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May 1, 2020

Something Missing In Your Life…Create It

This Blog is Inspired By Radley, 6th Grade LA Gluten Free Foodie Kid…Who is on a passion driven gig to create a list of Gluten Free Restaurants that he can enjoy (he has Type 1 Diabetes, and Celiac).

Something Missing In Your Life…Create It

Identifying something amiss and creating a solution for it; is purposeful. Most likely, if it occurs to you in your life, it occurs to others too. The fact Radley is enthusiastic and passionate about finding restaurants that he can enjoy; it will inspire other kids to do the same. There is power in putting the mask on first in an airplane. So, too there is power in doing something beneficial to you first too.

Radley reveals his humor and joy while reviewing the food; focusing on what really is important. “I may have certain conditions, but they will not stop me from doing the things I love….including eating tasty food.” Making mindful choices allows him to become responsible for his own well-being…and self love. A powerful motivator for anyone who wants to create something that is missing in their life.

One of the most sought after skills in the workforce is problem solving. If you are creative and effective, you are valuable to a company…and perhaps even the world. It doesn’t matter what industry or profession you seek; perfecting your problem solution skills will make you a great success. First learn to identify the problem, then go into solving it. Companies are created to deliver products and services that solve problems.

To learn more visit www.WorkskillsforKids.com

Stay tuned for next week’s blog inspired by kids who teach, and remind me what is important…

October 7, 2013

In Loving Memory

Love Connects Us

“For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment.” Viktor E. Frankl 

In Loving Memory, I attended my nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, and at the temple there was a memorial wall of family members from the congregation that had passed away; some where parents, other were grandparents, and still others were siblings.

The messages on the board, inspired me to reflect on my personal journey; of becoming the man I am today. One persistent question which motivated my transformation was, “how would I be remembered on a wall very similar to this one; 100 years from now?”

Every day for the past 3 years, I have been making a concerted effort to find my purpose so that the work that I do is both meaningful and makes life better not just for my immediate circle of friends, and family, but also for the community at large. Everyday I am grateful, everyday I am inspired, everyday I have fun; I am choosing my happiness and state of being.

Perhaps, you feel disconnected from your purpose, or inner passion, one great way to find your passion is to serve others. Want to leave a footprint on this world? Then, help others live remarkable lives.

And do it because 100 years from now your life story (In Loving Memory message) on a memorial wall may inspire someone to have the courage and fortitude to seek a better life for themselves and it may even change the world.

What are you willing today to be remembered 100 years from now?

August 21, 2013

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great

girl on fire

Inspiring Rockstars Make Life Great. You are a fortunate person when someone in your life cares about making your life great. They are passionate about being on fire…..

Qualities of a rockstar are hard to miss, and great to learn and imitate. We can all learn about being a rockstar, by serving others. Have you seen little kids play in a playground? There is always one or two kids who are always thinking of dynamic ways to make it more fun, and sometimes fun and outrages.

Case in point, I recently went over my sister’s house to celebrate my birthday. My niece is a rockstar, she is a precocious athlete who hit 4 home runs in the boys league, only second to a boy, who hit one more. She also plays 3 musical instruments, and now she is a designer too. She designed a sporty sleeveless jacket (I call it a vest). The craziest thing is she is only 8. Say what? Yes only 8. And she was initially shy about sharing her designs with me, but once I gave her the approval she was looking for; she poured it on. She made my birthday one of the best ever.

Rockstars live today to inspire what is possible tomorrow. My niece is 8 and I am 45, inspired the following….

What would life be like if you could invest and sponsor your kids’ creative education from the best artists (virtuosos) in Los Angeles? Imagine if your kid is the next prodigy in music, art, or film. If you are a great parent, contact us we are a co-op using recruiting collaboratively to reward creative education to rockstars in life (we are speaking about you and your child) because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Yes, we are a social Co+Op based in LA, I am Carlos Cymerman the founder, and I am ready to serve you.

PS one of my friends is Craig Bergman, he teaches creative expression and writing for kids and we would totally fund this exciting skill for your child. Check out wordupkids.com.

Are you a rockstar in life and you have a creative skill, service, benefit, or expertise that you would like to make available to more people? We are a SocialCo+Op Rewarding Rockstars a Great Life. Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to join our co-op.

December 3, 2012

Helping People Have Babies

Helping people have babies. Fundraising for You to Have a Baby, say what, no you didn’t say that, well in fact I did, check it out.

According to WebMD, the average cost of an IVF cycle (invitro) in the U.S. is $12,400. According to the Adoption Guide, the average cost for an adoption is $25,000 dollars.

1) Are you tired of waiting for the special man to come into your life to be the husband and father you dreamed of, and want to be a mother today?

2) How about you are a loving couple, but have fertility problems and deeply desire to have a child?

3) How about if you are in a gay or lesbian relationship and really want kids?

Instead of falling into a credit trap owning thousands of dollars for the next 10 years, or stopping from going forward with your long life dream to have a baby.

Consider contacting Recruiting for Good to fundraise for you to have a baby. We are a Collaborative Fundraising Solution helping people make a difference. There is nothing more personal than bringing a child into the world. And we would fundraise for anyone who is ready for the responsibilities of being a kickass parent, not average, we are talking rockstar; because every child deserves that.

What would life be like if your community (all your friends and family) could help you raise the funds necessary for you to afford to have a baby? We empower your community to help you.

We collaboratively fundraise for people to make life meaningful. And that in itself is making a difference.

At this time, we are only serving people in Southern California; because we meet everyone we fundraise for in person.

This blog was inspired, by my friend Nicole, who has been talking about having a baby for two years. And called me this afternoon, and said “I want to fundraise to have a baby.” Would I support her wishes? Yes.

Join retainsourcing.com, to fundraise for you to have a baby and make your life great.

For Recruiting Services