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June 11, 2013

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms

collaborative fundraising

Personal Fundraising for Single Moms.

What would life be like if single moms had a personal fund to sponsor free benefits for themselves and their kids? Giving back to single moms, financially empowers families to enjoy life and that makes a difference.


Collaborative Fundraising to Enjoy Life

Why? Why not. It is 2013, and women are still only making 75% compared to men for the same jobs. We are asking moms to do more with less, especially in single parenting homes.


What Benefits are We Prepared to Fund?

Any free benefit makes a difference. Free salon services, yes. Free shopping sprees, yes (only after the kids are taken care of), Free travel, yes, Free creative education, yes, Free Dining rewards (enjoy eating out and not cooking) yes, free yoga for the entire family, free massages, and yes free chocolate too. Create a benefit, collaborate with us and we will fund it for you.


Sounds Too Good to Be True

We are a real company, with caring compassionate recruiting professionals. We are dedicating our lives to use recruiting for good. The caveat is we only help single moms in the U.S… Why? Because we love to have personal relationships with the people we serve.


But My Single Mom Lives Outside the U.S.

If you are willing to use your social contacts to benefit your mom, and you live in the U.S., we are willing to consider helping you fund your single mom, and afford her free travel or chocolates.


We Are Sorry

We apologize to all the people who take offense about the tone of this blog, and its self-serving nature to inspire collaboration, sharing, caring, and personal fundraising for single moms. We sincerely apologize.


What benefit would you like to gift your mom?


December 6, 2012

Life is Wonderful Everyone Has Great Life Benefits

What Would Life Be Like if Everyone Has Great Life Benefits? More people would enjoy life. We work so hard in the U.S., that we miss opportunities to really enjoy our fruit of our labor. We miss opportunities to be with family and friends. I often wonder if we could be more like Spain or France. Forget about their financial upheavals; they work to live. In the U.S. it seems we work to work, so one day when we are old, we get to retire and enjoy life. I think we have much to learn from countries like Germany, and Holland where long vacations and shorter work weeks do us good.

Unfortunately, in the U.S. the demands for productivity and society’s push for more is better enforces people’s need to work 50, 60, or even 70 hours a week. We are damaging the fabric of personal and meaningful relationships; resulting in stressful lives, unhappy people, and kids and spouses feel uncared for.

So, I started to think about how Recruiting for Good can make a difference, and benefit people who participate in our making a difference programs. The answer was to develop life benefits that can be paid forwarded to anyone; to benefit and make a difference in their life. Gifting benefits to make life great, now that makes a difference.

Imagine, having your own philanthropic fund, or education fund, or health/medical care fund, healthy living fund, or a fund to pay for all your parties and life events; and being able to pay it forward to anyone in your life. At Recruiting for Good, we are committed to making work happy (by finding people a great job and a great employee for our clients) and making life great (a great job, that is both challenging and rewarding, will significantly impact you and your family). Affording people opportunities to make a difference and life matter; makes our work meaningful.

One of the pleasures of life, a benefit which I hold dear is travel. I enjoy going to other countries, interacting with other people, eating and drinking strange food, and learning about what makes them uniquely wonderful.

What benefit brings joy and peace to your life? And who would you want to share it with? Or gift it too?

We fundraise for great life benefits to help you, your family, friends, and community enjoy and live a great life.

Join us today at Recruiting for Good.

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