Start a Business that Makes a Difference. Imagine you have this wonderful idea for a company, you dread where you work, are single mom, or you have been a homemaker for years and because of divorce, or other circumstances you have to start earning a living. You hope someday to have enough money to start your new venture, where you can earn a decent living and create the life you desire. And sometimes you wish you had a rich uncle, friend, or you won the lottery; but this is just wishful thinking.
With a great idea, and no history of success in business, you can’t walk into a bank and get a loan, and an investor won’t take you seriously. But I will. I founded Recruiting for Good, with the premise of collaboratively fundraising for people to help them make a difference. Yes, I will take you seriously, if you have the drive, determination, passion, perseverance, and willingness to work hard. I will collaboratively fundraise for you to help you achieve your dreams.
Will your company bring you freedom, provide income for you, your family, and will it make a difference in the community? Are you passionate about your business idea, is it your burning desire to make it a reality, and without it you will continue to toil away at a job you hate or pursue a career you dread? And will you regret your life if you never try to accomplish this one dream? Can you convince your family and friends of your commitment in seeing through your dream business? Then recruiting for good is the solution ready to benefit your life.
How are we different? We provide a collaborative solution that generates money on your behalf so that you can have your start-up capital without taking out a loan or risking financial ruin, and our company Recruiting for Gooddoes not own any aspect of your company. We invest in building your venture, and build you a website, pay for PR and marketing; and support you to get you started. And if you have a wonderful idea, we will continue to raise funds for you; if you so wish.
We are passionate about helping moms, single moms, and empty nest moms, and moms who have been out of the workforce but have a strong desire to recreate their life and want to have their own company.
Are you ready to get started on your new business venture? If so, contact us today for an appointment at Now serving Southern California.
10 Reasons to Fundraise for Moms. We learn how to behave, live, and be in the world from our moms. Moms empower us through their love and care; they give us meaning and purpose.
With so much economic upheaval, and broken homes, moms are left to fend for themselves, prioritize, and sacrifice their lives for the good of the family.
10 Reasons to Fundraise for Moms
1) Gratitude goes a long way; “Thank you mom for making the sacrifices necessary to make me a productive and caring human being.”
2) Mom needs to replenish her inner life batteries, and what a better way than to pamper her at the salon, spa, or with a massage.
3) Moms manage expenditures in the household, they make do with whatever they have.
4) Always looking for better ways to educate their kids, they invest dutifully in each child’s development.
5) Sometimes mom is left alone to fend for herself, not making enough money, supplementing her income could go a long way.
6) Moms make great consumers, through their shopping habits; they keep people employed, and create jobs.
7) Some moms are passionate about changing the world, and giving to community causes, so why not financially empower their philanthropy.
8) Moms teach us to love, and care for others. They know how to ask for help, and are ready to offer help; so why not empower them to do so.
9) Empty nest moms deserve to have a life they desire; start a new business, start a cause, or have a vegetable garden.
10) All moms who do good in the world, are worthy of pursuing and actualizing their passions, desires, and life long dreams.
A great example of a supermom is Cynthia. After working for years, for a company she was laid off. Sacrificing for her kids, she put them through school. And now is a grandmother, ready to start her own gardening venture. She is an inspiration to what is possible. I am blessed to have made her acquaintance, and through Recruiting for Good, we are looking to make her venture a great success.
Are you ready to fundraise for your mom? Whether she is your wife, a friend, a sister, or you are the mom (fundraising for yourself), or your own mom. I would love to help.
Our collaborative fundraising service is personal. If your mom is in NY, or in New Delhi or in Beijing, no problem. We meet people who seek our exclusive fundraising service in person (currently serving Southern California residents), and help them make a difference in the U.S. or abroad.