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    Kickass and Party for Good

June 30, 2017

A Fun Chapter in My Life…Zen Rizing

No One Ever Made a Difference By Being Like Everyone Else…

P.T. Barnum…Movie

A Fun Chapter in My Kickass Life…Zen Rizing

There no accidents…in life, I have been lucky enough to be aware, and fully vested to experience everything that comes my way. I am grateful to be included in some outrageously fun events….for me that is a party for good.

Every day is an opportunity to seize and make the most of it, follow your passion to kickass and party for good. In 2011, I met the band members of Zen Rizing, and fell in love with their music. They were all originally from Tennessee and Texas, and their dream was to make it big in LA, land a record deal, and have fun along the way. I was very fortunate to sponsor their road trip from LA to San Diego, on August 11, 2011. And for one day, I lived like a rockstar…and since then, my life has been a grateful life celebration.

By the way, that year, Zen Rizing, did open for the Doors at The Roxy Theater on Sunset Blvd.

I am restarting the party for good tradition this summer, 2017, and sponsoring celebrations to reward men and women who kickass…fun parties on July 3rd and 4th….stay tuned….more parties coming soon.

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June 29, 2017

Helping Teens Find Fun Gigs

teen club

No One Ever Made a Difference By Being Like Everyone Else…P.T. Barnum…Movie

How We are Different…the Smallest Amount Care Is All it Takes 

Imagine L.A. recruiters using their talent to kickass for good…mentoring teens to find fun gigs….is our reward; yes, we are real. The free service is available on Sundays from 8-11 am (starting July 9th), in Santa Monica.

  1. 1 on 1 mentoring is personal.
  2. We help teens write killer resumes, and prepare them for interviews.
  3. Teens learn how to be contributors (we answer the questions, they need).

For More Information 


Kickass & Party for Good…Join the Club

Helping Teens Find Fun Gigs

June 19, 2017

Rewarding 10 Kickass Moms Vegan Lunch


Rewarding 10 Kickass Moms Vegan Lunch

We’re Recruiting for Good and looking out for you…are you mom in L.A. who kicks-ass@work?…We love to celebrate your awesomeness on the 4th of July at one of our favorite fun Santa Monica health conscious and vegan restaurants …Flower Child ...bring your favorite child (or two) and enjoy a scrumptious fulfilling and grateful lunch on us. Limited spaces available. Must respond by no later than June 22, 2017 to secure your spot.

Why Party for Good?

Kickass & Party for Good Join the Club that rewards those who make a lasting difference in L.A. Life Often…enjoy exclusive invite only celebrations, dining, and so much more.

To learn more about our love celebrations email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com

June 17, 2017

Rewarding Party for 10 Kickass Teachers


Rewarding Party for 10 Kickass Teachers

Do you live in L.A., are you a teacher, do you kickass@work, and love health conscious food….Recruiting for Good is sponsoring a fun foodie 4th of July party for professionals just like you. That’s right we are picking up the check for 10 r Foodies+Teachers for Good and their one special BFF, kid, or significant other for a special Breakfast at Art’s Table in Santa Monica from 930-1100 am. We only have 10 spots open, and you need RSVP by no later that June 22, 2017 to reserve your spot.

We are paying for everyone’s breakfast.why? Carlos, the Founder of Recruiting for Good, used to be a teacher. And we love to celebrate professionals who kickass@work, you are the unsung heroes who get “IT” done, the leaders, the awesome team workers, you make work fun and rewarding, and prepare our young people for tomorrow’s jobs….thank you….you are the change makers…you are the 10% who tip the balance for good.

How to RSVP? Email Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com, must be 21 years old, live in L.A., be a US Citizen or US Resident, and happily employed as a teacher, no alcohol will be served...if you want to get drunk…go elsewhere, if you are looking to meet like minded friends and teachers…this party is for you.

No walk-ins will be rewarded, if you are not on the RSVP list, you will not earn a free breakfast reward. Come celebrate your freedom on the 4th of July and Party for Good.

For Recruiting Services