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April 27, 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013

How Everyone Travels for Free in 2013? The number one reason why people don’t travel is money. We at Recruiting for Good are making it our mission to make free travel and change possible. We transformed our successful business to become a social co-op so we can serve the community.

Why afford everyone free travel? Because travel liberates us from our daily routine, it creates life changing experiences, and brings us closer to our loved ones. For some of us travel is inspirational; empowering us to be creative,  to enjoy, and to appreciate and experience life fully.

Everyone Travels for Free is all about self-empowerment, participation, equality, and freedom to live for today. In a deeper and more profound way, it inspires people to pay forward free travel to their family and friends. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone enjoyed life and made a difference. That is the world we want to live in. We want to live in a world where people participate to afford everyone else simple pleasure

How can we make free travel possible? With your help. The average person knows 150 people. We are using recruiting for good to raise funds for people so that they can afford to travel and pay forward travel. Simply introduce us to your social contacts; executive decision makers or technical professionals, and we will generate monies on your behalf through recruiting placements. Every person knows someone who is connected to more people; the only thing you have to do is ask for help.

In fact to kick off our social co-op, the first 100 people who join our social co-op and introduce an executive decision maker earn double travel rewards. Imagine having a $7,000 fund to travel and invite a family member, friend, colleague, or pay forward the rewards to an employee or better yet gift mom the best trip ever. Mother’s Day is May 12.

By participating in our Co-Op, you have made a difference in the community;

1) You have created the possibility to make free travel available to people who find jobs with us. “Get a job and a Free Vacation.” Everyone we place in a fulltime position receives a paid vacation.

2) We have an excellent reputation for caring for candidates and clients. And work to find people the best job. By finding people great jobs, their personal and professional lives are enhanced.

3) You get rewarded with travel rewards which you can use for yourself, or pay forward to anyone you like.

Where would you go if you had $7,000? How about travel on a fun retreat?

Join our social co-op today to get started, and make free travel and change possible.


March 11, 2013

America Travels for Free

iTravelforGood for chocbite

America Travels for Free. There was a time when companies use to pay for everything in the hopes of retaining talent. Then the economic crash happened and everyone lost their benefits. In an effort to make life great again in America, and take care of working families; our co-op is using recruiting for good to help people locally connect to great jobs, and we are sharing proceeds to make free travel possible.

The United States ranks in the bottom of all industrialized countries, when it comes to giving employees time off. Two weeks off just doesn’t seem like enough time. But what would life be like if two week vacations were first class and free? We launched iTravel for Good to financially empower people to Travel Globally and Help Locally. A couple of ways we are helping locally; every candidate we place in a fulltime position gets a free vacation, we are working with travel agencies in the U.S. (TravelStore) to provide spectacular service, and are offering our collaborative fundraising solution to make free travel possible for individuals and nonprofits too. And recently started working with WITI, to afford their members free travel, and match monies raised to benefit their foundation.

A great vacation benefits the individual, his family, and the company. Everyone needs time off to relax, and recuperate. Families, who take vacations together, get to enjoy life. Families who don’t have to spend money on vacations, will be able to save monies for a house, or their kids’ college funds.

Join our co-op to make free travel possible for all Americans. If you are working in the U.S. and want to see your parents, why not have them visit you in America. We look forward to finding you a great job, and rewarding you with a free vacation or you can pay forward your travel rewards.

If you are a company in the United States, please consider us for your next search, and together we will make a difference locally with family, friends, and community.

Join America Travels For Free (US Green Card, EADs, and H1bs are welcome too).

March 6, 2013

Everyone Gets a Free Vacation


Everyone Gets a Free Vacation. In other countries around the world, employees get more time off than we do here in the U.S.. But what would life be like if every family could afford to take off and have a first class vacation? As part of our commitment to give back and use recruiting for good, every person we place in a fulltime position going forward will be afforded a free vacation (iTravelforgood.com). We will share up to 10% of our placement fees with placed candidates to reward their loyalty.

Vacations Make a Difference.

Vacations allow us to rejuvenate, relax, and be creative. Vacations allow us to connect to our family and friends. Vacations allow us to enjoy life and stay present to what is really important. Vacations allow us to live on the edge, explore new worlds, and connect to nature.

Join iTravel for Good to Enjoy a Free Vacation

Refer your friends for IT jobs and we’ll afford you free vacations. Refer a hiring manager and we will create a travel fund for your family and friends. We are now fundraising for honeymoons too!

You are In Great Hands

Please visit our travel partner; TravelStore to see what Ultimate Experiences are possible for your next vacation.

Where would you like to go?


December 6, 2012

Life is Wonderful Everyone Has Great Life Benefits

What Would Life Be Like if Everyone Has Great Life Benefits? More people would enjoy life. We work so hard in the U.S., that we miss opportunities to really enjoy our fruit of our labor. We miss opportunities to be with family and friends. I often wonder if we could be more like Spain or France. Forget about their financial upheavals; they work to live. In the U.S. it seems we work to work, so one day when we are old, we get to retire and enjoy life. I think we have much to learn from countries like Germany, and Holland where long vacations and shorter work weeks do us good.

Unfortunately, in the U.S. the demands for productivity and society’s push for more is better enforces people’s need to work 50, 60, or even 70 hours a week. We are damaging the fabric of personal and meaningful relationships; resulting in stressful lives, unhappy people, and kids and spouses feel uncared for.

So, I started to think about how Recruiting for Good can make a difference, and benefit people who participate in our making a difference programs. The answer was to develop life benefits that can be paid forwarded to anyone; to benefit and make a difference in their life. Gifting benefits to make life great, now that makes a difference.

Imagine, having your own philanthropic fund, or education fund, or health/medical care fund, healthy living fund, or a fund to pay for all your parties and life events; and being able to pay it forward to anyone in your life. At Recruiting for Good, we are committed to making work happy (by finding people a great job and a great employee for our clients) and making life great (a great job, that is both challenging and rewarding, will significantly impact you and your family). Affording people opportunities to make a difference and life matter; makes our work meaningful.

One of the pleasures of life, a benefit which I hold dear is travel. I enjoy going to other countries, interacting with other people, eating and drinking strange food, and learning about what makes them uniquely wonderful.

What benefit brings joy and peace to your life? And who would you want to share it with? Or gift it too?

We fundraise for great life benefits to help you, your family, friends, and community enjoy and live a great life.

Join us today at Recruiting for Good.

For Recruiting Services