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    Master of The Universe

February 3, 2021

How I Honor My Mentor Ed Ellman?

How I Honor My Mentor Ed Ellman?

I met Ed about 2008, I was simply in a difficult place in my life…angry, disappointed, and upset; basically, I let my emotions run my life up and down.

Fortunately, Ed and I belonged to a nonprofit MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire) teaching men how to lead their lives, their relationships, and community. He was essentially held a mirror to how I was or wasn’t showing up in my life…I was very combative, just a plain nuisance; but Ed held firmly and taught me more about being a man, and a leader than my own father.

Ed passed away last night, at the age of 85, he walked daily, exercised, created art, and mentored men. I am especially grateful, that throughout this past year, I was able to help him. Drive him to doctor’s appointments, and deliver food whenever he needed it.

Because of Ed, everyday I live purposefully, joyfully, and gratefully; I am always thinking of how I can better serve my candidates, clients, and community at large. I feel fulfilled. And everyday I have fun for good. I am leading my life from a place of love and appreciation. The eons of conversations on the phone and in person have positively impacted my life.

One of my fondest memories of who Ed Ellman was…In 2008, I started a company called Save US Jobs, hired Ed to do sales calls to find companies wanting to retain us for staffing services, he was 72 years old…hardest working man. I told him, “You can come up with any title you want, and I will print it out on a business card”…He chose…”Master of the Universe!

That’s how Ed lived life…like The Master of the Universe…and he has forever changed mine…I will miss you…I honor your legacy…by living passionately and purposefully every day.

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