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    kickass for good

February 21, 2020

How to Get the Title and Money You Deserve at Work?

How to Get the Title and Money You Deserve at Work?

The short version..Earn it by becoming an expert, product developer, or solution provider. There are simply no shortcuts to greatness. Commitment to excellence, dedication, and hard work always pays off in the right company.

Do You Kickass? Then, You Can Party for Good

It takes 10 years to become an expert at any particular field. Companies reward employees who rise to the top by outperforming their counterparts. If you work for a company, and you make your boss look good, and team win…most likely you will be promoted to a position of greater responsibility, and with that comes more money too.

How to Earn Your Title?

Exemplify positive work values; follow through, persevere, and inspire others to strive for excellence. A title without responsibility for others’ welfare; is meaningless. Keep in mind, “how can I make work better for my boss, co-workers, and company?” Simply, exceed expectations by under-promising, and over-delivering…let your actions, be louder than your words.

Do You Kickass for Good? Then, Start Today

February 19, 2020

Are You Hiring or Judging? Can’t Do Both

Are You Hiring or Judging? Can’t Do Both

When we enter the workforce, each one of us is socially responsible to comport ourselves in a professional and respectful manner. Because in the world, not only do we represent ourselves, but our parents, and future legacy. When you qualify candidates beyond the experience on their resume…you may find a true gem….the right candidate for the job at hand.

“What do you want to be remembered for, I have this in front of my computer, as a constant reminder….Treat others like you want to be treated.”

I can’t sit idly, and say nothing, then, I am complicit with a problem that is becoming more apparent every day. Yes, experienced and talented candidates are being overlooked for jobs. I really don’t care when a candidate graduated from college, I only care that the candidate is willing to make a commitment to stay as long as possible in the position, and kickass (day in and out).

“If you are an executive hiring talent, are in HR, or a staffing professional…consider using your talent for good…hire talented professionals regardless of age…because you are Never Too Young or Old to Kickass for Good.”


What has been your experience?

February 11, 2020

How You Present Yourself is Everything

How You Present Yourself is Everything

Lately, I have been shocked by the lack of professional attitude candidates display. Some have called me names just for rejecting their candidacy for a job. If you do not qualify, how are you supposed to do the job? How will you handle rejection from companies, if you are not selected for a job? Just because you write a resume, doesn’t mean you can’t do the job. And if you don’t state your actual expertise…how will anyone know, what you do?

It’s the candidate’s responsibility to read the minimum requirements for a job…to know if they qualify…case in point if the job says, “looking for 5 years of fraud detection project management experience in a bank,”  yes the client is a bank, and yes you need 5 years experience, not 1 or two years, and not just 5 years of PM experience…use common sense and be more discerning, to get the responses you seek to get.

Sometimes candidates who do not work with agencies; don’t know that recruiting agencies are not an employment services…as such, Recruiting for Good works on behalf of clients to find them the best qualified candidates….not just anyone can get a job.

And if you do not have the skills, but the right and positive attitude…we will always consider you for another job…but if you don’t…we just don’t represent candidates with an attitude problem.

Do you kickass for good? Start today…by being a professional.


February 7, 2020

How to Kickass and Party for Good? Join the Club

How to Kickass and Party for Good? Join the Club

  1. Be responsible, in action, and purpose driven.
  2. Know who you are, and what you stand for.
  3. Live the life you meant to have and deserve; don’t let others tell you otherwise.
  4. Be willing to risk your EGO, failure, and relationships.
  5. Strive for excellence, give your best effort at work, home, and in the community.
  6. Have the fortitude to follow thru regardless of circumstances, hardships, or obstacles.
  7. You are not the kind of person who strives to fit in ‘and be liked;’ You are the kind of person who strives to standout, and be ‘respected….’

“In Life You Get What You Give”

It’s Never Too Late to Start Today


For Recruiting Services