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    Our Moms Work

April 22, 2020

Today I am Grateful for Our Moms Love

Today I am Grateful for Our Moms Love

Not everyday do I get a chance to thank the moms who have made me a better man, but this is the day. I am grateful that I have had some of the most fulfilling and purposeful relationships with moms.

Moms I am Grateful For…

  1. My mom who taught me to be a Mensch. And my sisters who I admire, respect, and adore because I always can count on both of them…and they are amazing role models to their kids.
  2. Since college, I pretty much had girlfriends who were awesome working moms…they were amazing partners in life; and even when they gave me the ‘Nudge…Talk…can you do this or that, can you change this or that;’ they made be a better man.
  3. Our Moms Work, I created in 2017, to support moms who were looking to return to work, find strategies to improve their lives, and love life.
  4. Mom, Susan Loughmiller, my community manager for Our Moms Work…always took care of the details; and we had fun hosting parties (my favorite our moms party Belgian Chocolates and Melting Chair Massages).
  5. Moms Davina Fernholtz and Jen Katz, community managers for Recruiting for Good…thank you for your hard work.
  6. All the moms, whose kids have participated in my fun creative writing contests (my favorite last year was, ‘If you could change someone’s life, who would it be? Thanksgiving 2019).
  7. Lastly, I am grateful for all the moms whose kids are participating in our fun social project Kids Get Paid to Eat.

What I learned most from moms is how to be a compassionate and patient listener…thank you…your love inspired me to create The Goodie Foodie Club Passion + Purpose + Play

How Do You Celebrate Moms Every Day?

March 20, 2020

Why We Created Feeding Families First

Why We Created Feeding Families First

“With the ever changing landscape of the economy, I am committed to doing what is necessary to help improve life for families, and friends…this is how I honor my mom.” Carlos, Founder Recruiting for Good

Recruiting for Good is on a mission to use their talent for good; we’re a staffing agency (since 1998) helping companies find talented professionals and now generating proceeds to help fund nonprofits Feeding LA. Putting purpose before profit to change lives.

If you are a family that cares about making a difference…then, you share our values; and would love to help your family save money on food too (check out community service, Feeding Families First). Simply, participate in Recruiting for Good’s referral program thru Co+Op Feeding LA. We deliver a confidential, personal, and purposeful service to help working moms.

“We are generating and sharing proceeds with participating Co+Op members to help feed their families and save their lives.”

Why we love to serve moms….Since 2017, Recruiting for Good has been sponsoring community service, ‘Our Moms Work‘ providing cost free career mentoring. When moms love life…the party never ends.


Visit Feeding Families First to learn how your family can qualify for good food savings

Do You Love to Get Farm to Home Food Delivered? We’re rewarding savings with Narrative Food

October 11, 2019

How We Use Recruiting for Good

How We Use Recruiting for Good

“Imagine everyone loved life and work…

because when we do…the party never ends…” 

Over the course of the next 10 years, we are bringing about transformative change for companies, candidates, and community (families) too; by using recruiting for good to positively impact lives…in fun, meaningful, and personal ways.

We help companies find talented and value driven professionals that make their organizations more cohesive, productive, and successful.

We deliver a personal service for candidates by helping them land fulfilling jobs that positively impact their life, get paid a great salary (commensurate with the expertise and work product they deliver), and use their talent for good.

We generate recruiting proceeds to fund our causes (Kids Meditation, Our Moms Work), fun contests (Text Your Kvetch), and positively impact the community; by rewarding referrals with donations to schools, family savings (Join the Mitzvah Club enjoy family travel, summer camp, and Sunday School savings), and fun food rewards.

Have Awesome Community Questions

Email Jen@RecruitingforGood.com

September 16, 2019

Perfect Mom Re-Enter Sales Job In SF

Perfect Mom Re-Enter Sales Job In SF

Are you an awesome mom, who had a profession in sales, and decided to stay at home to care for your kids? And now you are ready and hungry to get back into the workforce?

We have an amazing job with a company in SF who is offering a base salary and commission to sell products/services that transform the workforce. Yes, get a sales job that makes a difference….work with another C-Level executive who is also a mom.

If this sounds like something you love to pursue please email me your resume; Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

Basic Requirements

  • At least 7-15 years of professional sales experience (success oriented); excellent communication skills.
  • Strong desire to make a lasting difference.
  • Experience interfacing with executives andr Human Resources professionals
  • Have a 4 Year college degree.
  • Have the finesse to socially connect with like-minded professionals.
  • Love wellness products and services (meditation, pilates, yoga).
  • Self-motivated…loves to turn “No” to “Yes.” A hunter.
  • Positive attitude, and passionate.

Do You Know a Mom Perfect for This Job?

You can change a mom’s life for good…and make a difference in the community too.

Simply, refer them to Carlos@RecruitingforGood, we’re using placements to help fund kids meditation.

Recruiting for Good has been funding, and volunteering at community service, “Our Moms Work,” offering cost free career mentoring services.

For Recruiting Services