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October 31, 2014

The Last Year of My Life

Imagine if we all lived our lives knowing this is it…..How would we live.

Last week, I was involved in head-on collision and I am lucky to be alive. I am at peace with myself, and content with my life. I have taken 7 days off of work to recuperate. In that time, I had time to reflect on what my life can be like, if I choose it.

For the past several years, I have launched hundreds of mini websites, looking for a way to express my vision and desire to inspire people and make a difference. The funny thing was, I was trying to please so  many people, that I forgot about what I want. And once I made the choice to make it about me, everything fell into place. Within us all, we have a way of being that is unique, honor it, connect with it, express it, and you can change the world.

The Last Year of My Life (My List)

1) I want to meet new people every day and have intentional conversations that were deep and meaningful.

2) I want to have fun doing everything.

3) I want to be of service, and feel a connection to life experiences, as they occur.

4) People surprise and touch my heart, and leave an imprint that forever makes life more interesting.

5) Every day, I am creative, writing, and dreaming of new ways to inspire people, and make life fun.

6) I am bold and do not let fear stop me from the things I want to create, and accomplish.

7) I want to support men, women, and children, inspire them to live the life they desire. Be comfortable, revealing their true selves….tell me what life is like for you?

8) I want to create fun social activities to make a difference, that leave people transformed by the experience.

9) I want to use my recruiting talent to help women fund and gift extraordinary life, sports, and travel experiences.

10) I am grateful, I am present, I am mindful….that every day and everyone matters.

What if everyone took account of their choices, their way of being, their words, their feelings, their care, compassion, and love of humanity….What would relationships, community, and the world would look like….

How would you live the last year of your life?


For Recruiting Services