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January 19, 2015

5 Ways to Claim Your Freedom to Be Free

american fans for we fly for good

What Does Freedom Look Like to You?

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King.

5 Ways to Claim Your Freedom to Be Free

  • Find your passion, and follow through no matter what; commitment before ego.
  • Choose the road less traveled and make it your own, live the life you desire.
  • Use your talent to benefit yourself, your family, friends, and community.
  • Find joy in everything you do, you are the writer, director, and actor of your life.
  • Have fun, bring your passion, and share your creativity and soul with the world.

The process of freedom to be; is one foot in front of the other. Do not let others tell you how your life should be. Listen to your heart and gut, and be true to your intention. In each step you take, you are already free to be.


About My Freedom

My freedom began, the day I chose to use my recruiting talent and help people fund their travel to see the world for good.

Everyone has a purpose, what is yours?

How will you be free today?

November 24, 2014

How We Help Girl Scouts Raise Funds for Holidays?

How We Help Girl Scouts Raise Funds for Holidays? By making it fun, and rewarding. We are ramping up to use recruiting for good and sponsor Kickass for Good, a high purpose fun fitness competition for 100 L.A. moms.

How can girl scouts help….

Simply inspire moms and daughters to show up at our fun writing contests in the community….we are rewarding shopping….yes you heard right.

We have limited spaces in different places…

Barnes & Noble (300)

Lucy (150)

Athleta (150)

Bootcamp in Brentwood (sponsoring free bootcamp workout at one of the best gyms in LA, need to RSVP for this, limited to 20 moms and grandmothers only; contact carlos@kickassforgood.com).

To check out times and location of our events; click here.

We are looking to connect to moms who love to have fun, compete to get fit, and win a trip to Mexico.

How Do We Reward Girl Scout Troops?

Every mom or daughter that is referred by your troop, we will reward $1.

Girl Scout Troop Location

We are looking to connect to any troop located in the Greater LA, Beach Cities, and San Fernando Valley. All our writing competitions are located in Brentwood, Century City, and Santa Monica.

Connect with Carlos@RecruitingforGood.com to sign up your troop today. We are only looking to work with 3 troops.

Happy Holidays….from Recruiting for Good, we make fundraising fun and rewarding.

September 8, 2014

How to Sponsor 2015 World Cup Travel?

soccer for indiegogo

Imagine what your life would be like if you were able to help your family, friends, kids, and favorite nonprofit travel to the World Cup. 


100 Kids

About 2 months ago, in the midst of USA Men’s Soccer Team magical run at the World Cup, I was inspired by the message One Team. One Nation. So much so, that I decided to use my company (Recruiting for Good) to “Gift 100 Kids World Cup Trips,” and reward Fans for Good travel too.  

“I connected with ProActive Soccer Tours a sports travel specialist to manage all the logistics, I found Gonzo Soccer, a soccer nonprofit supporting girls in under-served communities (to gift trips), and connected to Fuzeus, a social media company that helps nonprofits build a following. We work together to inspire and serve fans for good; families, friends, and kids too.”

3 Reasons to Sponsor Your Community’s World Cup Travel

1) It’s fun to reward the World Cup and watch the games live with like-minded American fans.

2) The World Cup is in Canada, it’s only a five hour flight at the most, and they also speak English.

3) Follow the best team in the world; the Women’s National Team is rated #1 in the world in soccer!


How to Sponsor Your 2015 World Cup Community Travel?

You can pay out of your own pocket to sponsor and gift travel….or…..

You can use the power of your social network to help Gift Kids World Cup Trips, and earn rewards to sponsor your community’s travel.

We are using recruiting for good to help people make a difference. People participate and we generate proceeds from recruiting placements on their behalf to reward and sponsor World Cup Trips for their community; family, friends, and nonprofits.

Join to sponsor your 100….by simply helping us use Recruiting for Good

1) Introduce an executive (or hiring manager that you are familiar with) at a company, and every time he or she hires someone represented by our company (Recruiting for Good) and we earn and share our fee; to Gift 1 Kid 1 Trip and to reward 1 sponsored World Cup Trip (you choose who benefits).

2) Help a friend and earn a trip to the World Cup, refer your family and friends for jobs with Recruiting for Good, and earn sponsored trips to the World Cup.

3) Get a Job and a Trip to the World Cup send us your resume for a job (Engineering or Technology), and when we place you in a great job, we reward you too.

Sponsor Your 100, Have Fun, and Change Your Community for Good

Regardless of what city you are in, when you are at the stadium with American Fans cheering USA…USA…USA…you always belong. Join us, to follow Team USA, sponsor your 100 fans and reward the World Cup for Good.

Contact carlos@retainsourcing.com to get started today.

April 9, 2014

How to Follow U2 for GOOD

Every time, I hear ONE, it enlivens me. “Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.” Jimi Hendrix

U2….thank you for bringing joy into my life with your wonderful lyrics, music, and words. I first saw U2 live when I was 16 years old in 1985 in Los Angeles at the Sports Arena, in front of 15,000 fans. Your music has changed my life.

Twenty nine years later, Bono your words inspired me, “As a rockstar I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both,” to create We Travel for Good; our fun mission is to help people change and see the world. And now fans, like me, can see you and U2 in concert anywhere in the world……for GOOD. Thank You.

How to Follow U2 for GOOD 

1) Create your own U2 travel group; and pick destinations anywhere in the world you would love to see U2 live.

2) Participate to help us use Recruiting for Good; refer yourself for a job, refer your friends for jobs, or introduce us to executives at companies.

3) You help us generate proceeds for GOOD to fund ONE (Bono’s nonprofit fighting to end poverty), and we match monies raised to reward you travel to see U2 live anywhere in the world.


Why are We Rewarding U2 Travel for GOOD?

1) Your participation will change the world…..Travel will change your life. Every time you step into the world, you have changed it. Travel makes everyone a rockstar in life. How awesome would it be to follow U2 and see them live in Ireland, Italy, or Spain with your friends and family; and know that at the same time you helped end poverty too (every funded U2 destination with us, raises money for ONE).

2) To thank U2 for inspiring our mission.

3) Because it’s FUN to reward U2 fans for GOOD.

U2 is coming out with a new album in 2015, and will be in tour. Sign Up Here to Follow U2 for GOOD.

Must live in the United States….to qualify and participate in our social solution for good; you can gift your U2 travel rewards to anyone in the world, because it make a difference too.

If you have any questions, please email me at carlos@FollowU2forGood.com

Where would you like to see U2 live in 2015?

For Recruiting Services