasm, and conversations about Kickass for Good has reinvigorated my commitment to my higher purpose; helping L.A. moms have fun, get fit, and kickass for good.

Give thanks to moms, this Thanksgiving. Who are you grateful for?

For Recruiting Services