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March 30, 2014

Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

How I Helped My Friends Travel?

In 1996, I went backpacking in Europe with my best friend Morgan, it was a glorious and exciting trip. We initially met his brother in Paris. His older brother, Brett was a legend, after graduating from college, he went to work for one of the consulting firms and after a year, he quit his job, and went to Europe where he met a girl and was living in Sweden. For the next two months, we traveled together through Spain, Italy, and Greece. That’s where I met Tanya, and we traveled together to Turkey, and Hungary.

In 2006, I went back to Europe to watch the World Cup in Germany. And invited Morgan to stay with me in Italy, we went first class, I took care of everything. I was doing well in business, and I wanted to share my travel experience with one of my best friends. And we got to accomplish things, we didn’t do in 1996 like; go to the top of leaning tower of Pisa, go to the top of Eiffel tower, and see the Tower of London. He went back to LA, and I stayed in Europe for another month, where I went to the Running of the Bulls, and I settled in Barcelona and worked remotely for another month.

In the last 10 years, if it wasn’t for Morgan, I traveled with Tanya, the Australian girl I met in Greece in 1996, we went to Bali together. One of my most fulfilling trips, was to the London Olympics, with Robin, she had never been out of the states and every moment with her was thrilling. The fact is my friends made my travel experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

5 Reasons Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

Travel with Your Friends or Gift Travel and You Will Change Your Friends’ Life

1) It will change your relationship, bring you closer by having shared experiences.

2) Travel creates memories, that bring joy, and hope into our life.

3) Travel teaches us about the world, and we learn about ourselves.

4) Travel brings fun, adventure, and excitement.

5) Travel is fulfilling, and allow us to escape our daily grind.

Where are You Traveling Next With Friends?

February 20, 2014

3 Reasons to Fund Student-Teacher Travel for Good

3 Reasons to Fund Student-Teacher Travel for Good

1) A book can only tell you how things are, but to see it in person you can truly experience it. Think about how it feels to be in the Coliseum in Rome or stand next to the leaning Tower of Pisa.

2)When you travel with your classmates, and teachers it transforms the relationships forever; you create everlasting memories.

3) Because its FUN. Yes its fun to do something new, creative, and refreshing. Visit a country where everyone speaks English with a funny accent; like Australia, and see kangaroos jumping about. Now that is FUN!

Travel Makes a Difference

No amount of books, or internet sites can ever replace the sights, smells, and sounds of bustling cities like London or Paris. Truth be told, we (Americans) should take every opportunity to instill and invest in our child’s travel education early on. It will transform their life and yours. Number one reason people don’t travel, because it is costly. So, I created a solution to fund travel.

A Social Solution

I transformed my recruiting agency to be a funding solution, a co-op that rewards people who collaborate and enable us to use recruiting for good. Imagine if every year, you had a fund to support your kids and school travel.

Looking for Schools Who Want to Travel for Good

Does your school want to have field trips across the U.S. and around the world as part of the education curriculum? I want to help fund your travel.

Here is a great trip to D.C. to learn, explore and discover something new.

Esoteric America Sept 16-21, 2014 


Interested in This Trip By Spirit Quest Tours, Click Here to Find Out More.

We are looking for a class who would like to experience this together. Would your school like to go? We can help fund it for you.

Milan’s World Fair

Want to Go to the World’s Fair in Milan 2015? Do you want to learn about what the world is doing about sustainability, and green technology? Do your students love math, science, and technology? Then this is the trip of a lifetime. I have personally been to two world’s fairs, and they were both amazing and inspiring.

Explore Canada and Follow Team USA in The Women’s World Cup

You have not experienced competition and passion for the game of soccer, until you see the women play. I went to the first women’s world cup in Pasadena, and since then I have seen the women play in the Olympics 3 times. I love it, and so will you.

Does your school want to go and experience patriotism, and feel of what it means to root for your team USA USA USA….then contact me to fund your 2016 Women’s World Cup, and simultaneously we will raise proceeds to benefit local causes too.

Are You Ready to Travel the World….The World Awaits Your Arrival

We are looking for schools, and teachers who would love to make travel part of their curriculum. Does this sound like you? Then contact me at carlos@retainsourcing.com.

Where does your school want to travel today?

For Recruiting Services