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    itravel for good

June 19, 2013

How Travel Helps Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty

iTravelforGood for chocbite

How Travel Helps Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty.

The number one benefit people want to have in their life is travel. You can walk into any Starbucks and ask the barrista “where would you like to travel?” And without hesitation she can spurt off three locations.


“Loyal customers, they don’t just come back, they don’t simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you.”     ~ Chip Bell


So How Do Small Businesses Create Customer Loyalty With Travel?

Create your own retreat.

-Imagine if you had a chocolate company and you created your retreat in Switzerland, and your customers traveled with you abroad to experience the world’s best chocolate.

-You have a beauty salon, and you invite your customers to travel to Fashion Week in Milan (Fashion, shoes, shopping, food, wine, sights, Italy….do I need to say anymore).

-Or like my friend Rick Benzel, editor of “Artist Way” who owns coaching writing service, created a three day retreat to help people publish their book.


 “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.” – Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon.com



Retreats Make a Difference Create Memories

The fact is no amount of spending time on Facebook or Twitter, can ever compete with spending time in person, enjoying and experiencing travel together with your customers will forever forge a memory and that makes a difference.

In fact, after your retreat, people who loved the travel experience, will tell their friends, family, and colleagues about it, and you will have even more new customers.

Creating life changing experiences with your customers, will differentiate your company from your competition; and grow your loyal customer base.


For Inspirational Entrepreneurs

If you are looking to create an ongoing retreat and grow your business through travel, consider making it free. Our SocialCo-Op collaboratively raises funds for people to sponsor free travel anywhere in the world. And we would love to help business owners in the United States build customer loyalty through free travel. Imagine if every year, your customers traveled for free on your company’s retreat.


Ever wanted to travel to fashion week? Travel next June 2014, with iTravelforgood.com shopping retreat.

Where would you like to go on a retreat?

May 3, 2013

How We Make Free Travel Possible for Daughter Mom Retreats

Excuses Begone,” Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Start living the life you desire today, don’t make money an excuse to not travel (don’t let excuses be the reasons you don’t have what you desire). Be unreasonable, and you will be unstoppable. We are using recruiting for good to empower you to travel for free and make change possible.

When was the last time that you went on a vacation with your mom and did something interesting and fun together? Why not go on a free retreat? Now you can, we launched our co-op to empower and reward collaboration, so that we can all live the life we desire; and enjoy free travel. Simply introduce an executive decision maker to Recruiting for Good to earn and redeem travel rewards with the following retreats; gastro-spiritual retreat in Spain (September 2013), foodie travel in Morocco (October 2013), explore-volunteer travel in Peru (December 2013), and several International Yoga retreats (Hawaii in September 2013, Bali in November 2013, Italy May 2014).

I start living the life I desire, “Excuses Begone.”

“I don’t make money an excuse to not travel. I am unreasonable, and unstoppable. I use recruiting for good to empower my life, make free travel and change possible.”

We look forward to serving, rewarding, and making your life enjoyable.

Join our Co-Op to get started today.

May 1, 2013

Every Day Celebrate Your Honeymoon

Everyday Celebrate Your Honeymoon. This blog was inspired by John and Sharon Bates. I met them on a conference call a couple of weeks ago. And last night I attended a “Pay It Forward Party, hosted by the Satellite Office in Santa Monica. One of the hosts Brian said you need to meet John he trains people for TED talks. I thought maybe this is the same John I spoke to on the phone. So I came over and introduce myself. And yes, it was the same John and Sharon. They talked about being married, and celebrating their honeymoon with their parents. I said, if you ever consider celebrating your honeymoon, “I would love to fund your honeymoon, my company iTravel for Good offers this service.” His response was inspiring; “We celebrate our honeymoon every day.”

It got me thinking, wow, how wonderful it is to be in a relationship with a partner where you celebrate your union, devotion, connection, intimacy, and fun every day. I am fortunate to be in a relationship with a wonderful woman who puts up with my idiosyncrasies, I am a high energy (ADD and ADHD), passionate, Mexican entrepreneur. John, thank you for inspiring me to step up my game. I am going to follow through and make my girlfriend feel special every day.

Join and celebrate your honeymoon every day.

April 30, 2013

Empowering Mothers to Pay Forward Free Travel for Daughters


Empowering Mothers to Pay Forward Free Travel for Daughters. When was the last time that you went on a vacation with your daughter and did something interesting and fun together? Now you can, we are launching our co-op and rewarding our first 100 members with double travel rewards, so that they can enjoy unique and interesting retreats. Simply introduce an executive decision maker to Recruiting for Good to earn and redeem travel rewards with the following retreats; gastro-spiritual retreat in Spain (September 2013, all land expenses paid for 2 people), foodie travel in Morocco (October 2013, all inclusive airfare and land portion included), explore-volunteer travel in Peru (December 2013, all inclusive airfare and land portion included), and several International Yoga retreats (Hawaii in September 2013 all inclusive airfare and land portion included, Bali in November 2013 only land portion included, Italy May 2014 only land portion included).

We look forward to serving, rewarding, and making life more enjoyable through travel.

Join our Co-Op to get started on funding your free mother daughter retreat today.

For Recruiting Services