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    Maya Angelou

July 8, 2014

Why Global Travel Is Now Trending in Schools

Why Global Travel Is Now Trending in Schools

Travel broadens students’ global outlook, they learn compassion, and understanding.

In the past 10 years, we have inspired our kids to use technology as a means to connect to the world. Global travel is in, because America can no longer remain connected just by sitting in the corner, and waiting for things to happen online. We need our future generations to lead the world by experiencing it. No amount of classroom time, book reading, or browsing online, can ever replace real life travel experiences.

Travel immerses students in real life experiences that dynamically connects them to each other, other cultures, to history, geography, political science, anthropology, and social sciences. Students who seek out adventures beyond their comfort zone, grow exponentially, and become worldly.

Schools are Incorporating Travel as Part of their Curriculum, Whats Next….

Certain schools are now doing international trips every year for educational and volunteer purposes. School districts are short on money, and are not providing subsidies for travel. Parents are left to invest in their kid’s travel education, and need to organize their PTAs to fund travel.

Inspiring Travel Destinations and Ideas for 2015

1) Consider traveling to world events that inspire a variety of interests; Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival, Milan’s World Fair, and Women’s World Cup.

2) Choose a travel company to partner with that specializes in educational and student group travel, here are a few we found online; Bob Rogers TravelBrightspark, C Q Tours, and Prodigy Student Travel.

3) Enroll parents and teachers who could act both as chaperons and also bring educational value to the tour and students travelling.

All Travel is GOOD Travel

Every time students and teachers can have life experiences; is good. Life is a series of events, memories, and experiences. The future of our nation depends on our students’ ability to interact, participate, and connect with each other in meaningful and intentional ways (learn by experiencing life). Want to make like meaningful? Make your relations to family, friends, and community personal; travel for good and change the world.

Where is your school travelling to next year?

June 9, 2014

Imagine Every Year We Traveled the World

Travel has been the most formidable gift I have given myself. It has transformed how I relate to people on a daily basis. It has giving me the gift to feel and genuinely connect with all people. And now I want to make it possible for everyone to experience travel and see the world.

“I am you, and you are me.” We are one.

There is something out there in the world that calls us all to take notice. And when we arrive at a particular destination, we compassionately understand we are all human beings. And no amount of reading, searching online, can ever replace being there; wherever your heart desires. On a daily basis, I ask women, “where do you want to travel to in the world?” And I get a varied amount of responses, some women say India, some say Tuscany, some say the Caribbean. Regardless, of the destination there is a deep seeded desire to escape, travel, and experience life. “Feel what the world looks like from the inside looking out.”

Ibiza island night view of Eivissa town

Every Woman Matters

Do you want to travel with a friend, a group of friends, or fund your honeymoon? My mission is to help 100 women every year travel and see the world.

Why only 100? Recently, I read that the most amount of relationships one person can manage at one time is 100. I love to have personal relationships with every woman who participates, and rewarding her extraordinary travel destinations is my way to make her feel special. The purpose is to make every travel destination a transformative and powerful life experience. Women who participate can gift or share their vacation rewards with anyone they like.

Where in the world would you like to travel to?

October 17, 2013

How to Fund Your Study Abroad and Make a Difference Too

Travel Teaches Compassion

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” Maya Angelou

“We want to live in a country where anyone can afford to study abroad, learn, teach, and transform the world” the staff at recruiting for good.

Inspired By USC Freshmen

Recently, USC freshmen Alex Zhang and Ethan Mizrahi inspired us to offer our funding solution for study abroad programs.

Whether you want to learn how to make Gelato in Italy, or learn to speak Chinese in China, or learn about diplomacy in Milan; there is an endless possibilities to expand you mind when you travel and study abroad.

Our mission is to use recruiting for good collaboratively to help people make a difference. We are excited to help local Southern California parents fund high school and college summer abroad programs. And are willing to raise up to $10,000 per participating child and match monies raised to fund local causes and nonprofits.

3 Reasons to Study Abroad (information from Vistawide)

1) Study abroad enhances employment opportunities: Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market.

2)  Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person’s culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.

3) The U.S. Senate issued a resolution to raise awareness and to help increase the number of U.S. students studying abroad. “Ensuring that the citizens of the United States are globally literate is the responsibility of the educational system of the United States.”

On a side note, at Recruiting for Good ,we are passion advocates of world travel; that is why we reward travel to people who participate in our social funding programs.

How do you qualify to fund your study abroad program?

1) Connect with Carlos@retainsourcing.com, he is the founder, senior recruiter, and your humble collaborative partner.

2) Introduce your social contacts, and recruiting for good will generate proceeds on your behalf to fund your kid’s or benefactor’s summer study abroad program.

3) Recruiting for Good will match dollar for dollar raised to donate proceeds to a nonprofit, school, or university of your choice.

Need some ideas to study abroad?

Checkout this link, we compiled a list of 2012 winners (awards given by Abroad 101)

Top 10 Destinations for U.S. Students Studying Abroad

Data source: IIENetwork’s OpenDoors 2009: Report on International Educational Exchange.


# of students in 2007/08

% of total students abroad in 2007/08

1. United Kingdom



2. Italy



3. Spain



4. France



5. China



6. Australia



7. Mexico



8. Germany



9. Ireland



10. Costa Rica



Total # of U.S. students
abroad in top 10 countries:

161,916 out of 262,416

61.7% of total U.S. students abroad

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at USC click here.

For more information on Study Abroad Programs at UCLA click here.

For more information on High School Study Abroad Programs, click here.

For more information on Gelato University Programs, click here. 

Imagine what life would be like… to have a summer vacation away from your teen or college age son or daughter, if only for two months. You will thank us later.

This is real, we are serious about funding travel that makes a difference. Your participation helps us raise money for your family’s travel abroad education, and also helps us raise money for local nonprofits.

For Recruiting Services