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    Kickass and Party for Good

June 17, 2017

Rewarding Party for Single Bernie Foodie Lovers


Rewarding Party for Single Bernie Foodie Lovers

Do you live in L.A., are you single, do you kickass@work, supported Bernie in the election, and love health conscious food….Recruiting for Good is sponsoring a fun foodie 4th of July party for professionals just like you. That’s right we are picking up the check for 10 Foodies for Good and their BFF’s for a special single’s event at Flower Child in Santa Monica from 130-300 pm. We only have 10 spots open, and you need RSVP by no later that June 22, 2017 to reserve your spot.

We are paying for everyone’s lunch.why? We love to celebrate professionals who kickass@work, you are the unsung heroes who get “IT” done, the leaders, the awesome team workers, you make work fun and rewarding….thank you….you are the change makers…you are the 10% who tip the balance for good.

How to RSVP? Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com, must be 21 years old, live in L.A., be a US Citizen or US Resident, and happily employed, no alcohol will be served...if you want to get drunk…go elsewhere, if you are looking to meet like minded friends…this party is for you.

No walk-ins will be rewarded, if you are not on the RSVP list, you will not earn a free lunch reward. Come celebrate your freedom on the 4th of July and Party for Good.

June 15, 2017

How to Live Like Its the Last Year of Your Life


How to Live Like Its the Last Year of Your Life

Blog is inspired by the loss of friends and recent news from industry peers stricken by cancer.

Do really things that really matter just to you, but for a higher purpose….this is my journey…

If you think you have all the time in the world to get stuff done, do something meaningful, live free from judgement, regret, and anger…well you don’t….wake the fuck up. I used to live fast and loose, indestructible, and uncaring about anything in the world including personal relationships.

I am fortunate to have lived a life of adventure, and along the way managed to do some good… but often, I also felt empty when I helped others, never completely fulfilled. I felt like I was going thru the motions making everyone happy and saving people along the way…But then, I hit rock bottom, that was about 9 years ago, when I chose a different path to find meaning in my life. I became aware of my barriers, dissociation, and stories that I made up about my life. Through self education, reading books, writing profusely daily, saying positive mantras, learning from transformative education, and surrendering to mentoring from men in MDI, Mentor Discover Inspire, a nonprofit I am eternally grateful for….I have found freedom to be the man I am today, clear with powerful values, purposeful direction, passionate fearlessness to get everything done, taking ownership of all my relationships, walking the talk, and bringing my best self to work, relationship, and community…I love my kickass life.

With Great Failures Come Great Rewards…Over the course of the last 5 years, I dedicated my life to help inspire and collaboratively fund travel. I succeeded in doing so 3 times. It is my fault the social enterprise did not succeed. But I learned to follow through, give myself the chance to fail and get up, and met some wonderful people along the way including; Jerry the owner of Silver Lining Travel. I held onto the dream of making a great success a bit too long; but a great lesson came out of my follow through the power of my tenacity…passion, purpose, and vision. I am unafraid to go against the grain, stand on the edges of society and do things men and women would only dare to try….this is where I thrive.

Fearless to Be the Real Me

Today, I live like this is it. Everyday, every hour, and every moment is another opportunity to be of service while balancing what I need and I am passionate about. I love to help connect professionals to kickass jobs they love, and create meaningful and experiential parties that make a lasting difference. Waking up early to get everything done every day, I gift myself time alone, time to connect and be of service to clients (companies), candidates, and now I have taken on both party creation (enrollment), and mentoring which I am truly enjoying. My life is no longer, solely driven by making money and profit, but by making a positive impact, and the ability to touch others in their lives…I am so grateful, I laugh out loud a lot.

You like me great, you don’t like me great…either way I am content.

My life’s purposeful motivation is the reality that any day may be my last, but along the way I made a positive impression on everyone I came into contact with. I inspire change, I bring joy, and love into the world….kickass & party for good join the club.

What are you willing to do, to learn, and risk to live the last year of your life today?

June 7, 2017

We’re Celebrating America’s Kickass Workforce


Highlight.. We are Celebrating America’s Kickass Workers…

Come to our invite only ultimate foodie Party for Good event on the 4th of July. Enjoy Santa Monica’s best restaurants on us (Recruiting for Good). Each invite will be good for two people (adults, or adult and child), some restaurants are adult only, some will be kid friendly. We are creating a community for like minded professionals who love to kickass & party for good….join the club.

How Do I Earn An Invite and Enjoy 4th of July Party for Good  

  1. Must be a US Citizen or US Resident employed at a company in Los Angeles for at least 6 months or more.
  2. We are looking to reward workers who kickass (have you been promoted in the last 6 months, have achieved something significant that made the company better, are you a manager and lead a team, are you a teacher, cop, fireman, paramedic, IT Professional, barrista, waiter, or does your boss think the world of you). We want to know you…and reward you.
  3. Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com, tell me how you kickass at work, please submit a professional reference for someone who can attest to your awesomeness.
  4. After you receive invite to Party for Good on 4th of July, you can choose any restaurant listed on our site and time when meal will be rewarded; please be on time, (every 2 hours we will be at a different dining location). One rewarded dining location per person. There will be limited rewards per dining establishment. We will list the restaurants and times in 1 week.
  5. Have fun, tell a friend, we are celebrating America’s kickass workers on the 4th of July to Party for Good!

Have Questions? Email Carlos@KickassforGood.com

June 5, 2017

What is Missing in My Life, I am Creating


What is Missing in My Life, I am Creating

If you haven’t figured it yet….what is missing in my life is love, more pointedly to be in love with someone who kicks-ass (loves her job)…and is looking for a life partner to love, cherish, and adore.

“Love can make two people feel like Wonder Woman, and Batman all rolled into one…every day.”

KFG-EMAIL-invite-Summer-of-Love-v3What is Missing…is What is Needed Most…

So, I am creating and sponsoring invite only fun loving celebrations in L.A. for like minded-professionals who kickass, and are committed and open to finding that special someone to be in a relationship, or settle down for good. Not matchmaking, and not dating, Kickass & Party for Good is simply a celebration that brings together (15 great men and 15 awesome women) like-minded professionals to meet in engaging, fulfilling, and meaningful ways.

What qualifies me to lead Kickass & Party for Good?

For 20 years, I have helped more than 1000 talented professionals find kickass jobs,..I am grateful and love my job. I am committed to using my recruiting expertise to enroll, meet, and qualify like minded professionals who share the same values, love their kickass jobs, and want more intimate, and meaningful loving relationships…and invite them to meet other kickass professionals at our fun loving celebrations….bringing joy to people’s lives…what a kickass life….

I am like you, I live and learned from my life….By the time I was 40 years years old, I completed my bucket list for travel. My biggest regret is not having someone special in my life to experience and share a safari with…something on my bucket list….to do…again. I have learned what I want and need from my next relationship…being open and honest about my passion and desire….how about you…

For the last 8 years, I have read hundreds of books, participated and volunteered in nonprofits at all levels, mentored men and women, created fun engaging creating writing contests (that transformed lives and communities), lead a travel service and failed to bring it to sustenance (great life lessons for 5 years), invested in my own transformational education…and truly understand that my purpose and value is to serve others with compassion, love, and care, and create something bigger than myself that is fun, joyful, and change people’s life for good.

“What if you knew this was the last year of your life, you’d come to realize that every day matters, every day is a celebration of your life, and wouldn’t your life be best experienced with someone you love, cherish, and adore….”

Start Today Kickass & Party for Good

How Can You Help Me, Help You?

Do you know a family member, friend, or co-worker (or boss) in L.A., a great man or woman who kickass at work (love their job), that is looking for that special someone? Simply, introduce them to me; Carlos@KickassforGood.com, I will take the time to get to know them, and invite them to our next fun and purposeful party for good.

For Recruiting Services