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February 5, 2021

Friday is a Good Day to Learn Love What is Love…Work Skills for Kids

Friday is a Good Day to Learn Love What is Love…Work Skills for Kids

Imagine…if everyday kids loved everything they were, experienced, and did.

This would alleviate the stressors of living to someone else’s expectations…if everything is love…then, creativity, energy, and fulfillment is abundant…which inspires kids to lead and teach others ‘Love What is Love’…a perpetual circle of joy.

Kids Just Love What is Love Every Day

Every day is an opportunity to practice, learn, and improve skills. Do it because you love it, it makes you feel good (it will fulfill you), and you can accomplish so much more (and may even make your parents proud).

Love What is Love Start Today…what do you think?

December 15, 2020

How Creative Writing Transformed My Life and It Do the Same for You

“Fashion Loves Freedom” Inspired By a Man, Founder, Carlos Recruiting for Good

How Creative Writing Transformed My Life? And It Do the Same for You

Let me give you a little synopsis, I came to the US when I was 12, English was my third language, and I struggled with language, because I was dyslexic.

But I didn’t let my obstacles get in the way of my passion to play, and have fun. I learned how to express myself…by re-learning how language can be a game…and life a blank canvass of possibility.

Creative writing transformed me…I see words and visions in my dreams…sometimes I “go meditate to marinate” the ideas just flow thru me…and I quickly write them down.

I am grateful to have 2 amazing graphic designers…that I send my content, layout, and pictures…and they make it look amazing (All the content on Recruiting for Good website, creative writing contests, and exclusive rewards, including logos and urls came from within me).

With Creative Writing I Found My Purpose + Passion = Play

I combined my passion for helping companies find talented professionals (great jobs they love); and created my purpose to teach kids ‘how to love work thru The Sweetest Weekend Gigs for Kids to Eat LA’s Finest Chocolate.’

Inspiring Fun for 2021 and Beyond (Creative Chocolate Contests, and Exclusive Rewards…like 12 Months of Sushi, For ‘Her’ Wine Shoes Chocolate, LA’s Finest Chocolate Experiences)….12 Months of Mom Fun.


Want to Create a Life You Love?

“Fall in love with yourself…surrender to becoming The One…
so that you can serve a greater Purpose…find your Passion…and Play.”

Creative Writing Will Help

Carlos, Fun Advocate Founder

Kids Get Paid to Eat + Recruiting for Good


November 5, 2020

How to Honor Kids

How to Honor Kids

“We at Recruiting for Good, are grateful to use our talent for good, and help kids land their first job, have fun, and love work.”

  1. Make life fun and rewarding; inspire kids to lead and participate in their awesome life.
  2. Prepare them to successfully enter the workforce; give them the skills, strategies, and opportunities.
  3. Invest in their development; so they become more value-driven, and grow from within.
  4. Be patient, “Rome wasn’t built in one day.”
  5. Empower kids to use their voice for good, “when you mentor kids, and you listen, they teach you.”

Blog Sponsored By Fun Community Service

Recruiting for Good is sponsoring and leading fun community service; delivering 1 on 1 mentoring for kids to land their first job, have fun, and love work.

We meet in Santa Monica, with parents and kids. Perfect for 13 and 14 year olds who love to land Summer Job in 2021.

To Learn more visit www.LandFirstJob.com

May 11, 2020

Why I Love to Help Moms and Kids?

Written By Happy Mom…Ben and Shay Kids…

Today is Mother’s Day and I’d like to take a moment to thank Carlos Cymerman for doing good.

One of the tricky parts of being a single mum is that, even if your kids want to shower you with Mother’s Day gifts, there is no other adult around to help them materialize their loving ideas. Consequently, our usual choices are 1) telling our kids we don’t want to make a fuss, or 2) turning Mama Day into yet another errand on our to-do list. Needless to say, neither option is terribly enjoyable for the mum herself.

This year, however, Recruiting for Good presented a third option. Through its Goodie Foodie Club, my two middle schoolers were able to “earn” rather delicious mama gifts this lovely Sunday in May.

Though “passion” and “play” are both priceless pieces of the human condition, “purpose” is the tricky one of the three, much harder to find, and even harder to grasp. This morning, however, my kids tasted the power of purpose in more ways than one…and I am grateful for that in more ways than one.

For Recruiting Services