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    Our Moms Work

September 10, 2019

Why Rewarding Meditation is Important to Me

Why Rewarding Meditation is Important to Me

I am the Founder of Recruiting for Good….and I have not always been clear about my intentions, calm, and a well meaning guy…

In fact, I grew up in a chaotic home, my family moved from country to country; and all along I struggled with ADD, and other learning disabilities. Mom was compassionate and patient; and my father was the opposite (angry and impatient). When something upset me, I would throw tantrums, and it would lead to times where I was unable to verbally communicate what was wrong….which never seemed to get better…(I understand what families with Spectrum kids go thru).

In retrospect, it would have been awesome as a kid to know how to meditate…I would have loved if someone taught me about meditation….

I first learned about the power of meditation when I was 40 years old…from a wise man named David Andersen (I am eternally grateful to him). Now I am 51, and I use meditation often to shut the busy world off, listen to my inner voice, and create the intentional world I want to live in.

Using Recruiting Placements to Fund Rewarding Meditation

The path to purpose and meaning is sometimes right in front of you. I was recently introduced to a wonderful company called Wisdom Labs, and they inspired me to create Rewarding Meditation.

Rewarding Meditation is a social cause that allows me to combine all the communities I love to serve, kids and moms. Since 2017, I have been offering career mentoring services thru Our Moms Work. Moms who want a job outside the home, or just a part-time gig are looking for meaningful work; teaching kids meditation is meaningful.

So thru recruiting for good; we’ll be working to help fund mom meditation certification programs. And generating proceeds to sponsor their meditation work in schools.

Want to Help Fund Rewarding Meditation

Retain our agency for search? We’re using recruiting placements to help fund Rewarding Meditation (mom certification programs, and meditation in schools, launching in 2020).

Is your company having a hard time finding talented professionals? Let us help you find your next awesome hire (we’ve been recruiting for good for 20 years); monies generated from placements will transform kids and moms lives for good…and create tomorrow’s productive, progressive, and purpose driven workforce….love is inspiring peace of mind.

Have Mindful Questions

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

July 16, 2019

How R4G Helps L.A. Moms Fund Schools

How R4G Helps L.A. Moms Fund Schools

“Mom, you can use your social network to help fund schools. Simply, introduce R4G to your significant other, your boss, neighbor, or friend that is hiring professional staff; we do the leg work…generate proceeds by helping companies find talented professionals. And reward referrals with donations to your favorite school.”

Everyone is socially connected to people who hire professionals or looking for a job…Recruiting for Good has been helping Southern California companies find talented professionals since 1998….and generating proceeds to support local causes.

We collaborate to help moms fund school (creative education, equipment ‘computers,’ and school travel).

To Get Started

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

April 19, 2019

Grateful to Use Recruiting for Good

Grateful to Use Recruiting for Good

Over the past 20 years we have helped companies find talented professionals; and helped candidates find kickass jobs they love…we’re continuing the tradition of serving everyone with care, respect, and transparency. We are grateful to solve problems for companies; and help improve the lives of candidates we place.

We love to serve companies who invest in their employees…and create a healthy work life balance that improves people’s lives.

Our Future is All About We

If you don’t know already, we are using recruiting collaboratively to reward referrals with donations to 3 causes (Celebrating Women, Empowering Kids, and Saving Earth).

How We are Celebrating Women?

Since, October 2017 we’ve been sponsoring Our Moms Work, a cost free career mentoring service; available to all women. We mentor solo entrepreneurs who want to create businesses that make a difference. We are also working collaboratively to fund and reward meaningful women travel (Join Women March 2020)…Because when we celebrate women…we honor our mothers, sisters, and daughters….wives and girlfriends too.

How We Empower Kids?

We help fund STEM/STEAM scholarships; so that we prepare kids for tomorrow’s jobs (Fund Summer Camp)

How We Save Earth?

We are donating to environmental nonprofits working to ‘Save Earth’ thru activism, inspiration, and solving problems (Save Earth & Party for Good). We make participation fun…so that we can create lasting change…

Together We Do More….

Participate in our referral reward service to choose the cause you want us to donate to; and enjoy travel to Party for Good…In life…you get what you give…and we love to reward fun meaningful experiences thru travel…you can choose to forgo your travel reward and donate it entirely to support the cause you love.

Refer a client and enjoy any of our extraordinary party trips in 2020 (Join Women March in Dublin, Paris, or Rome; Share a Burning Man Trip with 3 of Your Friends, or Travel to Ultimate Soccer Experience the Euros).

Refer a tech candidate and enjoy any party trip in 2020 (Coachella, rewarding yoga retreats ‘coming soon,’ SXSW weekend).

Want to Celebrate Life thru Travel?

You can gift your travel reward to anyone living in the U.S.

We love to help people fund special Anniversary, Birthday, and Graduation trips…simply participate in Recruiting for Good to help us fund causes, and enjoy rewarding travel.

Join R4G to make a difference differently…it will change our community, and your life for good.

November 7, 2018

Why Fund Summer Camp

Puroseful Breakfast

Why Fund Summer Camp

The inspiration for the fun cause and personal service came from 2 distinctive experiences I had over the past year…

One, I created a fun purposeful breakfast party to inspire the conversation with parents and kids:

“What does it mean to love your job, how does one come about finding passion at work”

The other is, I started a community service in Santa Monica, Our Moms Work to offer cost free career mentoring services…it started with moms, now, I help anyone who asks for help. Working with moms, I got to learn about the painstaking sacrifices they make to prepare their kids for tomorrow’s jobs…unaware of the prohibitive cost for the best summer camps, I became aware that something needed to be done.

“One of the moms I mentored made $54,000 salary last year, the cost of summer camp was close to $5,000 that what 10% of her salary for just 6 weeks of camp.”

Funnest cause R4G

Join L.A.’s  funnest cause and service…’helping moms fund summer camp”  How Do We Prepare Kids for Tomorrow’s Jobs? By investing in enriching life experiences that inspire creativity, help kids find their passion, and grow from within.

We are Recruiting for Good

Since 1998, We have been connecting talented professionals to great jobs, and companies have retained our staffing services to find professionals with specific skills.

“Did you know, the average person is socially connected to 300 people. Some people you know are looking for a new job, and some are looking to hire someone for their company. Recruiting for Good is the conduit between the two…”


Brunch for R4G

Delivering Moms a Confidential and Personal Service…

We are empowering moms, who share our values, by teaching them how recruiting referrals work, and how funding summer camp happens (we are rewarding referrals with funding). Simply come to our next Fun Mom Brunch at 11 am in Santa Monica, parties are sponsored and held the first Sunday of every month, starting December 2, 2018. RSVP HelpMoms@FundSummerCamp.com …to reserve your spot, please leave the kids at home, so the adults can talk.

Moms who sign up and participate, tell us what summer camps and fun they like to us to help fund…we love to help you every year fund fun.

What Does Equality Mean to Me….

“We love empowering and helping moms fund L.A.’s best summer camps….to gift kids enriching experiences…”

Participate to Earn Rewarding Funding…And Change Kids Forever

most elegant parties 5

We Make it Fun and Rewarding to Help Others

Join Us to Help Fund Gift Camp Scholarships

Enjoy Luxury Travel and Vacation Saving Rewards

“Our fun high purpose service is perfect for moms whose kids are in college, grown up, or moms who do not need funding assistance for summer camp; but would love to help other moms and kids.”

There will be camp scholarships for moms who are not capable of participating in Recruiting for Good; that will be funded by empowering moms who don’t need summer camp funding, but love luxury travel (Best Food Wine Party weekends in Maui, Cayman Islands, and Aspen, and exclusive luxury vacation savings with the brands that kids love, and that never give discounts, because they always sell out…you know the ones I am talking about).   

Yes, We Help Men Who Love Gifting Women Travel and Love Tech Gadgets

Participate in Recruiting for Good to help fund summer camp; and we’ll help fund gift the women in your life amazing travel experiences for their B-Days, Mother’s Day, and even Anniversaries….You’ll earn future brownie points…you know every man needs them to survive, live longer, and be happy.

Lastly, if you are a tech professional, refer us to your friends in tech to help them get an awesome job with Recruiting for Good, and we’ll donate to a STEM Camp scholarship, and reward one of the year’s funnest gadgets; to learn more, click here.

Now You Can Gift Your #1 Employee

Summer Camp for their Kid



We are Using Recruiting for Good Differently…

We are ready to serve the community, help fund summer camp…and love life.

Have Questions? Want to Sign Up Come to Our Next Party?

Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

What has always worked for me…is having personal and meaningful relationships; if you are looking for exceptional service, I am the man for the job…I love sponsoring fun parties (and rewards), leading an intentional community, and loving life.

How can I best serve you?…My goal in 2019 is to help 100 awesome moms save money on summer camp…positively impact their life…and change their kids’ lives for good.

Come to our sponsored parties to get your questions answered…meet like-minded moms, and be inspired…Join L.A.’s funnest cause and service “Helping Moms Fund  Summer Camp.” Founder, Carlos, Recruiting for Good

For Recruiting Services