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June 28, 2014

If You Don’t Love Shopping for Good This Blog Is Not For You

Do You Love to Make a Difference, Shop and Travel?

One of the things, I love most about my life is combining recruiting, travel, and inspiring people to collaborate and make a difference. When was the last time your nonprofit rewarded you for writing a check and giving a donation? These days unless you are writing thousands of dollars in donations to your cause; you usually just get an automatic email thanking you.

But does it really serve you to write a check for a write-off, or are you looking for a more fulfilling experience. Perhaps there is another way. Why not earn shopping vacations for helping raise money for causes. That is exactly why I created We Shop for Good. Women participate and enable us to use Recruiting for Good to generate proceeds on their behalf for their favorite cause. And we reward shopping tours and vacations all over the world (Italy, London, NY, and Paris).

Special Thanks to Karen Parker O’Brien,(founder of Style Room), for providing a valuable description of one of our rewards….  “What is a Shopping Tour?
A Style Room shopping tour is a 5 hour, private VIP shopping experience with your own private limo where you are taken behind locked doors into NYC’s exclusive fashion designers’ showrooms and studios (not stores).

On this private behind-the-scenes tour, you will be personally escorted behind locked doors only open to clothing and accessories store buyers, owners, magazine editors and stylists. Showrooms and studios are where boutique and store owners and buyers come to see the designer’s new collections months before they are produced for stores. They are where magazine editors shop when they’re looking for clothing and accessories to feature on models for their upcoming stories. They are where fashion stylists come to shop for their celebrity clients.” This sounds like so much fun, and definitely rewarding, especially if you love shopping for GOOD.

We are combining shopping, vacations, and exciting events (destinations). For example we are rewarding the U.S. Tennis Championships with a VIP Style Room Tour. We love to reward fun travel, and most our rewarded destinations benefit two people and include; flights, hotel, tour and event tickets. You can also gift your shopping vacation to anyone in the United States, because shopping for good makes a difference.

Together, we make fundraising fun and rewarding. One more thing, women who participate and help us fund causes will be invited to special 50% more shopping parties too.

So if you love to make a difference, shopping and travel this blog is for you, and we look forward to serving you too.

Where in the world would you love to go on a shopping vacation?

March 30, 2014

Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

How I Helped My Friends Travel?

In 1996, I went backpacking in Europe with my best friend Morgan, it was a glorious and exciting trip. We initially met his brother in Paris. His older brother, Brett was a legend, after graduating from college, he went to work for one of the consulting firms and after a year, he quit his job, and went to Europe where he met a girl and was living in Sweden. For the next two months, we traveled together through Spain, Italy, and Greece. That’s where I met Tanya, and we traveled together to Turkey, and Hungary.

In 2006, I went back to Europe to watch the World Cup in Germany. And invited Morgan to stay with me in Italy, we went first class, I took care of everything. I was doing well in business, and I wanted to share my travel experience with one of my best friends. And we got to accomplish things, we didn’t do in 1996 like; go to the top of leaning tower of Pisa, go to the top of Eiffel tower, and see the Tower of London. He went back to LA, and I stayed in Europe for another month, where I went to the Running of the Bulls, and I settled in Barcelona and worked remotely for another month.

In the last 10 years, if it wasn’t for Morgan, I traveled with Tanya, the Australian girl I met in Greece in 1996, we went to Bali together. One of my most fulfilling trips, was to the London Olympics, with Robin, she had never been out of the states and every moment with her was thrilling. The fact is my friends made my travel experiences more exciting and fulfilling.

5 Reasons Friends Don’t Let Friends NOT Travel for Good

Travel with Your Friends or Gift Travel and You Will Change Your Friends’ Life

1) It will change your relationship, bring you closer by having shared experiences.

2) Travel creates memories, that bring joy, and hope into our life.

3) Travel teaches us about the world, and we learn about ourselves.

4) Travel brings fun, adventure, and excitement.

5) Travel is fulfilling, and allow us to escape our daily grind.

Where are You Traveling Next With Friends?

For Recruiting Services