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December 6, 2015

Get a Great Tech Job & Travel to See the World

travel to see the world

Rewarding Travel for Good

Our fun mission is to help people see the world for good. We are using recruiting to fund and reward global travel. We love to help people gift and share travel, join us to do both.

How Can You Find a Great Tech Job and Earn Rewarding Travel?

Start by submitting your resume, click here. We will contact you, with open positions that match your skills. After we find you a great job and you complete your probation period, we reward you any of these amazing destinations that will change your life for good;

  1. Africa Adventure Safari
  2. Australia Great Barrier Reef
  3. Costa Rica Fun Adventure
  4. Italy Trip Rome to Tuscany
  5. Thailand Hike, Bike & Kayak

Want to Make a Difference With Your Family or Friends?

You can gift and pay forward your travel reward to anyone living in the U.S.

Where Would You Like to Travel to in the Next 12 Months? 

Let us know, so we can reward you the destinations you desire most…launching in January 2016…We Travel for Good, a personal funding service helping families and friends who gift and share travel; save 50% or more on destinations to see the world for good.

April 27, 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013? The number one reason why people don’t travel is money. We at Recruiting for Good are making it our mission to make free travel and change possible. We transformed our successful business to become a social co-op so we can serve the community.

Why afford everyone free travel? Because travel liberates us from our daily routine, it creates life changing experiences, and brings us closer to our loved ones. For some of us travel is inspirational; empowering us to be creative,  to enjoy, and to appreciate and experience life fully.

Everyone Travels for Free is all about self-empowerment, participation, equality, and freedom to live for today. In a deeper and more profound way, it inspires people to pay forward free travel to their family and friends. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone enjoyed life and made a difference. That is the world we want to live in. We want to live in a world where people participate to afford everyone else simple pleasure

How can we make free travel possible? With your help. The average person knows 150 people. We are using recruiting for good to raise funds for people so that they can afford to travel and pay forward travel. Simply introduce us to your social contacts; executive decision makers or technical professionals, and we will generate monies on your behalf through recruiting placements. Every person knows someone who is connected to more people; the only thing you have to do is ask for help.

In fact to kick off our social co-op, the first 100 people who join our social co-op and introduce an executive decision maker earn double travel rewards. Imagine having a $7,000 fund to travel and invite a family member, friend, colleague, or pay forward the rewards to an employee or better yet gift mom the best trip ever. Mother’s Day is May 12.

By participating in our Co-Op, you have made a difference in the community;

1) You have created the possibility to make free travel available to people who find jobs with us. “Get a job and a Free Vacation.” Everyone we place in a fulltime position receives a paid vacation.

2) We have an excellent reputation for caring for candidates and clients. And work to find people the best job. By finding people great jobs, their personal and professional lives are enhanced.

3) You get rewarded with travel rewards which you can use for yourself, or pay forward to anyone you like.

Where would you go if you had $7,000? How about travel on a fun retreat?

Join our social co-op today to get started, and make free travel and change possible.


March 8, 2013

Get a Job And Get a Free Vacation for Mom

iTravelforGood for chocbite

Get a Job And Get a Free Vacation for Mom. It sounds as strange as chocolate massages. But it is true. Mother’s Day is coming and if you want to make this the best, get a job with us and we’ll make this the best mother’s day.

How to Make this Mother’s Day the Best?

Respond to any of Recruiting for Good job openings on Zartis or Zip Recruiter, and we will pay forward your $3,000 in travel rewards (after we place) to gift your mom and awesome retreat or vacation. In fact, since we just kicked off our iTravel for Good website if you refer a candidate to any of our open jobs, we will gift your mom $3,000 in travel rewards (after we place the candidate you refer, we normally pay $1,000). Moms deserve our love and care.

If your mom is in China or India, no problem, we can gift her a trip to the United States to come visit you, your family, and see your kids.

We are a co-op using recruiting for good, we generate proceeds to share. With your help, we make life enjoyable, we connect you to great jobs, and make travel possible. And that makes a difference. Our mission is to improve the quality of your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you think it would inspire or benefit someone else, please forward it to them.

And by the way chocolate massages are real. And we would be willing to pay for that too.  We are launching a chocolate retreat in Switzerland soon.

March 7, 2013

Using Recruiting to Pay Forward Travel

iTravelforGood for chocbite

Using Recruiting to Pay Forward Travel. Imagine if everyone could afford to travel for free. That is our Social Co-Op‘s mission. And we are using recruiting to generate and share proceeds.

First we are rewarding candidates who make our job easier. Respond to one of our open jobs on Zartis or Zip Recruiter, and receive a $3,000 dollar vacation package upon completing 3 months employment.

In an effort to make life better for hard working Americans, we are financially empowering people to enjoy life, travel and make a difference.

We may not be able to change the fact that most companies afford us a two or three week vacation. But we can change the quality of your time off. Using recruiting proceeds we are on a mission to make first class travel possible for everyone.

Get Rewarded for Your Participation

Respond directly to one of our open jobs and get rewarded with a $3,000 dollars in travel rewards upon completion of your 3 months.

You can also pay forward any portion of your travel rewards to your family, friends, or community at large.

Submit your resume and when we find you a job in technology, we will share 10% of our placement fee to afford you a vacation.

Introduce us to a company hiring tech people, and we will reward you with $1,000 dollars for every full time placement we make in a year.

Great Retreat Travel and Vacation Ideas 

Mothers Day is coming, we are affording 25 moms in Southern California shopping retreats in London, Milan, or Paris. Included in the retreat, we connect moms to spend a day with a fashion stylist, flights, hotel accommodations, and $1,000 gift card to shop, because shopping makes a difference.

The World Cup is in Brazil next year. Don’t you want to go?

Do you want to attend the Cannes or Sundance Film Festival in 2014? We are affording 10 people all inclusive trips; flights, accommodations, and tickets to the festival.

Are you getting married in the next six months? Do you have enough money for your honeymoon? Don’t despair we are ready to help.

We help people locally to travel globally. If you are unsure of where to go or what to do visit a local travel agent to find out what is available, and contact us to make it possible.

Join us to start earning travel rewards today.

For Recruiting Services